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Everything posted by wbcundiff

  1. Happy Halloween from Berward Kerman!!!
  2. Well I haven't seen those. Very cool, thanks for sharing!
  3. Hey if you want flashy over shoddy (ahem concise and complete) try this out.
  4. Its exciting to see you're still working on this Stevincent! I hope you don't think that your project is outdated because of the stock parts coming with 23.5. I for one it will be great to have Orion and SLS parts as one family that don't have to be tweaked or resized.
  5. I found this site, "spaceonline", to be useful. It has clear information on the arrangement of modules and the assembly sequence. I found that if I wanted more information I got better results when I took the assembly flight name from this site and did a google search.
  6. So you can look around an IVA that much while still having your face pointed at the screen? or do you need a big screen?
  7. It seems the cargo bays do not open in a fresh install of 0.23 with only DM Tanks and KineTech animation installed. I dropped them into a 0.22 install and they worked with no problems at all. Is this a known issue? I hope that is helpful, these are great looking parts.
  8. Am I missing something with these cargo bays? I can't seem to get them to open. I've already made certain that the KineTech folder is installed. Any ideas?
  9. Thats what I'm thinking as well. I have no experience with mech jeb but I've gotten a lot of use out of kerbal engineer. KER along with a delta-v map as you suggested would give parameters to the design and remove the barrier of real time calculation from a new player's experimentation. I had thought of using one or two stockalike mods if they fill in functional gaps in the stock parts and don't break the visual language of the stock parts. A player might find they need an engine of a different size but it would be helpful if those engines had the same visual cues as the stock engines so that everything makes sense together. FASA looks really cool, but there is a lot of stuff there from what I can tell. I will probably not throw that in until it seems he has the hang of the game.
  10. you could be right but I don't think thats it. He used to play flight sims fairly often, especially solo. we used to have tons of fun playing co-op Comanche 3. I think if I help him with the interface and show him what he can do with the game he'll be off and running. an unfamiliar interface can be a barrier to entry to some folks.
  11. Cool! I always have trouble keeping my own mod list short. Here's what I'm thinking of. Stockalike-parts-for-useful-esthetics RLA-Stockalike KSPX Kerbal-Engineer-Redux I'm thinking of stripping down NovaPunch to the 3m and 5m tanks and engines and adding procedural fairings to better facilitate a Saturn V. Eventually I think I'll show him B9, Ferram, Firespitter and that Kerbonov mk2 cockpit. Building planes is his big thing right now.
  12. I bought a copy of KSP for my dad last Christmas and he has yet to play it on his own. This surprised me because when he was young he was a serious Apollo freak. When he was 16 he constructed two Apollo style space suits for himself and a neighbor and a Lunar landscape and LEM in scale to the old school 12" GI Joes. He used to be able to recite the radio transmissions from the Apollo 11 mission, in full. When Apollo 13 came out I might have thought it was a documentary on account of his narration. Next month I am going to visit him to see if I can't get him past the intimidating computer game side of KSP and into the fun of building and flying. I am planning on taking some stockalike mods and a couple of the more handy plugins with me, such as Kerbal Engineer Redux and Crew Manifest. It is installed on his Mac and I'm not sure if I should expect any trouble from mods since I run KSP on a PC. I'm looking for: 1) Mods to avoid on mac. 2) Tips to help a non-gamer get the hang of KSP. 3) best stock-alike mods and/or best mods for old school NASA hardware. Thanks!
  13. I don't think the beach ball analogy works because the relative masses are so different between your analogy and reality. mass-of-air:mass-of-earth is not similar to mass-of-water:mass-of-inflatable-toy.
  14. I will try this out soon, but as far as the track target function goes, I think you would be able to do this with the KOS mod. You can target a craft or planetary body via a script and then lock steering to that target. I haven't tried it yet but I believe this should be possible.
  15. you might benefit from the ubizor welding tool if you aren't already using it.
  16. The legendary Slowcor, the primeval lag-dragon.
  17. if only there were a way to access the KOS terminal from Telemachus. Perhaps you could use a script in KOS to lock steering to prograde or retrograde via an action-group and then activate the action group via Telemachus.
  18. I think you're right on it there! Video games can be a kind of escapism but in this pop-debate you never hear anyone examine why a young person might be needing an excess of escapism. Noone says, my child needs to reduce stress. Instead, its simply my child has a video game problem. I think its fair to say that a small percentage of people have real functional problems with video game habits, but a small percentage. One of the things that get rolled into this is parents who say to themselves, oh no! my child is doing nerdy things instead of baseball! AAAH! If my kid wants to play baseball I have to (grudgingly) learn about sports. How many parents know the first thing about the gaming culture their children find a home in?
  19. It seemed like there were a few different perspectives on board, a couple of people who either worked for the gaming industry or reported on it (spoke favorably of EA, didn't respond at all to the mention of indie titles), a therapist who counseled parents on curtailing video game "addiction" (how to create conflict with your kids without ever solving anything), and a doctor/scientist who studies/advocates a link between video games and undesirable behavior. I could be remembering the particulars of the panel wrong, but what it always boils down to for some of these people is video games are bad and my kid needs to stop and go play sports. what they don't seem to get is that games are more diverse than they know and one game is going to have very different effects than another and that games can be an act of self-actualization and building self-worth for young people. when a parent pushes back against gaming in this case they're really pushing against their child's exploration of themselves and/or a vehicle that child has chosen to build their sense of self-worth. Too often parents try to be a dam against gaming, when they should be a rudder.
  20. Diane Rehm was hosting a discussion on video games today. I managed to get on the radio to make a comment and had the chance to plug KSP as a positive educational video game experience. I had mixed feelings about some of what was said but it was a pretty good program overall, I got to make my comments just a little after 44:10. http://thedianerehmshow.org/audio-player?nid=18603
  21. beautiful. I've always had trouble with the fairings housing the LEM suffering structural failures. how are you handling that?
  22. how does it dock with the LEM? I don't see a docking port. EDIT: Nevermind. This made things very clear. http://history.nasa.gov/afj/aoh/aoh-v1-2-13-dock.pdf
  23. For me, the alt-key-left-click to copy discovery revolutionized the VAB.
  24. If you're still working on this when .22 breaks you'll have the benefit of sub-assemblies at least.
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