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Everything posted by NAMROG

  1. Is there a reason why MM would be seriously lagging my game? I've noticed it's the one mod that's killing my frames. I've only got Remote tech and FAR installed.
  2. KSP tends to crash when I either recover a craft or switch back to the editor. I tried removing all my mods but the basics that I like, problem persists. Mod list bellow, along with log file. Please help! http://i.imgur.com/Giers54.png https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B6EiuPeozzXKfklRTEkwc1ZpbHV0bjhYV1Rld2RocjljM2NTRHFFd0VtTDFpbzNpRHdBdzQ&usp=sharing
  3. Log says mono.dll. I'm aware that happens with too many mods, but my mods + squad are less than 1 gb so I don't see why it would be so laggy and crashing.
  4. I recently noticed that if I go on EVA, the entire game runs amazingly smoothly. But the moment I get back in the spacecraft, the lags and crashes come back. I asked on Reddit why this might be, and someone suggested maybe it's because of the cockpit view? So I'd like to know if something exists, or can be made, to stop the game from rendering the cockpit while not playing from inside it.
  5. I have this problem where the game crashes and when I reload it, all my saved ship designs are deleted and replaced with a single command pod. What could be causing the problem? Mod list: KSP: 1.0.2 (Win32) - Unity: 4.6.4f1 - OS: Windows 8.1 (6.3.9600) 64bit USI Tools - 0.4.1 Chatterer - Community Resource Pack - 0.4.2 Contract Configurator - 1.1.3 Contract Pack: Anomaly Surveyor - 1.1.2 Contract Pack: Kerbal Space Station - 1.4.1 Contract Pack: RemoteTech - 1.1.3 Contract Pack: SCANSat Lite - 1.1 Contract Pack: Grand Tours - 0.1.5 Spacetux - 0.3.4 Contract Pack: Unmanned Contracts - 0.3.9 DangIt - 0.6.1 DMagic Orbital Science - 1.0.3 Firespitter - 7.1.2 KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.1.5 Modular Rocket Systems - 1.6.5 ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.0 Final Frontier - RCS Sounds - 4.3 Regolith - 0.1.2 RemoteTech - 1.6.5 AmpYear - 0.16 SCANsat - 1.1.2 SmartParts - 1.6.5 StageRecovery - 1.5.6 Asteroid Mining Technologies - 0.1.1 USI Exploration Pack - 0.4.1 Freight Transport Tech - 0.4.1 Karbonite - 0.6.2 Karbonite Plus - 0.4 MKS - 0.30.3 VenStockRevamp - 1.8
  6. I mean, in the original an unextended one was limited to atmospheric work. Maybe I'm missing something here, but how exactly does one expect to launch a probe unmanned if the antenna doesn't work at launch?
  7. So I have a question. Why is it that the antennas have zero range before being extended? This seems silly.
  8. So I noticed you set the music to only occasionally play. What do I have to do so that interstellar music only plays?
  9. Gotta ask. Where on earth did you get Beep_11 from? I keep remembering it from some sci fi I've long forgotten the name of.
  10. I seem to have a problem with some of the engines. RD-0146 RD-0440 Both smoke in the VAB, but are also not visible icons in the stage launcher.
  11. Not sure if this has been discussed before, but while searching for planet maps, I found the original open source map of Kerbin. Granted Kerbin is just a mirror image of the map. None the less, could be interesting for anyone pondering home world activities in the future of the program http://libnoise.sourceforge.net/examples/complexplanet/index.html Map of the source planet: http://libnoise.sourceforge.net/examples/complexplanet/images/planet.jpg Kerbin for comparison: http://www.majhost.com/gallery/borna123456/GTPlanet/kerbin_colour.png
  12. iWork925, that's a perty looking heap right there! What are some of the mods you used? I'm already wondering about the scale of the rocket you used to get that thing into orbit! WELL DONE!
  13. Personally I wouldn't mind if we kept the red planet named "red planet". They'd be Reds as an adjective.
  14. You....made a reaper....HOLY [FLUFFY BUNNIES]. Get some laserbeams on that thing and you've got the Leviathan from Disney's Atlantis!
  15. I call that style. I'm a huge fan of black and white with red. It's not about seeing everything. It's about focusing on what counts, and seeing what you can do without.
  16. I'm an artsy hipster architect major. I make dis look good:cool:
  17. Rendezvous over the Min. ... A thing I made for my first lander returning from the Min.
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