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Everything posted by CptNuts

  1. I like to share my supersonic UAV with you guys. Have fun with it Mods used: B9 r4c KER Craft File: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32027043/ubLFl%20Falke.craft (Created in KSP 0.23.5)
  2. I am going to make a seperate install of KSP for this and try it out. The new joolian System looks gorgeous
  3. I had a moment of accidental brilliance on my very first manned interplanetary mission. While still being unable to correctly plan those mission, i managed to get the ship into Kerbin Orbit, out of Kerbin Orbit and intercepted Duna. After succesfully getting captured by Duna, my interplanetary Stage had not enough fuel to get the ship into stable, low Duna Orbit, i planned to use the fuel of the lander itself which would mean, Bill and Jeb had to land mostly with parachutes, using what little fuel they might have left from the retro burn, to brake theirs speed right before touch down. Then, the ship had contact with Ike. The contact with ikes SOI eliminiated nearly two thirds of the ships velocity, which in turn allowed me to burn for orbit without having to use the landers fuel. Bill and Jeb landed savely on Duna. I know that Ike tends to accidently gravity assist Vessels in Dunas Orbit, but in that moment, were everything went magicly right without any kind of planing what so ever, Ikes intervention felt like the last part of a perfectly crafted masterplan falling into place seamlessly. That was a great Day for my Space Program. I have another Mission to Duna in planning, using a multipart ship so i dont have to build a ridiculisly huge launcher for the ship and launch everything in one piece, I still cannot believe I managed to bring that mission to a succesful end. I think this time, I have to be brilliant myself XD
  4. Hi and welcome to the forums to post pictures from a page like imgur, you need the link, targeting the picture and then you need to put it in BB Codes so the forum software knows how to display the information. imgur already provides you with a link in complete BB Codes that you can copy with a click of a button from their side and paste it here. Just open the image in imgur and the side will provide you with some of the most common variants to share the picture.
  5. There are some awesome designs in this thread. Well, I have a B9 plane aswell, the lrACTV Reiher (=german for Heron).
  6. Reminds me of my last unstable plane, let me reach about 16km before flame out (i will have to add more air intakes somehow^^) and turned on the smallest turnradius i have ever achieved. It was shaking like a mad man^^
  7. I stopped caring about these facts long before i got my hands on orbiter. Now i know that all science fiction movies (except for the ultra hardcore ones) are pure wrong in terms of Orbital mechanics and space in general, but I am still entertained by them, even though they get it all wrong (not because its all wrong, thats a difference^^). I made my peace with this. Now i can truly enjoy every kind of Sci-Fi, not only hard, but also soft SF and SF that has the density of gelee (being neither really hard nor soft^^) Anyway... you know you play to much ksp when you actually start thinking that everything alse in existence has only one purpose. To hinder you playing KSP! CURSE YOU EXISTENCE!
  8. I lost one brave Kerbonaut in the process of testing an experimental super sonic Jet plane. I lost control over the plane due to high altitude flame out and was unable to regain control. It was moments before splahsdown that i realised that this plane, of ALL my designs, had no emergency Eject Systems installed. To reminde me that failures like these will inevitably cost lives, i did not revert to space plane hangar. That was a sad day at KSC.
  9. I had no issues with the sas what so ever, one of my planes kept pitching upwards, but that came from unstable confugration of CoM and CoT, also the engines for atmospheric flight were slightly over engineered, so the back of my plane kept pushing harder forward then the rest of the plane could manage to move XD. my first rocket had some wobble, but only until I dropped the first asparagus stage (at some point in the future i should try and learn how to build working rockets without asparagus, just for the fun of it XD) until now, i have not encountered phantom forces, making my planes/Space Crafts wander off course, but yet again, that is software development for you. For some people it might work perfectly, others may have that exact system configuration that causes mishaps, error, mayham, cataclysm and bad language to happen. well on the other hand, having a stronger and more responsive sas at my disposal is nothing that I dislike. You know, moar power, is always good to have
  10. There is nothing wrong about critisism. But there must be room for those who do not or still have not experienced any issues. All those pure hate threads about how bad and **** every new update is do not help either. Harsh critisism is ok, pure rant about any little change that did something the user did not anticipate is not helping anyway. I don't see many fanboys around here, just couple of people who have not experienced the issues other experienced. Even if the update was absolutely buggy, then there would still be players who did not encounter issues, that is just the way it is. Different System Configurations produce different Program behaviours, so it can be perfectly possible for some players to not have those drastic issues with wobble, phantom Forces and the asas not workling in general. Just going ahaead and yell insults on anyone who is not experiencing issues ist not helping. Those players have their share of rights to, let them tell the world that they are happy, Squad needs to now that anyway, and a good dev team will not get blinded by players that do not have issues.
