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Everything posted by gmpd2000

  1. Latest info says 8.4 Richter Scale. There appears to be damage in some coastal cities.
  2. My house shakes every 20 minutes or so. Aftershocks sure are fun, aren't they? Also, thanks for the kind replies, guys. My family is safe, coastal cities were evacuated.
  3. Probably the whole archipelago will be in danger.
  4. The only people who die at this type of stuff here in Chile, is mainly because of: a)They get scared and they have a heart attack. b)They don't evacuate the area and tsunami strikes. c)They live in a mud house and it falls down. Unless it's really really big (like the 8.8 quake in 2010), buildings won't come down, that means, almost nobody is injured. Nah, except the 8.3 one, those are aftershocks, anything below 7.0 will be a medium-intensity-quake for us. (most of us, actually).
  5. New measurements have been made, bringing it down to 7.9 Richter, still a pretty big quake. 0 deaths as of now.
  6. And the bad part is that I live in Chile. But our buildings are fine. Tsunami warning on the coast, sucks that a large part of my family lives there. I will keep you informed as this thing progresses. And just as I'm writing this, aftershock.
  7. It's different from the normal "No Time For Caution", but it is in the soundtrack of the film. Just another version of it, and it wasn't played in the film.
  8. It's part of the soundtrack (alongside the original "No time for caution").
  9. He made the sky green, then used it as a green screen. I assume he removed the clouds also.
  10. [bELOW THIS POINT THERE ARE SPOILERS FOR THE MOVIE "INTERSTELLAR", PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK] I don't know how, but someone made it. SPOILER ALERT, LAST WARNING. They did it, and it looks amazing. (Also, the prefix for this thread should be games or films?)
  11. Please don't be dead. Don't be dead. Any progress?
  12. I've made a form for this thread! Clicky here!
  13. Maybe he's not being honest, What's his honesty parameter? (Interstellar reference)
  14. Added this thread to bookmarks for the rap battles, EPIC!
  15. Even if your ship is the greatest ship of all KSP, and will solve all of humanity's problems, if you have no pics nobody will download it. Nobody. TL;DR: No pics no clicks.
  16. Early Access Update 2 is now available.
  17. I see you quite often, and I like that avatar a lot!
  18. Should we make a First-Week-Of-August-2012 group in the forum? Because we have almost the same forum birthday!
  19. By under 13's you mean 2013, right? RIGHT?!?
  20. IN THE FORUM, NOT REAL LIFE. So, yeah, I've seen few people that are from the 2011-2012 era. I think I'm pretty old for the forum's standards, right?
  21. Heading to imperial space to buy a clipper, I'll keep you informed!
  22. The next aircraft in my series! Available for free only on the KSP forums! It will be released on the following hours or days! Preorder now by posting in this thread! Stats of the craft will be posted soon!
  23. GMT -3 Chile, now with the same timezone as Argentina! (We recently stopped using DST)
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