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Everything posted by 11JRidding

  1. I take out my sword and slice the fusion bomb to pieces I then throw the remains at the next poster
  2. Mock then kill him What would you do if I killed Jebediah Kerman?
  3. Nope *Doesn't press* Press to go anywhere you wish, 3.68368r% chance you will be strapped into my next (Fail) Duna rocket
  4. Banned for being in Dr Light's lab
  5. Honestly, I'm not against the fact that "God" exists. I'm just against the fact that he controls/created everything Still, let's not derail this thread, though, so... Banned for using "The god told me to" as an excuse
  6. Maybe you should get it right next time :3 IC: I would go and get him out again What would you do if I was able to merge my body with other peoples' bodies, and I merged with you?
  7. It turns out I can liquify my body and merge it with other peoples' bodies. I liquify and get splattered everywhere as you hit me I merge with the next poster's body, and run off a cliff with it, before unmerging and hitting the ground safely, with my body fully restored (PS: It's a cliff over 100m high)
  8. 3/10 Don't really like astronauts to be honest Or people in general, really...
  9. Uh-oh, here comes the Fire Department! And the Police Department!
  10. Nope The person below me also (Besides me, if you want to know what I meant by "Also") enjoys the company of animals more than humans (I know I do :3 )
  11. I activate my explosive shielding, which, when the Kraken attacks, explodes in its face, killing it instantly and leaving me unharmed I activate the shielding again, and walk into the next poster, rupturing the shield and making it explode without killing me
  12. Granted. The Doctor Who episode sucks (Not that I'd ever say that about Doctor Who. I love that show) I wish I could run up walls WITHOUT falling off the walls/ceiling
  13. Granted. Their incoherent babbling about MLP derails every thread in the forum I wish I could run up walls
  14. Nope. I don't want wind The user below me has 4+ copies of KSP
  15. My CPU/RAM/HDD brain combination doesn't allow me to do that division, so I don't I topple a space elevator onto the next person
  16. This'll put that dragon (Or whatever) out!
  17. I slice the Kraken to pieces (I am aware that it is a KSP bug, but why not be able to slice up a FREAKING GLITCH??) I then notice the next poster and attack him with my high-frequency chainsaw (So sharp AND durable it can slice through a PLANET without breaking)
  18. Nope The user below me killed Jeb on their first flight in 0.23.5
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