  11. i was able to land for the first time on the runway, pretty smoothly that is^^ but as i said, was my first test, have to wait until I am home from work to do more test with other planes and rockets
  12. I have not tested the new Update very intensly now, but i have not experienced much issues until now, only my test plane began to pitch down, when ever I roled or yawed, with ASAS active, but it flew pretty level KSP seems to be loading faster, but i have not tested that so much still have to test rockets, to see if they will wobble more or less now I guess we have to wait and see if the experiences others made will be adressed as issues and fixed or if SQUAD comes up with something else i personally like the way the ASAS works in my planes now, still i am not sure if I just happen to accidentaly build a plane that works quite well with the new system and i still have to encounter thse issues my self or if there is some other reason that the community seems to be divided into a group who have lots of issues and those who experience near to no issues
  13. As i said in the other thread, i threw together a pretty qiuck plane (which i am really not good at) and had the most calm flight throughout my howle ksp plane building career (Jeb approved the plane design, so something must be right about it, if its the design or the parts, i daon't care, he is happy ). haven't tested rockets and stations yet, but i guess i can work with the new system Unless something really bad happens, .21 works great for me, thanks squad
  14. I just threw a really quick plane together, tried to make it a ssto spaceplane (which i still cannot design XD) reached 23000 Meters and i have to say, none ( like ZERO!) of my designs worked out so perfectly (well except for that ssto spaceplane thing, i seam to be incompetent in that matter XD ) in the first iteration this one flew like a charm, it flew level on the horizon line with the new asas and sas, i had one ASAS Unit and two SAS Units and as many control surfaces as i could cram on the back of wings in the plane, maybe that helped. I have to admit though that the nose pitched down when i roled or yawed, but i have not enough knowledge and experience in aerodynamics to say if just my design is flawed, or this is just normal with ksps aerodynamics simulation. i could even set it down on the runway without any problems. After that 30 minutes of really calm airflight i can only say, I like the new system, never had so less trouble with a plane on its maiden flight On the other hand, i haven't flown many plane before, and i really haven't bothered with planes so much, i guess people who are used to the behaviour of the old asas in their plane designs have to pretty much learn everything anew, wich can be pretty frustrating
  15. Threads like this tend to get annoying very quickly, because as soon as you start asking "Is [what so ever the topic] considered cheating?" The thread will be swarmed with poeple who really think it is cheating, so they can assure you of their point of view and feel good about themselves because they are no cheaters. Most of the others players, who either don't think [the given topic] is cheating, or those who really just don't give a damn, won't really much reply in a thread like this. This is not Counter Strike, CoD, WoW or any other Competitive Massively multiplayer online game. It is a sandbox. The only person you can cheat here, is yourself. If you feel cheated by yourself, then do not do it, if you do not feel cheated, feel free to do what ever you like. For example, a while ago i encountered the deuterium tanks and engines of a mod, who were designed and shared for testing purposes, to easily bring a craft somewhere, to be able to test a design, without the use of hyper edit. I used them, smiled like an idiot and then deleted it again, because it just didn't feel right. Play the way you like to play, and do not judge other players by your style of playing! Just my 2 cents.
  16. aaaaww crap, one of the best mods ever, I just now found this thread, only to see I was to late, I sure hope the original author will be so kind to upload a new version, i grew quite accustomed to the mods functionalitys XD
  17. I have seen this specular Highlights quite a lot, they get projected on the underside of the waters surface from the sun on the other side of the planet and can be seen then on the dark side, they appear usually before you reach the terminator and mark the direct line of sight to the sun until it rises over the horizon it is kinda buggy, yes^^
