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Posts posted by ZAJC3W

  1. On 12/7/2023 at 1:28 AM, NotTheRealRMS said:


    In my opinion this series of optional contracts of the X-Planes program should give a much better reward. Over 30k funds had to be spent expanding the maximum wingspan the hangar can build aircrafts with. This design had to use relatively expensive to tool aluminum stringer tanks, but because currently I'm getting far more unlock credits than funds each day I still tooled it, and it is flimsy, any high G turns will break the 0.1 mass-strength multiplier wings and 0.2 control surfaces another risky move to ensure the mass of this very Kerbal aircraft for RO standards doesn't get too high for it to reach that ridiculously high altitude for a mid 1950s jet engine.

    I'm sure there are more elegant solutions to achieve this within the 40m max width of the starting hangar than to attach an overpowered at sea level jet engine (over 1.7 TWR)  and huge wings to a X-1 cockpit, or maybe wait until later, better jet and turbofan engines get unlocked, but in mid 1958 the X-planes deadline will happen so I'm trying to cram as many optional achievements into it while there is time in this career mode.

    And that is not even the "real" mission. It took over 1 hour of in game time to climb to 30km and return to land, with difficulty, on the runway: you have to keep decreasing climb speed as you get higher, over and over to not lose so much speed you can't level flight at 30km, at the last leg it was limping at only 3m/s climb speed. I can't even believe any real X-planes program did a manned aircraft with a jet engine that beat that altitude record, definitively not in 1956. There were also things that'd make it even more frustrating but were not necessary, such as reducing the wings mass-strength ratio so much that they break at 4x time warp  if it was still too heavy to get that high up.

    This better be the last of these stratospheric subsonic flight missions in RP-1, no way I'm trying another one that wants me to "reach level flight with a jet X-Plane at 35km for 5 minutes" or something like that.

    PS: It really is tangential to the rest of the program, which is focused on designing ever faster, heat-resistant experimental aircraft to go ever higher up and eventually reach outer space as the final goal, instead of this, which is useless for anything else than its intended optional missions. I suppose you could use it as a basis for one that can somehow climb a bit past 40km to gather science at high altitude, but why?

    It's pretty easy to reach that altitude with xlr11, rocket engine plane. No need for massive wingspans, you can reach karman line  with 1957 tech with either quad engined rocket plane or hybrid propulsion plane with 2 jets and rocket engines kicking in at 15k altitude. I can dig out mu old crafts for reference(approx 2-3 years old), if i recall correctly karman line mission with quad engined rocketplane lasted 15-20  minutes with 7-8 minutes powered stage.

  2. 4 hours ago, atomontage said:

    However, I think its basically the same context: if its DRM free just for the sake of modding, shouldn't it also be portable? Whats the point of having a highly moddable DRM free game and not being able to test multiple copies on the same PC?

    You could work around this by using multiple user accounts, but it sucks.

    All settings, saves, and what looks like logs land in c:\Users\%username%\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\

  3. 5 minutes ago, justmeman117 said:

    Wasn't when I played it back then (2013 I think?). Back then I had a crappy laptop, no GPU, and 3 gb of ram. I distinctly remember frame rates starting at like 30fps, then going down from there depending on what I was doing. Systems have come a long way since then. I'm sure if I went back and played 0.18.3 on my current system, I wouldnt have frame rate issues too.

    Back then I had core2 duo e8400(now my CNC router brain) and low profile radeon hd7xxx and don't recall framerate issues.

    I have 3070(dell OEM crappy one) and ryzen 5600 and KSP2 runs smooth, but nothing seems to work as intended, from VAB trough staging to trajectory plotting.


  4. On 2/24/2023 at 2:05 PM, Alexoff said:

    Nothing, KSP2 is blocked for purchase in my country.

    Good,  you saved bunch of money and lots of frustration with a "game" where nearly nothing works.

    Bought this lemon, played for 90 minutes trying to build and launch a moon landing capable vessel, closed the game after not succeeding.

    Maxed out graphics is pixelated and loks like anisotropic filtering and antialiasing are off(both on, toggled and re-checked)

    VAB is half funcional

    staging is broken bayond 1 engine per stage

    Part manager breaks when staging breaks so even manual engine activation is not possible

    EVA has 50% chance of sumoning kraken

    manoeuvre gizmo sucks

    Trajectory plotter has 50% chance of showing capture/escape nodes in revrerse.

