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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Well, it was pure accident when I noticed that something is not right with it And one last question - flag on the left side of Capella is supposed to be upside down?
  2. It's nice to hear that Farshot will get emissive texture! And great work on Kvant IVA. Ok, I took a closer look at V-C1 IVA and it is more than rotated by 90 degrees. Some screenshots: As you can see, through the window which is visible on left picture you should not be able to see any buildings. Despite of that, when you "sit" in place of kerbal which is under the second window (notice that hatch is on the right) you can see VAB. So it's not only 90 degrees but also 180 around up-down axis.
  3. I love the new engine! It works and looks such awesome. Just one small question - is it intentionally lacking emissive texture? Also it's great to have new docking port. I had hoped that you will create it. I'm not sure if someone had pointed it out earlier but I noticed that IVA on V-C1 Operations Block is rotated by 90 degrees. Nothing significant but I thought that you may want to know about this.
  4. New engine is looking very good! Also it seems fine to me that you decided to raise its dV rather than lowering Tantares capabilities. This creates new possibilities to use both old and new engine. I agree with The14th - the electric generator is a good solution to keep everything balanced.
  5. I'm glad I helped This thing was bugging me too so I decided to look into CFGs and find out what I can do about it. Also the wheels are indeed rotating in the opposite direction though the rover is driving forward. I just didn't notice it earlier. Of course "rotationAdjustment = -2.0" fixes this problem.
  6. First of all I would like to thank Helldiver and everyone who helped developing this awesome mod! I have been following this thread since Phase 1 and I really enjoy your work. And for everyone that are interested I have came up with a fix for bugged rover wheels in v4.09. @PART[kmwroverwheelkso] { @MODULE[FSpartTurner] { @defaultRotationY = 0 @defaultRotationZ = 180 } } With this patch wheels are not inverted after launch and the motor direction is correct.
  7. Ok, so I gave this a go and I must say - it is awesome. Those are very good looking replacements. I have played with them for a bit and I have some feedback for you. 1. After downloading re-uploaded file inline intakes are both still clipping with part that they are radially attached to. 2. You can make circular intake even more awesome by making it animated like circular intake in Lack SXT pack 3. Mk55 Radial Engine attach node could be moved little higher because for now the engine "arm" is not aligned with it. Also the exhaust FX is to high and is clipping with the engine (maybe moving entire model up would solve this?) Here are the screenshots of what I mean And about your WIP screenshots - I can wait for the Lab's IVA! It is brilliant! This entire project is a really good job! I agree with NathanKell, could the heat shield be removable? Apart from DRE, separate heat shield solves problem for people using Sumghai's SDHI and it would be totaly cool if you would create heat shield that will be compatibile with that pack.
  8. So Beale I also tested your Alnair and it is awesome. The parts look good and give really stock feeling. Also the new radiators are great. I can't wait to get my hands on finished TKS! But apart from other issues mentioned by Darth Lazarus I did some testing with return capsule and it's build-in parachute. It seems that stock parachute after decoupling from ship also can't orient itself properly. Here is a screenshot of what I mean And a screenshot of your capsule (with SAS turned off) I did some more testing with stock capsules and your Tantares capsule and none of them oriented properly as a single part. Only attaching the additional part like parachute made them fall properly. Were you able to solve this by adding COM offset to return capsule?
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