  18. @Markus: das L.O.G. Projekt klingt ziemlich cool, aber ich fürchte meine Programmierkenntnisse reichen dafür nicht aus^^ es sei denn euer Server rechnet auf Atmel Mikrocontrollern, dann bin ich dein Mann, alles andere müsst ich erst langwierig lernen^^
  19. @Regnium: der Rover sieht Klasse aus, btw wo wir jetzt schon zu zweit in der Roverabteilung sind können wir eventuell ja mal ein gemeinsames Projekt in Angriff nehmen, wenn ich mit Cilia 3 und Rhino fertig bin mein ich (ich werd heute nacht halt endlich mal wieder massiv an beiden Systemen arbeiten, die Ketten sind auch interessant^^)
  20. so, dann sag ich auch mal Hallo zu Regnium, willkommen im Team entschuldigt meine Abwesenheit in letzter Zeit, ich krieg im Moment auf Arbeit einfach keine guten Schichten ab, die werden zwar besser bezahlt, weil Spätschichten, aber wirklich hilfreich ist es nicht wenn man irgendwie den halben Tag nicht zuhause ist und die andere Hälfte über eigentlich schlaf braucht XD, nächste woche wieder mehr von mir^^
  21. ich werd auch noch ein wenig brauchen, damit der Rhino auch eine karosserie bekommt (und dann aber auch nicht wieder endlangsam dadurch wird^^)
  22. Die Rakete sieht gar nicht schlecht aus, muss ich mir mal runterladen und anschaun Ich hab also am Rhino rumgebastelt, und neben dem Konzept Prototypen, das erste Chassis fertig gestellt. Da meine Rover bisher die Neigung hatten, sich bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten, in den Kurven soweit zur Seite zu neigen (muahahaha, der ist so flach der passt unter den Teppich XD) das sie umfielen, also hab ich mit dem Radstand und der Axweite gespielt und bin jetzt bei diesem Konzept angekommen, sieht unverkleidet ein bisschen gewöhnungsbedürftig aus, hat aber den Vorteil das die Teile einfach nicht umfallen können, ich muss mit dem neuen Chassis noch ein paar Testfahrten machen, aber im Vergleich zu vorher hab ich es bisher nicht geschafft eines der beiden Fahrzeuge umzuwerfen, und vorher sind die umgefallen wenn man sie in der Kurve schief angesehen hat, also Konzept funktioniert^^ Der mit den kleinen Rädern und der "Fahrgastzelle" ist das Konzeptfahrzeug, der andere, der noch komplett ohne Karosserie auskommen muss, ist das aktuelle Chassis an dem ich arbeite: Ach ja und weil soviel Spaß gemacht hat das Teil um den halben Kerbball zu schicken (und vor allem es zu bauen ), präsentiere ich hier noch einen Ausflug in ein völlig Rover fremdes Ingeniuersgebiet: den mrACTV Reiher (medium range Aero Crew Transport Vehicle) ich muss das Ding mal zeigen, weils mein bisher bestes Flugzeug ist, Mod Parts hin oder her^^ (zumal die B9 Aerospace Bauteile dazu auch noch ziemlich cool aussehen)
  23. Auf einen Fiesharingdienst deiner Wahl hochladen, zb Dropbox und dann einen Link zu der Datei posten. Bei Dropbox wird der Vorgang recht gut erläutert, wie man über den öffentlichen Ordner Sachen weitergibt, da gibts aber halt noch ein paar mehr Möglichkeit, musst mal über google suchen, nach File sharing und dir dann aussuchen was dir am besten gefällt^^ Nachtrag: Jeb sieht wirklich cool aus
  24. So, also wie gesagt, da gibts auch Großaufnahmen von meiner Station: hier in einer 90° Anordnung die ich später verworfen habe, sieht trotzdem toll aus^^ Kurz (bzw sehr kurz^^) vor dem erneuten andocken Das fertige Produkt Und, in einer traurigen Mitteilung: Einer meiner tapfersten Kerbonauten, Milwin Kerman, fand heute Vormittag ein tragisches und plötzliches Ende, als die Rettungsmission für den größten Helden aller Kerbals, den ersten Kerbal auf dem Mün, Rodwig Kerman, eine dramatische Wendung erhielt. Vollkommen unproviziert griff der gefährliche und unberechenbare Weltraum Krake das Landefahrzeug von Milwin Kerman an, der auf Rodwig gewartet hatte um ihn zurück in den Orbit und dem wartenden Shuttle nach Hause bringen sollte. Das Landefahrzeug wurde vollständig zerstört. Rodwig Kerman hat Milwin Kerman als vermisst gemeldet, er sucht ihn immernoch. Milwins selbstloses Opfer wird nicht vergessen werden! In der Zwischenzeit werden die Anstrengungen verstärkt Rodwig Kerman vom Mün zu retten, auf dem er inzwischen fast vier Tage gestrandet ist.
  25. Also ich hab ein paar Bilder gemacht, hab aber verpeilt die Großaufnahmen der Station auf imgur hochzuladen, naja, hier ist ein Bild auf dem Solarsegel und Station "zusammen" sind (zumindest zusammen auf dem gleichen Bild zu sehen^^) Partcount ist jetzt eigentlich schon TOO DAMN HIGH!!! aber ein zwei Module brauchts halt trotzdem noch (ein Kommando Modul und eventuel ein zusätzliches Kommunikationsmodul, nachgeführte Richtantennen sind schon dran, vermutlich kommen jetzt halt noch ein paar imnidirektionale/starre Schüsseln da dran)
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