    Trajectory plotter lacks ability to display selected node info(ap/pe altitude) when manoeuvre gizmo is active, making trajectory adjustment major PITA.

    We were promised feature cut version to ensure quality and we got ksp0.18.3 free demo feature list with ksp0.11 bug list.

    removed and do not plan reinstalling for next 12 months.


  5. On 11/23/2022 at 5:17 AM, JamesonKerbal said:

    Sandbox games don't make sense.

    Try playing career, makes even less sense.

    Huge ISRU converters, tundra pioneer,PDU and storage  modules are unlocked for 90sci in tier 1 research centre.

    First tiny drill is unlocked 2 research centre upgrades later for 550sci  together with  ranger "starter" ISRU converters and with WOLF cargo containers.  Where is the logic here?




  6. 21 hours ago, t_v said:

    Right, I can pretty much tell that you have not taken a look at the game and you won't change your opinion based on evidence, and I don't have to try to understand you any more than you've tried to understand the situation. But on the off chance that you really want to like this game and you are willing to look at the game to decide whether you like it or not, this forum has lots of photo and video evidence of work that the team has done beyond UI. 

    You can check the Show and Tell and Dev Diaries subforms (within the KSP 2 section that this subform is in) to see some examples of this. The UI has indeed ben overhauled in all scenes, from the VAB/SPH to flight to map mode, but there is a lot more.

    The physics and collisions systems have also been overhauled, making collisions consistent even at very high speeds.

    The terrain, atmospheric, and other visual systems have also been revamped, bringing KSP 2's base visuals up to par with visual mods, and implementing technical features that enable modders to make the next generation of visual mods even more spectacular.

    A plethora of new parts, many procedural, have been added which will make building and flying craft much nicer, even without the UI improvements.

    If you are tired of the bugs and annoyances that KSP 1 is filled with, KSP 2 has already shown that it fixes many of those - something that I would pay for on that fulfilled promise alone. The remaining ones, such as kraken attacks and lag, are either not provable until we get our hands on the game (I haven't seen any unintended behavior yet, so I'll have to test it for myself) or not able to be determined at this stage in development. 

    All of that is at release. If that is not enough for you that is fine. But, if you are making your decision based on the assumption that the remaining features will take decades or more to implement, then I would advise you to look at some of the evidence.

    First, we have been shown assets for interstellar scale parts, along with related engine effects and interaction with other parts. We have also seen assets for other star systems, which pretty much means they are done since the planets don't have complex machinery going on in them. And we have seen assets for colony parts, including animation for a crane part that could be scrapped by now.

    Beyond that visual evidence, members of the team talking about progress on the game have mentioned that multiplayer has been working in various states for a while now, and have talked about testing various systems that are not there on release. You might wonder, "if the assets and coding for these systems are done, why not release them right away?" Well, once again there is evidence to help inform our decisions.

    The conclusion I've reached is that these systems are not done, mostly because of a few lines in the latest feature video. The team needs more time to focus on polishing individual sections rather than releasing all of it in an unbalanced mess. We have seen they have the assets, we can be reasonably certain the technical foundations for multiplayer are there, the only thing left is optimizing and balancing the half-finished systems. Coding takes a long time, but certainly not decades long from this point in development.

    I do hope you're right and it won't take ages to get ouf of sandbox. My hype deflated greatly by the end of 2021 and died completely now.

    Looking back at KSP roadmap(I bought it in 0.14 or 0.15) I really can't muster any optimism, one can hope new blood in dev team would help, but I'd rather expect total flop and be positively surprised.

  7. On 7/29/2022 at 7:36 AM, Krazy1 said:

    On Hesse, I found double-clicking in the Map view resets the target selection. This usually happens when quickly clicking the flight plan controls. Double-clicking the background outside the mod windows always resets the target. Double-click within mod windows sometimes resets it but it's not consistent. It would be nice to fix this so only the Clear button resets the target.

    AFAIK it's a core/stock KSP behavior, nothing to do with principia code.

