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Everything posted by Captain_Party

  1. Arebyou making the rockets full-scale and then resizing them down? That'd be cool. CP, realism
  2. Are mods such as RealSolarSystem, ProceduralParts, KW Rocketry and RealFuels allowed? CP, I'd like to try it for reals
  3. Sorry if it came across as rude, wasn't supposed to be. CP, again, sorry for any inconvenience
  4. Well then you want to get KW Rocketry, RealFuels and possibly AIES or NovaPunch. You're not going to be able to get into orbit with stock parts with out building huge monstrosities. Check out maccolo for instance. CP, it'd be worth getting 'em mods
  5. No, that old Atlas V wasn't very pretty. Horrible textures, not great models. Clueless, however, has created works of art. I would kill for those rockets.
  6. Mate. Read the opening post, the title, anything. This is a mod for version 0.14-0.16 this is a completely dead mod. Go use KMP.
  7. How about you look and read? The post above you for instance. Click the link to the UPDATED download for KerbTown.
  8. What should I use to describe the locations of GEO satellites? Normal Latitude and Longitude or something else?
  9. So far, I have almost no understanding of this mod, I know very little about orbital physics and parameters. But, as soon as this is released, I will be first to download.
  10. Just unzip the EngineIgnitor GameData folder into your KSP GameData.
  11. Can someone make some simple launchpads? Just copies of the launchpad at KSC would be nice. No crawlerway, just the launchpad. If you could put one at the co-ordinates (Lat, Lon)-30.95, 136.4595 (Woomera Launch Area 5) and 5.237222, -52.760556 Thanks in advance guys
  12. smunisto - Let ne call BS right there. I havr been using ARP with RealFuels and HotRockets for two days now, and it works perfectly. The ModuleEngineFX doesn't actually do anything as far as I can see, it doesn't break any mods.
  13. Can someone make a HotRockets config for BobCats SovietEngines pack? Right now I'd be fine with a config for just the RD-0146. I think the poodle effect would look best on it, as it is a vacuum engine.
  14. First of all, WOW. Second, does hotrockets work with ReakFuels?
  15. I dont reccomend calling it the AKS-74-U, its the name of a russian carbine.
  16. This is gonna be great for cinematics and suchlike. I'm definitely going to use it on the upcoming Mars transfer window in my RSS save. Now, to launch my 4 ships...
  17. I have a question Nathan, how did you put the gear inside the cockpit?
  18. Kickasskyle, could you upload it to Mediafire or Dropbox, I can't download it.
  19. The power of this great Soviet engine renders your' capitalist filth obsolete.
  20. You could just make the whole station in the VAB, then weld it all together, excluding docking ports that are going to be used, and temporary vessels, then HyperEdit into orbit. And whats more, the welding mod works in 0.23, there's an updated .dll on the thread.
  21. The Emperor counters your lack of faith in me.
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