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Article Comments posted by Azimech

  1. Tweakable suspension ... it's great you guys listened to us! Now if something doesn't work, it's our own problem :lol:

    A few more suggestions:

    • Surface friction/drag depending on biome. This will solve a lot of issues with gliding landers on low grav moons and will create an incentive to use the runway in career mode ;-)
    • Adjustable electric motors for the rover wheels, more power = more mass, more resource consumption, heat production. Some rovers on Kerbin aren't able to climb a shallow hill.
    • Adjustable stress levels for rover wheels and landing struts, more strength = more mass. This way you can have people with a tight Delta-v budget have the same model wheel but lighter for tiny moons and people on kerbin building heavy trucks. This is true in real life: tires and suspension systems often have identical size for different car brands & models and are adapted for each model (think McPherson strut).

    Thanks for creating the possibility for modders to define rover wheel resource type! This will create some very interesting possibilities for creating simulated racing engines and transmissions!


    Once again, great job guys!

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