  8. 20 hours ago, eggrobin said:

    I should rewrite the first post someday; that section aged poorly :-)

    While atmospheric drag would likely take quite a bit of work in and of itself, the real difficulty would be that, as you point out, it would make things unplayable without stationkeeping to match. Stationkeeping is not happening in the foreseeable future; it would involve thrusting in timewarp (its own rabbit hole of messy interactions with KSP), optimization to figure out when to thrust (which is hard, though at least interesting), and figuring out how the player should specify what properties of the orbit are being kept (so something like the orbit analyser, but with input instead of being an already overwhelming read-only report).

    Solar radiation pressure is similar.

    I'm thinkig as i type so bear with me.

    Or, you could simplify it all.

    Calculate station keeping cost in dV/day.

    Put vessel on rails and deduct propellant based on time spent on rails, that's roughly how station keeping in OrbitalDecay mod worked.

    Sounds simple but putting vessel "on rails" would probably mean rewriting half of the integrator.(I know nothing about it)

    On the other hand thrusting in timewap would potentialy work better with limited ignitions engines like in realism overhaul, that's assuming ignition counter would be affected.

    I wish I had the skill to help more than just throw ideas around.


    Big prolem with atmospheric drag and solar pressure is that their influence strongly depends on vessel orientation, unless vessel is a sphere.
    I think every principia player would appreciate station keeping that  "just" deals with orbital perturbations.

    Maybe starting point would be adding flight  planner option to calculate burn to return to current orbit in user selectable number of days?


  9. On 7/23/2022 at 9:50 PM, Kaduloso_007 said:


     I'm really enjoying using this mod and it's one of my favorites, but I learned that another mod called Orbital Decay conflicts with this one. I would like to know if it is possible (in one of the future updates) for Principia to put the same idea of having an orbital decay in relation to atmospheric drag, radiation pressure and among other factors? I was missing having this in the Principia mod and I was in this doubt.

     Thanks in advance!

    Orbital decay was discussed/proposed before. Around 2016/2017 if my memory serves...

    TBH I as much as I enjoyed it(orbital decay mod) in non principia games I don't miss it one bit with Principia.

    Give it a go, when your comms network won't last a month due to orbit perturbation, only thing you'll miss will be your sanity ;)
    First post mentions orbital decay as a thing "relatively easy" to add once the mod is playable ;), but at this stage I don't thing there is anything easy about this(amazing) mod.
    And there are always other things do improve, add or bugs to smash, so iguess it slipped to the bottom of the to-do list.

  10. On 2/5/2014 at 12:19 AM, eggrobin said:


    For the new moon (lunation number 278), the new release (Hesse) is out.

    • All Principia windows now have a close button in the upper-right corner.

    Yes, Yes, Yesssssss. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!

    It's as big as adding numeric input fields to flight planner.




  11. 19 hours ago, Arrowstar said:

    Go redownload KSPTOT from the first post in this thread and let me know if that works for you.  Should be fixed now.

    Thank You, it works as intended now.

    How do I extend bodies trajectories integration cache past 86400000s(just over 3.5years)?

    I could work with short cache just adjusted to revelant time span, currently past  200000000s(just over 7 years).

    19 hours ago, Arrowstar said:

    Yeah, that would probably be impossible to implement in a way which is satisfactory to everyone.  But I'll think about it some more, it's a good idea, even if it'd be a ton of work!

    Don't think too much on my account, it wont be very useful for RSS since drag model kOS script works only for stock system(maybe upscaled too), and I doubt id would work for FAR either.

    Anyways, the LVD automation could be easier trough kOS rather than KSPTOT_connect plugin, but i have to admit my programming knowlege is very limited.


    For anyone looking for direct moon ascent solution HERE is kOS script collection by RCrockford. "Polar direct ascent.ks" is the one, it won't work with Atlas style 1/2 stage LV though, and won't work unless it's invoked manually.

  12. KSPTOT noob question alert!!! ;)

    But first things first:  Thank You @Arrowstarfor your amazing work.

    Not 100% noob tried 1.5.0 with RSS/RO-RP1/Principia with dissapointing results.

    I see very impressive changelog including n-body support.

    I'm reding trough LVD tutorial and my question is:

    How do I transfer that gloriously optimised flight path into KSP?

    kOS script export?

    I'm looking for a tool to plan and execute luna style direct ascent moon transfer. KSPTOT seems perfect for planing, execution however is where I'm lost at.


