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Everything posted by zapy97

  1. granted but it is so good everyone gets jealous and kills you for it i wish that i couldn't die
  2. mine is 12112.2m/s [ATTACH=CONFIG]34514[/ATTACH] my calculators dont have the equation so can someone help me with that
  3. unlimited wishes an army of daleks becoming the ultimate dalek
  4. banned for blinking at the weeeping angel
  5. banned for living in the stomach of an extinct fire bird
  6. granted but they want a hug so they send you in anyway i wish i had a wish
  7. granted but it is poisened so you die a few minute later i wish that i had a realife dalek that did my biding
  8. granted but they begin the final sanction and destroy all reality i wish the cult of skarro was still around
  9. how does that little thing have 150 parts?
  10. granted but you internet is so fast everyone get jealious and come to kill you for your internet i wish people would read my last edit faster
  11. granted only when it sets it sets for the last time meaning that the planet you are on begins orbiting like the moon, as in the dark side of tthe planet stays dark so you get trapped there forever and freeze edit: wish i had a wish
  12. if i recall correctly the makeup of a solar panel is non envirementally friendly, but what am i saying i am a dalek cool design though
  13. i am thinking of entering Maple-Zap CO in on this when we get it set up for launch
  14. banned for loving the launch tower
  15. granted but you are a dalek that came from a human genetic chane so you hate your own existence and you are supremely insane i wish i was an amasing person who flew around the universe in a TARDIS, and was a timelord
  16. granted beut the cockpit lags so bad that it make your computer cause a black hole i wish i was the first man on mars
  17. granted but you are in a zoo of horribly handycapped zalcons I wish i had complete control of the world
  19. granted but the boosters explode horribly and cause the game to crash on startup forever i wish i was a dalek
  20. banned for not destroying the launch tower
  21. post some screen shots of your planes and i will judge them
  22. Hello and welcome to Maple-Zap CO Rockets and Planes. Where epic failure is always optional. We have the best in rockets, planes, and mobile launch pads that money can buy (cheaply) We here are a truly stock based society (mostly) Currently we have three catagories of ships Space planes: Y-10 next post Rockets: Orbiter 4 TELs: MLP-1 and we are always adding more to the fleet. Our ultimate Aim is simple to help the average Kerbal Space Programs to be ready to launch many new explorers, defenders, colonizers, and orbiters, all across the Kerbol system. Employees: Owners: Zapy97-Maple51 engineers: BomberJV,adenrules TO APPLY: Post pictures, give us honest answers and be cheerfully a dalek (just joking I am the only dalek here)
  23. okay i will create a new thread for our company
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