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Everything posted by tom1499

  1. Wow. I spent several hours on it when my laptop died on me and I was on my pre-historic linux 11 inch. USSR obliterated me. The US obliterated me. I took many risks. Too many.
  2. I presume no Half-Life mods means no G-Mod? But if you do, be wary of the community and multiplayer, 50% are mature and reasonable gamers who make some fantastic creations and 50% are whiney 11-yearolds (not that there is anything wrong with 11 year old's playing games). I suppose Arma 2 is involving, I'm not really into shooters but love Arma 2, just for the Editor. For a quick First Person Puzzle I would recommend Antichamber.
  3. Have you played Dwarf Fortress? Nothing to do with space though, completely free (as in beer) and once you get into, supremely entertaining. I would recommend the Lazy Newb Pack as it includes some textures and utilities that can ease the shock of this: And turn it into this:
  4. I did the same thing. Although I read Kadmos first, when my gaming laptop died and I had to use my 10 year old one running openSUSE this story kept me going. Hope it gets fixed soon!
  5. tom1499

    Castle Story

    Was considering getting it today. Looking at it now I think I will.
  6. OH GOD THOSE WHERE JUST SOOOO GOOOD! But mostly orbiter I suppose. I played it when I was 11. I had no clue what anything was or did, but I didn't care, I was flying a spaceship! A real spaceship! Not those unrealistic gamey ones! I loved all the buttons and switches and readouts. I would just point and turn on the engines.
  7. I got the same on my 13th. And my 14th aswell.
  8. My poor Integrated Chip can barely handle it. But the stuff I've played is pretty fun. I LOVE the destruction. It makes ramming work, and also makes DIY missiles awesomer. Love it when ships just break in half also. The bending and stuff is also good effects, such as when a corridor gets rammed and the floor bends upwards.
  9. Ok I seem to have got it with this: First: public static GameObject CoM; EditorVesselOverlays vesselOverlays; Then: vesselOverlays = (EditorVesselOverlays)GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(EditorVesselOverlays)); and finally: CoM = vesselOverlays.CoMmarker.gameObject; Case closed.
  10. How do you Mac users stand the slow, outdated and closed source Safari? It's really each to their own. Its human nature to hate what the other man has, be it better or worse.
  11. Happy Birthday! Wait wait too many presents!
  12. Look Nothke, I think I'm gonna drop out. I've discovered so far that my talent is not in modeling, but I'm more suited to coding. I haven't really contributed to the project much so i think I won't be missed greatly, you have my few models incase you wish to implement them. I will follow the project intently and wish everyone the best in getting this thing done. See ya'!
  13. Also a note on debugging: KSP does not debug well. Unity doesn't have any live editing or debugging stuff, so debugging plugins isn't the easiest. You can try doing multiple try{} catch(){} statements, or if you have a small snippets you know don't work, comment out individual lines and build, until you find the issue.
  14. Wiki has some good tutorials (some albeit slightly outdated). I've never been able to do the whole read book X thing either. Do you have an IDE? Or are you new to C#? If you have coded before then picking up a new language should be simple enough. You can choose Visual Studio, MonoDevelop or SharpDevelop, as the wiki explains. Visual studio has a free Express version, and MonoDevelop and SharpDevelop are LGPL or open-source. I would recommend Visual Studio. KSP is based on the Unity game engine so you can use the Unity scripting reference for some things. Unity Scripting reference: http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/index.html Here is C# reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/618ayhy6.aspx Here is start page for plugins on wiki: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Plugins Here are some longer examples: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Module_code_examples Also just scour around here, and also all Addons should be open source. If you are confident enough to do so, you can just peer at the Source of other plugins. On the subject of the telescope, you could just have a GUI to select a target, and point it automatically in the rough direction of the planet, or do a full on raycast system. Happy coding!
  15. Is it kinda bad that I agreed with BERTY for using the body for science?
  16. Okay, I have found it in the object editor, still doesn't give me a way to get the vectors.
  17. Title says it all. I'm looking to make a plugin that tells you the offset of the CoM and CoT indicators. EDIT: Solved! See my bottom post.
  18. All of them will die in the end and only BERTY shall remain and all the science shall be done and BERTY will enslave all of kerbalkind and it will be horrible(or awesome if you are BERTY) and also bad. Gettin' ahead of myself here though.
  19. Great story. I couldn't help but laugh when I realized what Jebs job was. MOAR.
  20. You can REALLY scale things down. To like, 1000 molecules in the sun.
  21. Oh ok awesome, nice to see a game that isn't made by Unity once in a while, they seem to be the Indie Industry leaders. Just checking out SFML it looks pretty cool. I't would be awesome of you to release the Source, when you make this, many would appreciate it I think. I might attempt a similar project in processing as I've been itching to code again recently.
  22. tom1499


    Yeah, they really are tiny.
  23. What you making it with? Unity I presume. If it's 2D you might want to wait for 4.3. Or are you doing it on MonoGame(XNA) or from scratch with openGL or DirectX? If Unity, C# or JavaScript?
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