    I'm still playing RSS/RO-RP1/Principia - yes I'm a masochist ;)



    loading bodies.ini generated from my RSS+principia save fails


    Unrecognized function or variable 'p99'.
    Error in KSPTOT_BodyInfo/setBaseBodySurfaceTexture (line 470)
    Error in processINIBodyInfo (line 114)
    Error in mainGUI_App/loadBodiesFromFile_Callback (line 538)
    Error in appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService/executeCallback (line 138)
    Error in matlab.apps.AppBase>@(source,event)executeCallback(appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService.instance(),app,callback,requiresEventData,event) (line 63)
    Error using matlab.ui.internal.controller.WebMenuController/fireActionEvent
    Error while evaluating Menu Callback.

    there is no p99 in the bodies file - it loads after reducing bodies count to 30(there is 32)

    Am I right thinking that i should add "propType = numerical_integration" to each body to make them true principia compatible?

    if so it fails same way as supplied bodies_stockprincipia.ini file. loading it produces "integrating trajectories" dialog and then hangs


    Unable to resolve the name 'obj.getAngVelWrtOriginAndRotMatToInertial'.
    Error in GlobalBaseInertialFrame/getOffsetsWrtInertialOrigin (line 21)
    Error in AbstractElementSet/convertToFrame (line 67)
    Error in CelestialBodyIntegration/integrateCelestialBodies (line 72)
    Error in CelestialBodyData (line 58)
    Error in mainGUI_App/loadBodiesFromFile_Callback (line 539)
    Error in appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService/executeCallback (line 138)
    Error in matlab.apps.AppBase>@(source,event)executeCallback(appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService.instance(),app,callback,requiresEventData,event) (line 63)
    Error using matlab.ui.internal.controller.WebMenuController/fireActionEvent
    Error while evaluating Menu Callback.





  13. I found a bubu in latest  ART configs, issue raised on github.

    In all bleeding edge releases parts were moved to "Parts" folder but their configs don't reflect that change resulting in parts not loading.

    MassDrivers and Separators  are affected:

    fix for mass driver:

        model = UmbraSpaceIndustries/ART/Parts/MassDriver/MassDriver
        texture = Difuse, UmbraSpaceIndustries/ART/Parts/MassDriver/Difuse
        scale = 2.5,2.5,2.5



  14. 20 hours ago, TycoonTitian01 said:

    do you have physics range extender on? sometimes that causes strange things to happen

    Nope,  I'll try to reproduce this on vanilla +MKS


    Tested with only expansions, deadly reentry(halves part max temp) Umbraspaceindustries bleeding edge 2 and hyperedit 

    And problem is gone, NF electrical next ...


    I give up, reinstalled all mods one by one, testing same crafts every time with no explosions.

    Moved my save to new install, landed once without explosion, just to see it explode on second landing, like chasing a ghost.


  15. 24 minutes ago, Parmenio said:

    Maybe a silly question, but do you have the thermals deployed? Also, are the thermals attached directly to the PDU or to another part of the station?

    Not as silly as you may think, thermals are deployed, they are attached directly to PDU even though they don't have to - radiators are cooling only directly attached parts, thermal control systems cool ship wide.

    It happens only while approaching with another vessel, even with reactor shut down when core temp didn't drop below 800k before flying/switching away.

    Loading from tracking station or from another vessel in map view  works fine.



  16. Duna PDU explodes due to overheating despite having  sufficient cooling.

    I have aPDU with 2 medium thermal control systems attached  and landed on the mun. Required cooling is 200kW, and 500kW available.

    When loading after approx 1h(landing another base part) PDU explodes seconds after being loaded with f3 log saying it exploded due skin temperature exceeding max temperature (850) .

    Wha am I doing wrong?

  17. Mod looks great, new features look promising too.

    I would like to bring attention to the fact that  Kerfabricator allows fabrication of unresearched parts.

    That's for USI bleeding edge 2.



    one question about catchup mechanics:

    Lets assume i have drill extracting 100 ore a day, and converter processing 100ore a day into 100lqd fuel a day, plus storage for 1000 ore and for 10000lqd fuel

    If time warp while sitting there I will fill the fuel tank in 100days

    What happens when I time warp 100 days while watching KSC?

    will I get full fuel tank or

    will I get 1000 fuel as that's my ore tank capacity? - sadly this is the case, WOLF makes even more sense now.










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