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    That Amateur

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  1. Sorry to tell this to you, but you've posted this thread in the wrong community. KSP is a community mostly run by hard scifi fans, rocketry enthusiasts, and generic space lovers. In this forum, fans of animated works-such as you and me- are a minority, making this thread rarely be accessed and eventually be forgotten. However, one should be aware of the age of a thread to predict its future.
  2. DJEN


    Interstellar is good because it's retro. That's all.
  3. Let the future evaluate us. We are subjected to seasonal bias, and thus unable to see the clear truth. -Daniel Jeon-
  4. DJEN

    The Probe!

    That was a fun joke. If you have been offended, I apologize. I`ll refrain from posting such jokes from now on. Hm, Hm. I now know the reasons behind this thread`s existence. Thank you for the information. I guess that might be the case. I apologize.
  5. DJEN

    The Probe!

    This thread needs to be gone. Why would one care for a probe from a out-to-date mod? Doing such an act is nonsensical and annoying, as if a troll came and swung its fur-tipped tail all over your monitor, damaging it beyond repair. This, my friends on the internet, proves that the community of KSP has gone down the slippery slope of utter nonsense. If you are sane enough to know of the idiotic nature of this community, get out of it right now, and find another, much more sane community to settle.
  6. It's simple. You post a humorous and nonsensical reason on why we should stop the development of space, and another person does the exact same thing, accompanied with a equally silly critique on the reason which the previous person posted. Here's an example: And so on. If you have any questions regarding what to do in this game, post in this thread or send a private message.
  7. It always annoyed me. You see, such acts don't really bring about good comparisons.
  8. You see, I've been wondering about how an object with more inertia compared to its weight would act. If any of you physics peopls would reply and not ramble all over the place, I would be very glad.
  9. Indeed, communication and respect are key to making good games.
  10. Don't recommend Deep Otaku Animes such as GainaX's works, you dumb fools. They're mere time killers, and merely reintroduce old concepts to the newer generation, generating stagnation. Recommend more "interesting" ones.
  11. Oh, just condemn yourselves to the bowels of your thoughts, never to emerge again. Condemn the ecosystem, too. Humans need to stop caring about things that matter less and care about things that matter more. That is, they're very subjective.
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