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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. My approach is having a spaceplane main section to which i attach conventional booster rockets for going to space. Also I like to attach some plane parts to my rockets so my center of drag is behind my center of mass and I get better control during ascend of my rocket.
  2. The song is El Brujo by Wo Fat. Found it with the youtube search after uploading the video.
  3. I designed a low tech VTOL for my career game: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/131734-Scratcorp-Dragonfly-MK-1-VTOL
  4. The Dragonfly is a versatile stock craft which flies very similar to a helicopter while still easy to handle without SAS. Except for landings... This is the reason we equipped it with 4 parachutes. Download here (joystick recommended): https://www.dropbox.com/s/g0bg1vuddopt58f/Dragonfly%20I.craft?dl=0
  5. I use part clipping to make the crafts look better but don't use it to stack things that wouldn't be possible in real life. For example yesterday I clipped aerodynamic nose cone fuel tank and basic jet engines with the wings. Something like this:
  6. Just started a new career last week and built a Rocket Rover for visual survey missions. It's able to fly to its destination and then drive comfortably to nearby waypoints:
  7. Its stable but you should read this if you get trouble: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Linux
  8. I also had a ksp like dream. I watched the testflight of the first ftl capable ship constructed but it ripped itself appard in the atmosphere. we found shelter from the parts raining down on us but then some apemen atacked us. The night before i had a creepy dr who dream where 'the silence' atacked earth and me and my friends were the only ones defending earth. this or i am a timelord and need to find my watch
  9. In windows I had problems with ram usage but I got it to work on my linux partition and launched my first sounding rockets
  10. Hi, nice video and thank you for pointing out the mod packs. This was exactly what I was looking for and I think I will start a new game with the same configuration now.
  11. My system to launch SSTO Shuttles to a suborbital trajectory: 100% reusable and works fine for stock KSP. For Far I will have to tweak the aerodynamics.
  12. Once in an older version I went accidently on eva on reentry and jeb could not grab the pod and fell down. I thought this was the end but he had enough horizontal speed to bounce of many times from the ground and stand up after a very long facebrake. My only thought were: okaaaaay?!?
  13. Hi, I decided to record a video of every big step in my modded career game. I just reached space for the first time but I am not able to get to orbit yet due to real solar system so my first video here is a short optical survey mission with a lowtech two stage rockeplane:
  14. I'm doing optical survey missions in my early career Rocketplane with Real Solar System, Far and Kerbal Construction Time mod installed:
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