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Everything posted by cxg2827

  1. My recent mission to Duna and Ike. Likely going to Edna/Dak next before Eve/Gilly.
  2. In the GameData\KerbalismConfig\System folder, you can edit the Reliability.cfg. all the parameters are in seconds, so to your point, a JNSQ 12h day will mean 1/2 time for MTBF. the easiest way will probably to do a CTRL+H find/replace for all of the settings with the values of 72576000 and 36288000 (doubling them or tweaking to your liking).
  3. I'm messing around with making videos. I've always wanted to land/return on every body in JNSQ, so we'll see if I can finally manage it this time around. As is tradition, first stop will be Duna.
  4. looks like the kerbal engineer flight computer. A different mod.
  5. Download the SSPX.cfg from the pull request on github,: https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/pull/770/commits/23b88e9cc387889687e026f23bd7bdcd09e890c0
  6. Can anyone confirm if it is intended for SSPX inflatables to not allow shielding to be added? I'm also noticing that I cannot configure them with a scrubber or another process via the PAW, but I'm thinking that may be some conflict with another mod I might have.
  7. Great mod! If this were to be installed mid-save, is there a method to manually edit the persistent file to apply mission count and flight times to the crew? I had Final frontier was installed from the beginning so I figure I can use that info.
  8. Thanks for the explanation! I removed those metal references and it is now working
  9. @JadeOfMaar I noticed in the RationalResourcesKerbaslism folder the patches have the Hydrates Splitter commented out to be excluded. I removed the "//" from the various kerbalism patch files but it doesnt appear to properly load into the converters in-game. It gives the option to select the Hydrates Splitter process, but it does not load the input/output resources or actually enable the process for the converter. Was this intentionally commented out due to some incompatibility with Kerbalism? I'm considering switching over to TAC so I can mine hydrates from minmus in JNSQ.
  10. The restock plus engine used the stock method of liquid fuel, so I took that route. I haven't installed Nert's atomic rockets or cryo engines pack yet.
  11. A Von Braun-inspired mission to Duna. I made a few custom CFGs to rescale a few parts. Full album: https://imgur.com/a/230O6qC
  12. Sunset on Duna. I'm still getting surprised by the awesome visuals in this mod.
  13. Loading up the crew for a mission to Duna.
  14. Awesome shots so far! I just started using kerbalism in a JNSQ playthrough recently and I have been enjoying the added complexities. I screwed up some calcs for a crewed mun mission and has to cut the mission shorter than planned, but was able to get everyone back without any fatalities. I'd say go for it. maybe even KIS/KAS for in situ repairs.
  15. Descending through the clouds on Eve: Its a shame that volumetric clouds are so power hungry. I tried tweaking the settings to cover more area so its not so isolated when you get within the render distance, but it just froze my computer up.
  16. https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-Tantares-Wiki/wiki check here, also there are craft files
  17. @JoeSheridan the past few days I have been working on crafts for a von Braun style Mars/Duna expedition. I did have to make a few custom CFGs to get the design looking/functioning right (5m heatshield, stretched insterstages, Kane drogue chutes, etc.) and so far it looks like it will work out for a x2.5/JNSQ system. The MEM ascent stage took a few design iterations to hit the Delta-V requirements, but there is no cheaty part clipping and it doesnt look half bad. Not sure yet if I can make a Mars Surface Sample Return probe that is small enough to fit in a x6 radial symmetry inside the 5.625m fairing, but the Venus/Eve fly-by probes shouldn't be an issue.
  18. Sharing some screenshots from my JNSQ playthrough. Quetzal/Pioneer at Jool Argo/Mariner 9-esque probe at Duna. This one has the orbital camera system for doing scansat imaging, and the next one being sent will have the scan platform for biome scanning. Torekka/Voyager on Kerbin escape to Lindor, arriving in ~4 years.
  19. A Leo MOL/MOS station that started off as a contract. Then it turned into a Minmus gateway for grinding out science and surface samples.
  20. I just checked the HG-5, and I am seeing 0.029/minute for idle. With only the HECS core, it lasts 6m 31s with the antenna at idle, 1m 8s with transmitting data. Not sure if the other mods have soemthing going on to add a multiplier to EC usage.
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