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Posts posted by Temeter

  1. On 8/28/2018 at 8:51 PM, SuicidalInsanity said:

    Here's an unofficial one: AviatorArsenal for KSP 1.4.5. I think the license lets me do this?
    Contains three things, a MM patch to get the guns working in BDA 1.2.X, an AAPartCatagory.dll that adds a AviatorArsenal Editor PArt Category to get AA parts to show up in the editor, and the AviatorArsenal.dll that's been recompiled against KSP 1.4.5 mono references to fix the Jericho Trumpet and prevent a crash on load.
    Install to GameData/AviatorArsenal/Plugins, and overwrite the original AviatorArsenal.dll. If using the AABulletDefs.cfg MM compatibility patch posted a page back, delete it as well to prevent a duplicate M patch.


    Thanks a lot mate!

    On 8/30/2018 at 4:41 AM, tetryds said:

    It doesn't, but I do :)

    Thanks for the patch!

    Also thanks for the mod! This is probably the most balanced and diverse gun pack for BDA!

  2. Man, that's a real shame. I was downplaying the EULA thing myself, because it a) was there for long time, and b) the game itself shouldn't collect too much data anyway, as long as it's not using quite litteral spyware. Not a big deal in itself.

    To hear that there is actually spyware included in Kerbal Space Program - and don't anyone tell me stuff  inside a game reading out my browser isn't spyware - is quite a shame. I hope that will get corrected ASAP, I consider this a pretty damn big breach of trust.

  3. 21 hours ago, JeeF said:

    Typical forum heroes. They refresh the forum all the time hoping to find someone who's asking for a mod update so they can rush in and copy/paste their typical comments, just to see their post count go up. Now, if you do a bit of research among my few posts, you'll find that I've never "bugged" modders for updates, nor will ever do that. All I've done was ask ferram how's coming along, politely. There's a huge difference between "hey, how's work coming along today?" and "I didn't see your report in my desk at 8am like I've asked". 

    Sure I'm hoping to have an update for FAR soon, but my only intent with that comment was to start a dialog with ferram, chit-chat about the mod, how's it coming along, the difficulties, the progress, the discoveries... really anything he'd be willing to talk about. I've modded for many years and I've always enjoyed seeing comments of people showing interest and always loved replying to them regarding the work itself, NOT the ETA.

    So just relax, go grab some ice tea.

    I just told you why some people react sensible towards it :P

  4. 5 hours ago, TheKurgan said:


    I just loaded the cfg files for EVERY single missile, bomb and torpedo in all of SM mods into Notepad++.

    The UGM-109B was the only one I found that had the wrong homing type. Thanks for finding that BTW.

    Many of the others, like the   91RE1 and 91RTE2 Kalibr Anti Submarine Missiles, the Asrokish1, the RamoraMLT and the AGM-109H are set to either AAM or AGM by design. The first 4 are actually torpedoes, and the last one there is an air launched AGM.

    Did you find any others with issues?

    Hm, makes me wonder if I just used the others incorrectly^^

    Gonna report back if I see some issue again.

  5. 7 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

    Hi, it's actually the other way around, the other guns are mostly too small, ( as originally it was all kerb sized)  as there's been a change in development focus. The turrets mentioned are full size, along with many of the other new items, they are intended for use on an as yet unreleased but similarly fulls size project, at which point , some of the size choices will make more sense.
    Re the missiles, they've all been recently retuned (again) and follow the flight path as available, the failing to reach target leads to think that something else, maybe an old patch is messing with the guidance . We will investigate this end though.
    Never had any problems with the AGS turret so that also needs investigating.

    Ah, I wondered about the size being the other way round. That door does imply that the gun is pretty big.^^

    Weird thing with the turret is that it instantly crushed the framerate when put onto my boat in SPH (and also ingame). Not when it's just transparent and unconnected.

    6 hours ago, TheKurgan said:

    I'll do some testing later, and see if there is any issue with them.

    I did some of the tuning for those... I think, but it was months ago when I was a missile tuning n00b :P

    Looking at the configs, the correctly working Brimstone Sea/Kalibr3m45t got homingtype = cruise and the UGM-109B got homingtype = aam. Seems like there are a bunch of (ship launched) cruise missiles that are not set to homingtype = cruise. Maybe that's the issue?

    Seems like that's particuarly inconsistent between SM Armory missiles and SMI missiles and launchers. With the latter, almost all of them seem to be set to cruise.

  6. Damn, this is a pretty damn amazing collection. Got the Guns&Missile package together with your ships, and that's about everything I feel I'd ever need for BDA^^'

    The weapon selections is a bit overwhelming, probably even for a dev. Would it be helpful if I point out bugs or inconsistencies that I notice?

    Eg the AK-100/130 turrets (super fun stuff b!) seem a bit big compared to all other guns, while  a lot of the cruise missiles like the UMG-109b Tomahawk and RGM-84-18FS Harpoon don't seem to follow a correct cruise missile flight path, often crushing into the sea (3M54T Kalibr and Brimstone Sea work perfectly in comparision). Or the Aster 30, which has a tendency to melt. Stealthy 155mm gun crushes my framerate from 80 to 25 sdomehow.

  7. Man, ground battles are spectacular!

    Sent two 4x tank formations against each other:



    I love to take a few AMRAAM's for the opening salvos; they make spectacular artillery rockets! :D 




    Good for softening up enemies and destroying some equipment, even if the armor won't be broken:






    Fun stuff! Can't wait to play around with Ships or Hovercraft, that should be fun.

  8. On 5/21/2018 at 5:20 AM, JeeF said:

    So you're saying we can't change wing attack angle at Mach 3 while pulling a 9G inverted loop? Absurd!

