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Status Updates posted by Azimech

  1. I think your avatar pic is absolutely hilarious.

    1. HebaruSan


      Thanks! Unfortunately I found it via image search rather than creating it, so I've been meaning to change it for a long time.

  2. Another Zappa fan!

    I'm thinking maybe @klesh, you and I can build something together in the UMRK ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ZaPPPa


      Stevie's Spanking.. Vai used to have light blue hair for a while.

    3. klesh


      Argh, I didn't see you guys kept talking here.  Azimech, check out the personnel listing on the (hungarian only) wiki page for Tinsel Town Rebellion (english page doesn't have it), specifically Vai's entry: https://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tinsel_Town_Rebellion


    4. Azimech


      Yep, that is funny :-)

      By the way, do you guys know this site?


      It's amazing ... almost all lyrics, gigantic amount of info about albums, songs, band members etc. If you'd print out the complete site, you have something like a book (and I did, 15 years ago, for a friend).

  3. I really like your "location description".

    Not so stupid are ya :-)

    Yeah I like to see floating question marks above heads as well.

    1. StupidAndy


      surprisingly the mods haven't told me to shorten it

      and my username was the result of a late night and a tired brain. but it works! :D

    2. Azimech


      Tired brains often surprise friend & enemy, even oneself :-)

  4. By the way, where can I find that amazing ship you have as a background? We really need a wind mod.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Red Iron Crown

      Red Iron Crown

      Oh one other thing I should mention: If you try building something similar (or just messing with my craft), it is very useful to increase the length limits on struts for some of the longer rigging lines. IIRC I changed maxLength in the strut cfg from 10 to 100. 

    3. Azimech


      Indeed, what I usually do is use Editor Extensions Redux with No Offset Limit enabled, slide the parts I want to strut towards each other, attach strut then slide back beyond the limit. KSP is easily fooled by that.

    4. Red Iron Crown

      Red Iron Crown

      I've used that technique too, but in this case there were just so many struts connected to so many different things (many of which were somewhat precisely placed) that it was just impractical. 

  5. Congrats with crossing the 10k rep barrier!

    1. AeroGav


      Nice.   I trust it can reach "Standard by Twelve"?


  6. 2222 rep points! Feels like a De La Soul song!

  7. And it goez, vizhout saying, zet vee vill build zee enormous schwanzstucker zu go zu schpayce!

  8. Trioptimum! I sure wish for a reboot of the franchise.

  9. I'm enjoying the numerous "I am lost/what is this?" posts.

    Relax peeps, enjoy your cold turkey while you can.

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