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Everything posted by semininja

  1. I just went through the first few pages myself, and had the same experience. I spent a fair bit of time away from the community and have just started to come back, and I feel like everything's changed now, for better or worse. Back in my day... </oldman> User # 3838 according to the URL
  2. That's not a very helpful answer, KhaosCorp, especially since the suggestion is still a very legitimate one. I, personally, second it gladly.
  3. Unfamiliar name and avatar: 1/10 By the way, to whoever posts next, I used to have an animated yin/yang avatar in blue and white on a black background. Think "spinning".
  4. Wrong! It's not fall, it's descend!
  5. I can't seem to get the small LK tanks to group correctly; they don't attach when using 4x symmetry. I can attach them one at a time, but symmetry seems to cause it to think there's a collision or something. EDIT: I encounter the same problem with the large LK tanks. I think it might be a node issue, but I'm not sure. It happens when there's no chance for collision with anything but the center tank of the cluster, so I don't know what else it could be.
  6. Vanamonde, I agree; the rep system needs to be adjusted a bit to be less stringent about its restrictions on adding rep to the same person again.
  7. If you're talking about an animation, I think that depending how you do it, you might wind up with the same grain pattern, etc., on each frame. I'm not sure, though. I'd say if it's short enough and you have enough patience, do it frame by frame.
  8. You might also look into GIMP, which is a little more in-depth, but has a /ton/ of capability if used correctly. It's not as hard as it might sound.
  9. Boppish, after the form of the (somewhat dated) "foppish"?
  10. What I've found is that because of the quick falloff of atmospheric density, you can actually pitch over quite quickly and have a more efficient ascent, depending on your rocket; I typically start my turns at 5k, for example, and end the turn at 70k and 5 degrees above horizontal, which is typically much more efficient if you're going into an orbit above 150k. You can use the ascent stats to refine your profile; just start with the slider in the middle and run it toward one end a bit each time you launch; see what differences it makes.
  11. When they're in front of the CoG, they'll seem like they're pointing the wrong direction, but they're pushing the nose instead of the tail is all that's happening. It looks weird, but it should still work fine.
  12. Ion engines are by definition very low-power; that's just how ion engines work. VASIMIR-type engines are more powerful, though, and they're similar in function.
  13. If you're seeing the list of files, that's the right screen. Go to "File", then "Download".
  14. It's actually Kosmos, with a K. That should make it easier to find.
  15. What you can do is set the ascent autopilot's inclination to 90 degrees, or if you use the heading setting, 0 or 180 degrees. Be sure not to confuse the two, though.
  16. MMI's batteries recharge, as long as you don't run the batteries all the way out.
  17. Could just be carefully placed. I won't count them, but I'd bet there are 24 in each ring.
  18. Hey, any time. There were a few features that I didn't hear about until a couple releases after they were implemented. Actually, there was a hidden feature that Harv had to tell everyone about because people suggested it after it had been put in: the throttle cutoff (x key). That part rotation thing was only added recently, either in 0.15 or 0.16.
  19. You can press SHIFT+[w, a, s, d, q, or e] to rotate parts.
  20. That was a bug with an older, non-0.16-compatible version of the Zoxygene plugin. Update to the most recent version to correct that.
  21. Thank you as well for your input. Often it seems that people forget about the human behind the name on the screen.
  22. There have been some complaints about the moderation staff being overly "dictatorial" in the fulfillment of their duties, and I would like to express my support for their conduct, and to explain why. First and foremost, they are here to keep the peace. They are moderators; that is their job. You may notice my phrasing above: "fulfillment of duties". They have been selected for their roles, and if they were deemed unsuitable, they would no longer have these roles. That said, there are people above them, who ultimately hand down major decisions; one example is the mandatory posting of sourcecode for plugins. Each of these decisions is made for a good reason, and if you don't like that, the developers do not need you on their forums, which these most certainly are. In spite of the minority opinion, I have not yet seen a moderator action that I found unreasonable, and I am sure that if one of the moderators did something which truly was, appealing for a review by a superior would be a far better decision than complaining about it to the world. There's no call for that. In short: Cool off, people. They're doing their jobs as well as they can.
  23. Could there be a right-click menu like there is for the air-breathing engines?
  24. This bug applies to any engine which has Isp values instead of a fuel consumption parameter.
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