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Everything posted by ThatNoob

  1. Banned because Spitfires are awesome.
  2. Banned because I thought of that name when I still actually was a noob.
  3. Granted, your nose is red because somebody slammed your face into an iron door which is actually made of Tungsten. I wish for cookies.
  4. Bnaend fro felawless grmaarm. (Banned for flawless grammar.)
  5. Banned because we need more...... Lights?
  6. Banned for misspelling. It's HypeSplosion.
  7. Banned because wanted to drop a hammer on your foot.
  8. Banned because quote's are fun.
  9. Banned for judging somebody by their name.
  10. Banned because i'm glad being a noob even though i'm not.
  11. Banned for not calling me That Noob.
  12. Me, because why stick to the normal solar system when you can GO TO ANOTHER SUN and get captured by a planet with hundreds of moons continually causing GRAVITY ASSISTS?
  13. Banned because it's EU, not UN.
  14. Banned for not wanting to think outside the box.
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