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Everything posted by BigFatStupidHead

  1. Well, it IS a thrust governor... Terrible, terrible puns aside, this looks like just what I need. It would be fantastic if you could have the extra throttle controls made to resemble the stock throttle gauge, and add key-binding to them as well.
  2. That was a little cryptic, wasn't it? I mean to say that the small gear bay landing gear do not have physics while in flight; they only appear to have physics while in the VAB.
  3. Very nice tutorial; I'm certain this will help a lot of people. I'd like to mention aircraft landing gear are massless and dragless while in flight.
  4. Additionally, you mentioned a reaction wheel located in the centre of your ship? Reaction wheels work better with more leverage, so get them as far from your centre of mass as you can.
  5. Glad to hear Chatterer will be in good hands. Good luck, Iannic-ann-od, and may your future projects be as great as this one!
  6. Ooh, another amazing project from Nova! It gives me a reason to look forward to .23!
  7. Fair enough. It might be useful to have a notgoingup clause (vertical speed < = 0) replace mustgodown in the future, but it's fully workable as is for now. Thanks!
  8. A question about the mustgodown clause: How does it work with strictly horizontal movement, like on a drag racer?
  9. ANd I've been waiting FOREVER for the jelly donut dispenser, too. Get back to work!
  10. I agree, that is a very interesting looking engine. Somewhat frightening, too. It would be fantastic if you could animate the little gauge on the side. The smaller engine is nice, but looks far too delicate when compared to the other.
  11. All elements are working error free on linux. And the gui is lightweight and uncluttered. Great work!
  12. The clouds are not showing up correctly for me. This is on Linux 64.
  13. You know, I hate separating out decouplers and sepratons two-by-two to do asparagus staging as well! I do believe I will try this out.
  14. I am far too dignified to utter a girlish squeal of delight, but that sorely tempts me to do so.
  15. Sorry; long time, no respond. Yes, what you've mentioned would definitely do. Even being able to expand/contract the beeps and chatter sections independantly would really tidy things up. I know I don't need to see the booping menu on manned ships, and the chatter menu for my probes. EDIT: Actually, I really liked ol' .1, with nothing but a volume control. What if it was just volume controls (three, I guess; for chattering booping, and the upcoming muziker-ing), with an options button that pops out the rest?
  16. Here's my first SSTO spaceplane, the Stiletto - d. Though it currently lacks everything desired for a spaceplane: no docking ports, no RCS, and no solar panels; and has equally little appeal as a high altitude jet: a lack of control authority, a very dangerous twin-engine design, a difficult ascent profile, not quite enough intakes, and a touchy take-off; it made it to space and back to the KSC. I am very proud.
  17. Glad you're merging the two. Chatterer has always run flawlessly for me, whereas Muziker has never made so much as a peep. The only problem I've had with newer Chatterer is that the UI has gotten a little overwhelming compared to the original. Would you be able to shrink it back down, maybe through hiding much of the stuff in an 'Advanced Options"?
  18. Sometimes, part clipping causes phantom forces that cause spin. Small girders are known to be a particularly bad offender for this. I couldn't see anything wrong in your design, but you might want to check for this as well. Edit: Actually, how are those tanks attached to the sides of the girders? That might be enough.
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