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Percival Meekins

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Well in case there isn't I managed to swap KP_1 and 1 at the X level using xmodmap. Messes up my day to day typing but whatever, this install is pretty much just for running KSP. New and exciting problem that I can't find any info on though: I believe in windows it's possible to move the camera in all 4 directions in the VAB by holding down middle/wheel. On linux (ubuntu) it just seems to zoom in and out. I tried holding both buttons, holding the modifier key - no luck. Am I missing something?
  2. Is there still no fix for being able to use numpad numbers for text entry and numrow numbers for action groups (rather than the other way around)? It shouldn't be such a big deal but it's really throwing me off.
  3. Is possible to just turn off g-force damage entirely for the moment? The only thing I was able to find on google were some efforts to modify the source, though nothing seems to have come from them.
  4. That does happen occasionally, but far more often it happens during flight, seemingly at random.
  5. Anyone have serious issues with parts randomly exploding due to "excessive G-load" even though the G-force meter by the nav ball was never close to the red area and there was no spin whatsoever on the craft? Does the mod by any chance simply report overheat damage as "G-load damage"? It seems to correlate with heat, though incidentally, heat from ascent/descent in an atmosphere could also correlate with G-load... I also have FAR (Ferram Aerospace Research) running - perhaps they interact poorly? Whatever the issue is, it's rather frustrating just because it's so unpredictable and non-obvious. I'll have tanks in the middle of the craft explode and similarly sized tanks right next to them are fine. Always at the worst possible time too...
  6. Ahh thanks so much for the info. Good to know more mods are aware of such interop issues.
  7. Er I think my reply got eaten, but I had a few questions that have been bugging me for a long time, and cause me to keep going back and forth with this addon: - Does FAR interfere with MechJeb's spaceplane guidance? I've never been able to get it to auto-runway-land using FAR, but that may just be my planes. - If yes, what's a good flying assitance addon that works? - Is there a reliable way of knowing if FAR is properly "aware" of a given part? - I know it looks for the strings "nosecone" and "fairing" but is there anything else it looks for, or cares about? For example, how does it handle 3rd party (but aerodynamic looking) cockpits? - Wing/lift surfaces have to be specifically enabled with FAR, correct? - To that end, I know B9 is apparently fully compatible now, what about Taverio's? - Are all rotor-propulsion addons messuped by FAR, or are my helicopter designs just awful? - Is there a reliable way of telling what FAR thinks the current drag from a given part is? - To that end generally speaking, does it suffice to have a part "behind" a nosecone or fairing, even if the sides are exposed? - If not (i.e. exposed sides affect drag, as you'd expect) - can this be mitigated by any of the cargo bay addons? Will they "just work" or do they need any specific config? - Does it know if something "sticks out" from behind a nosecone - e.g. 1m nosecone on a 2m tank? What about radial attachments - does it just assume they won't be covered? - Other then lift surfaces and noses, does FAR do anything different with other parts? Intakes? Jet engines? Anything? - Are all the readouts documented anywhere? The spaceport page and this OP are both pretty spare in terms of info. Not much about them mean much to me - I assume they refer to IRL flight concepts.
  8. Hi there, I keep going back and forth between installing and uninstalling FAR. The built-in aerodynamics are extremely frustrating, but FAR adds its own set of quirks as well :/ One of my major points of confusion though is that I'm never sure how exactly FAR interacts with non-stock parts and addons. - Apparently B9 is now FAR compatible, but what about Taverio's? - I'm just going to assume Firespitter and other prop lift packs are out of the question, because I've had nothing but frustration and failures with them. - Does MechJeb's spaceplane guidance get confused by FAR? I've yet to get auto-runway-landing to work, but that may also just be my less-then-stable plane designs... - Is there a way to reliably tell if given part is generating drag? This is primarily an issue for custom parts. For example, if something "behind" a fairing or nosecone, is that sufficient? Does FAR know if it "sticks out" from the footprint of said nosecone/fairing? Does it matter is the sides are not covered by fairings and are just exposed to the air? Will any of the cargo bay addons mitigate this latter effect (if it exists to begin with)? - In general, what is required for FAR to take into account a part, and what sort of parts are affected by it? For wings, they have to be specifically coded for FAR support, correct? For nosecones and fairings does it only look for the string "nosecone" and "fairing" or what else is there (precisely)? Are there any other strings it looks for? Can I manually edit cfg files to fill in missing details? Do jet engines need ot be FAR aware in any way? What about air intakes? - Finally, is it just me, or does FAR make regular vertical ascent substantially more delta-V efficient, due to drag reduction (after proper nosecone placement)? Sorry about the question wall, it's been driving me pretty batty though... Argh, mod fatigue...
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