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Everything posted by angusmcbeth

  1. Oh! ...getting cross chatter from some not too distant awesome trackyness thread!!!! EDIT: Ahhh now I see the quote! and it all makes sense!!
  2. Thanks Chickenplucker.....loved the airbags you did a while back.!!
  3. @ Electronicfox avatar that gets hypnotic after a while. *refreshes screen*
  4. Ahh right, I get what you mean (I think). So a springy suspension would look better if the springs were verticle?
  5. I made Skylon , but not with B9. It was a while ago now 0.18 I think, I can only find a few pictures. Here's the only decent one.
  6. I'm thinking more along the lines of this https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=star+trek+ships&rlz=1C1FLDB_enGB512GB513&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=WryzUfX-AauY0AX1h4DgBg&ved=0CAoQ_AUoAQ&biw=1152&bih=763#rlz=1C1FLDB_enGB512GB513&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=star+trek+constellation&oq=star+trek+constellation&gs_l=img.3..0l2j0i24.191284.198301.0.200154.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47534661,d.d2k&fp=b7aa91d21dbe195b&biw=1152&bih=763&facrc=_&imgrc=lNGilteioqdCQM%3A%3BxHw8Oj1cqiluMM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fimages.wikia.com%252Fstexpanded%252Fimages%252F4%252F4a%252FConstellation_Class.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fstexpanded.wikia.com%252Fwiki%252FFile%253AConstellation_Class.jpg%3B1000%3B286
  7. I look forward to trying these. I'll be sure to post some screenshots!!
  8. OK, someone has to ask, but its not gonna be me:)
  9. I thought about it, I really did, but decided it was a terrible joke
  10. Size? oh, I really need to think about that. Think Dune Buggy!!! Rear suspension, big long springy stuff. Hold on a tick till I find a picture. Here, check these bad boys out!! https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=dune+buggy+rear&rlz=1C1FLDB_enGB512GB513&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=Gq6zUfKnFYftPMn-gdgN&biw=1152&bih=763&sei=H66zUfOZFcnC0QXwqIHwBw#um=1&rlz=1C1FLDB_enGB512GB513&hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=dune+buggy+rear+suspension&oq=dune+buggy+rear+suspension&gs_l=img.3..0.71207.74744.0.75054.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47534661,d.d2k&fp=baeb3f29a367f79b&biw=1152&bih=763&facrc=_&imgrc=veloffCmQOVk1M%3A%3BrO5gWvPiZtNYhM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.sportbuggies.com%252Fimages%252FBaja%252520TDGK-1800cc%252520Buggy-rear.JPG%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.sportbuggies.com%252FOff-Road-Buggies-Baja%252520-1800.htm%3B500%3B375 Are these possible in KSP?
  11. @ Zitronen Nice, see my edit in my first reply!! Mk 2 coming along now. I have 'borrowed' some precision pipe benders from the Rubber Band Inc factory next door!
  12. Both of those would be brilliant, if I was clever enough to make such devices of maGikery and Witchcraft!
  13. Very nice! do they work as stock or did you make a plugin?I ask because I am wondering if it is possible to make a set of ksp wheels with a long travel soft suspension with good dampening?
  14. Haha! those are brilliant! did you make them?? Thanks for the pics!
  15. Sorry Kris I have absolutely no idea. Good luck with this buddy. It all looks fine to me. EDIT:but then again, I'm new to this, I'm sure there is someone who will know.
  16. Hiya Countrykris will it attach if you turn off part clipping in debug?
  17. So you are proposing that something may or may not possibly be or not be happening sometime soon? Thanks for the update! I'll send the file as soon as I get to my PC !! Cheers Electronicfox!!
  18. Yes, this is very annoying. As a workaround, upload it as a private mod, then change it over to public once it is uploaded. It should upload pretty much instantly.
  19. LOL you did read the disclaimer smallprint on the bottom didn't you?
  20. Ohhhh yeah! I'm gonna have fun with these when they are finished cooking. I've been watching this thread a while now. They are beautifully animated. Well done you guys, can't wait!!!!!!
  21. Thanks for the positive feedback all!! @Tommygun, thanks for the screenshot, I knew someone would make something like this, but I did not expect it to be made Ion powered! Did your magnificent flying machine take off unaided? and can it sustain flight till the Xenon runs out??? Thats very cool. Pure Quality Man! EDIT: and can you land it without breaking the wheels?? @Kommitz, My stock rovers usually end up covered with struts for a rollcage, my bronze-age PC does not like high part counts, so I'm making this. Thank you for your kind words. It is kinda ok to use as it is, but the next one will be much better. @anarkhon Thank you!! I hope you will like the Mk2 when its ready!! I missed your post earlier, sorry!
  22. Brilliant, this is looking superb. Have you decided how many Kerbals this will fit? I can see more seats in the background of your last image:)
  23. oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh! Hold on a moment! I need to read this again.... oooooohhhhhhh!!!
  24. @ Electronicfox I have been watching those tracks for a while now. Looking forward to them big time! They look quite good next to my superior mesh! (lol JK:sticktongue: )
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