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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. The topmost download link has an erroneous " at the end of the link. That is why some people think it is broken. Dropbox gives a 404 error until the " is removed. Great pack, love it!
  2. Also want to chime in and say I'm rather excited for the new release! This has always been my go-to mod for liftoff!
  3. Honestly, forget about presenting it. Demonstrate it. 30 minutes, as others mentioned, will allow you to show them initial build, to mun landing, and back. Just have a save ready with a orbital station, to stop off and show them docking This is a great idea, must work for a good outfit. Make sure you end by landing, neglecting to put down the landing struts
  4. This actually makes the most sense of any other response I've read. Well said!
  5. This isn't on the list, but I'd like to see a lot done by way of optimizing and performance.
  6. Even if they had let us drive it, it's not capable of that high a speed... needs more boosters! Good thing they didn't allow us to build it
  7. I think you need more fuel and monoprop up there! Looking good! How'd ya get em into space, mind posting your rig?
  8. Wow, I saw Smooth Jazz, that's a fantastic addition for my KSP crew! Gave me a good laugh, well done!
  9. Was really hoping to see this updated quickly as well. Sure would like to hear from the mods author!
  10. Have to echo what Quorthon said above. I've checked back here daily since .20 just to get the update on this mod pack. Well done! By far one of my favorite.
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