    And that's probably more because of buggy physics than simulated material weakness! >:D

    If you put the stability high enough in FAR, then Mach3/11g turns are perfectly possible. You just don't wanna move your wings or play with their joints while doing that.

  9. 18 hours ago, Kitspace said:

    Sorry, I did not make myself clear enough, I mean when you do that, do your wings not become wobbly and break off, while they are in motion?

    No, never happened in straight flight at reseanable speeds. You can use tweakscale to make mechanisms bigger and a bit more resilient. Otherwise just change positions at subsonic speed; from transonic onwards you can use the arrow shape either way.

    Using +/- instead of presets, I sometimes managed to move wings even at mach 2. Bit unreliable tho.

  10. 1 hour ago, MOARdV said:

    The Obnoxious Pink color typically indicates that Unity can't find a shader.  From the screen shot, it looks like you've got Unity 2018.1 installed - KSP is on 2017.1.3, so that *may* be the issue.  The DDS issue is an ongoing problem, and I'm surprised that Unity still doesn't have a DDS loader in the tool, considering the ubiquity of that file format.  If I really need to see textures, I'll have a separate GameData installation for IVA production with the props and IVAs I need, and I'll batch convert the DDS files I need to something else (like PNG).

    Yeah, pretty strange how they don't support the texture format that seem the most common.

    I indeed got the newest unity version installed, guess I gotta look if I can get an older one; thanks for the answer!

  11. Also triyng to IVA' a bit. Now I'm a complete noob with Unity, but everything works fine so far.

    However, I got a problem with the textures. Unity does not fully support DDS textures, obviously, but it's fine if I get something like this:



    I can work with that. However, with a lot of the newer cockpits, I get this instead:



    And it's pretty hard to create IVAs when you can't even see the cockpit. Maybe it's not even loading correctly, considering the last picture?

    My setup is basically a new Unity project, but with a gamedata folder containing the Squad, JSI and ASET folder. 

  12. 20 minutes ago, JeeF said:

    You can edit the files to make it very sturdy, almost like a KJR for IR. Works better. And also use TweakScale to make the part larger, but "sink" it into the fuselage a bit to hide it.

    I just found that the "engage lock" option locks the parts in place just like solid parts; solved the issue.

    Curious though, it would be very helpful to get some more stability. What variables would I need to change? Guy developing Infernal Robotics Next told me that stronger joints tend to be buggy.

  13. 4 hours ago, kcs123 said:

    I encountered with very similar issue in KSP 1.3.x and 1.4.x while I was having pretty strong crafts in KSP 1.1.x and 1.2.x. It would probably required more than one point to rotate/fold wings, like in this old album.

    However, you may also consider using WIP InerLocker mod from @whale_2 and possible active struts (if it is still maintained) to lock/strengthen out wings after moving.

    I assume that unity game engine version is culprit for new behaviour, due to changes how joints work in different version of unity game engine. I stoped testing of IR at some point due to temorary lack of free time.

    That's an interesting setup. Problem with those more complex systems is that I assume they also cause a lot of drag, which is obviously contrary to the purpose of a swing wing aircraft.

    Looked a bit around with dynamics struts, but it seems like they are all rather fiddly to use during flight; particuarly with combat aircraft and BDA. Not yet looked at inerlocker or active struts.

    3 hours ago, Rudolf Meier said:

    Joints and strengths of joints... old topic in Unity and the problems with them won't end soon...

    First: A joint can never ever be made strong in a Unity based game. That's impossible. ... even with infinitly high strength values or stuff like that. If you exaggerate, the best you can get is that your crafts explode.

    The solution? Well, the only solution is to use more joints. That's how KSP does it internally (they use 3 joints built with some distance of each other), that's how autostruts work (they build additional joints between objects and ancestor objects) and that's how KJR is working (this one modifies values of the existing joints, adds additional ones to ancestor objects and adds joints ... well, not randomly, but let's say it is random for the moment, because it's a little bit complicated... in the craft).

    What you can try is to build multiple joints and still have a movement. Try to use non-controlled joints or things like that. The only other option here is, that we build some sort of special joint that internally builds multiple joints. (of which all but one would be non-controlled... maybe, if we form them correctly, it could be possible to achieve some strengthening). But it would require special solutions for special tasks. Maybe it could be done for one special part that then could be used for heavy loaded hinges or something. But it may require even it's own module. I don't think it would be a good idea to do this in normal IR joints. (allthough, the translational ones do something like that). But... let's get to the problems of those solutions:

    The more joints (and especially the more non-parent-child-joints), the more computation power is used. Framerates could drop dramatically when using too many joints. That's what already is happening for large ships when you use KJR. There are simply way too many joints involved. And the complexity for the solver isn't linear. That's going up very quickly... so, in the end I think it's a huge problem and remains a huge problem. I think you'd have to rewrite the game engine and the game itself, if you really want a good solution (if there exists one... I haven't thought about this yet).

    Ah, I see, so it's a deeper problem. I still remember how dodgy the old KSP physics from 1.8 or so were, before all of those fixes were implemented.



    EDIT, wait a sec:

    Oh wow, the mod actually has exactly the simple solution I was going to suggest - basically, to allow me to lock the wing into place after I swivelled it into the right place, so it can just establish a connection like any solid part would do. I mean, I only need the flexibility while switching position.

    Turns out the "engage lock" option does exactly that. Could be even more comfortable if it was automated - eg, you click "go next position", it unlocks, goes there, then autolocks there. I think that would solve a lot of the issues; but at least for my purposes, this is enough!

    Also, on a sidenote, thanks a lot for maintaining and expanding this neat awesome mod! Now this ugly pig can finally fly like it should:


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