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Everything posted by Beowolf

  1. And nearly two years later, I'm STILL happily using this mod. Thanks!
  2. That worked! Thank you, HebaruSan. I'd even looked at the key bindings but didn't see the one I needed.
  3. I'm back to KSP after most of a year away, to play with the final version. For years, one of the mods I used would cut my time warp whenever I pressed "x" to cut throttle. I fell into the habit of always using "x" to stop warping, whether engines were firing or not. It was just faster. Now that I'm back after a long time away, I can't figure out which mod that was. I went through an old Gamedata folder looking up every mod, but this was apparently a minor side-effect rather than an advertised feature. Anybody know which mod that was? Or another way to accomplish the same thing? I've used "x" to cut time warp for so long it's become a conditioned reflex. Every time I have to stop warping now, I lose a couple of seconds from finger-confusion. Thanks in advance!
  4. I think we play differently. I just counted: I have 11 missions currently active. That doesn't include commsats and empty bases and such. This was 11 alarms defined in Kerbal Alarm Clock for upcoming mission events I'll have to respond to. Obviously most of those were unmanned, because I sure don't have eleven pilots available, though I make it a habit to do every "stranded Kerbal" contract I see. So I want all the pilots I can get my hands on. Hey, Valentina, welcome to the team! Do you have any younger sisters or nieces who might be interested in a pilot training scholarship? My space center is hiring.
  5. I can't get beamed power working. It's possibly the same problem as LastStarDust, but I can't tell. I unzipped a vanilla KSP 1.2.2, and installed nothing but KSPI-E mandatory components via CKAN. Then I built two simple ships for static testing, and still can't get them working. All the numbers look right AFAIK, except for Effective Thermal Power rapidly dropping to zero. But maybe I'm just missing something. It's been a long time since I played with KSPI beamed power. It wasn't easy then, either. Here are my ships. Launch one from SPH and the other from VAB. https://www.dropbox.com/s/19s6ezupg8ouv3w/Test Ships.zip?dl=0 Thanks in advance!
  6. My compliments, RoverDude! The Konstruction parts are beautiful and I look forward to playing with them. The construction ports, OTOH, go far beyond pretty & fun. That was a brilliant innovation!
  7. Whoops! So it was, sorry.
  8. I certainly have no personal experience, but from my reading, that was the wrong choice. When on the defensive at melee range, the books say knives are much deadlier than handguns.
  9. I don't think such an expensive mission for so little gain makes sense. For that price, at the very least I'd want samples returned to Earth.
  10. Once I have access to TWR and dV readouts again, I'll be happy to contribute. Without those, KSP has never been any fun for me.
  11. Can you give me a few examples? The ones I can think of are things like land mines and war gasses: Useful and fully-developed tech, but they ended up killing too many innocents.
  12. Darnok, I respectfully suggest you were never taught the purpose of "science". There's no magical process that keeps liars from becoming scientists. The special thing about science is just that those lies are always found out! The scientific method is the best way humanity has discovered to uncover fraud, but does little to prevent it. And that's the whole point. Seriously, this was precisely why the scientific method was invented 400 years ago. It doesn't create inspiration; it doesn't make discoveries come faster or easier; no, what it does is save everybody time by efficiently discovering cases of fraud, wishful thinking, and innocent mistakes. The so-called corporate and government "scientists" whose results are kept secret rather than being peer-reviewed are not doing science. They're doing research, but science MEANS independent peers replicate your experiment to verify whether your results were real. It's just human nature that some people will always try to beat the system. So when a scientist is caught committing fraud, that's a SUCCESS for science, not a failure or an embarrassment!
  13. No fair ninjaing a thread that raises my blood pressure! Two pages of argument and not one poster bothered to look up how replicators are supposed to actually work. Every post makes wrong assumptions.
  14. Yep, I'm working on that problem today too. And it isn't just this mod, seems to be happening with every pod that has a built-in engine.
  15. I was having a great time at the Atomic Rockets website, when I saw this... http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/images/landing/landing35.jpg Except for the landing legs and some paint, that's a completely-stock Kerbal ship! Those filthy humans were obviously trying to hijack it with their guns, not yet realizing they're far too big and clumsy to fit into the cockpit. Maybe Jeb saw the beige giants approaching and launched. Or perhaps he hasn't noticed the humans at all but was craving roasted pterodactyl for dinner.
  16. Yes, many college students went into engineering in the 1960s because of the space program. One of them is my best friend. When Apollo shut down in the early 70s, the market dropped out and there were too many engineers for the jobs available. Many, including my friend, ended up never working in engineering. Regarding justifying the cost of the space program: I don't have a proper source for this, only hearsay: I remember one of the old hard science fiction writers claiming in a speech around 1980 that the entire cost of all the space programs in the world had been fully paid back from weather satellites alone, in lives saved and greatly reduced property damages.
  17. Hadn't been in this subforum for a while, so just now saw this thread. I clicked on your link, got as far as Luna, and closed the tab. I see others have already complained about the economic infeasibility of combining a high-tech civilization with slavery. IMO, you should listen to them. Good luck with the writing!
  18. I recently discovered these wide-bottomed, dense pods work better with aerodynamic steering during reentry than any of the stock pods. By watching MechJeb's landing prediction and playing with the angle of the pod during reentry, I can land these suckers within a few hundred meters of my target every time. These are definitely the right pods for practicing that technique.
  19. I'm afraid I don't know what kind of official you mean. Nobody from the federal government ever interacted with me at that job, or during my whole career, actually. But none of my employers had anything to do with government contracts, so perhaps that's why?
  20. I ran a QA and stress-test team for a billion dollar company for nearly a decade. Before that I spent 20 years as a dev coding in everything from C++ to assembler. It's my opinion that the KSP releases since 0.90 have been sloppy as crap, and several decision makers should have their butts kicked. Go ahead. Tell me I don't know what I'm talking about.
  21. Beowolf

    I quit.

    I'm in the same boat. It was so exciting when 1.1 released, until later that evening when I realized they'd released it with hundreds of open bugs! Seems to me like quality of every release since 0.90 has gotten worse, and I envy those who are still able to play. It makes me want to cry that, today, I'd have to recommend against anybody new purchasing KSP.
  22. An excellent idea! KSPI's been crying out a good radiation mechanic to work with since its first version.
  23. I got a kick out of how perhaps half of the "sins" were sensible and properly explained in the book. Some odd editing in that movie. I want to see a director's cut.
  24. Beowulf Shaeffer, from Larry Niven's Known Space series. A character who's "smart enough to usually get himself out of trouble, but not smart enough to stay out of it in the first place." Spelled it with two "o"s because there was already a Beowulf registered.
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