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Everything posted by cineboxandrew

  1. Released version 1.1.2, which fixes the depth mask not applying after a part is repaired. KSP 1.11 is required, if you are using an older version please use ModuleDepthMask version 1.1.1
  2. It’s not that simple. The space dock version of the mod bundles dependencies, including Shabby which isn’t on ckan either
  3. Released version 0.2.7 Supported KSP versions: 1.8.x to 1.11.x Notes: Attaching decal parts in flight using engineer kerbals is not supported. Fixes: Fixed certain non-ascii strings not rendering correctly under certain circumstances. Yet another attempted fix for the planet text glitch.
  4. If anyone is thinking of trying to attach decals in flight with the new inventory system, I'll tell you right now its not going to work. Might never work, I'm not sure how the UX of editing a decal in flight would work
  5. Please tell me these are loaded on the fly Edit: Honestly, is there a real reason to save the thumbnails and not re-render them each time? loading a png and compressing it is pretty slow compared to just a handful of draw calls and a ReadPixels, as I've learned working on Conformal Decals
  6. If anyone runs into the bug with the red text, can you try something and enable the resource overlay (using the f12 menu to scan the planet if you have to)? If that makes the text go away then I might know what's going on, but I'm still not able to reproduce the issue and have no idea what causes it right now.
  7. Released version 0.2.6 (build 1) Fixes: Fixed stock flags appearing stretched by forcing their aspect ratio to be correct. Another attempted fix for the planet text glitch. EDIT: Just found a nasty bug in this immediately after pushing, give me an hour or so to push a new build to fix it before downloading
  8. Honestly, absolutely zero. There doesnt appear to be any code in planet rendering that uses render textures, and I cant reproduce so I suspect its only on DirectX (which I cant test). I pushed some blind attempts at a fix to the main branch on github. can you try that and see if it works? Also please file a bug report there with detailed reproduction steps
  9. Released version 0.2.5 Fixes: Fixed line spacing, character spacing, and vertical settings not applying to symmetry counterparts
  10. Released version 0.2.4 Fixes: Fixed red text appearing on planets due to KSP bug by clearing render textures afterwards. Fixed fonts not saving correctly. Changes: Lowered step size for decal size and depth to 1cm. Changed default max size to 5m. Changed default text decal size to 0.2m Text decals now show as a circle if they contain only whitespace.
  11. Hmm, looks like some mod is being naughty and not clearing a render texture before using it. Can you reproduce with just ConformalDecals installed?
  12. Wow that's... baffling. If I had to guess it has to do with both the wheels and the decals being physicsless parts, making it a KSP bug
  13. Released version 0.2.3 Fixes: Fixed TMP subobjects being deleted, causing fallback fonts to fail in some situations. Started using URL-style encoding for text decals behind the scenes to prevent issues with certain characters. Fixed text decals having zero size when they had only whitespace or an empty string Fixed decals having drag and causing issues when using FAR Fixed broken saving of text decals in certain circumstances.
  14. Released Version 0.2.2 Fixes: Fixed corrupted text rendering when a vessel loads during a scene change.
  15. Does it fix it permanently? because Ive been able to replicate the issue when going from flight to VAB reliably with any text. Updating the text once you're in the VAB causes it to re-render, so of course doing that would fix the corruption until it needs to render again on a scene change
  16. This is actually a bug in B9partswitch, and its already been reported This one I'm completely baffled by. It seems unity is doing something weird when the text gets rendered on the first frame the VAB or SPH scene is loaded, and it causes this to happen. I think the only workaround will be to force editor scene text rendering to happen a few frames late of part creation. Very weird. I also cant seem to replicate it happening in the flight scene but I suppose the fix is the same
  17. I thought I did, turns out I put it in "boon.config" now I'm getting the same error but the KSP runtime is printing `debugger-agent: Unable to listen on 8` to the console, I guess time to figure out what thats about
  18. I tried following this and successfully got KSP to run as a "development build", but whenever I try to connect to it from Rider from the running process list, I get Failed to connect: Connection refused Unable to connect to UnityPlayer Did you run into this? any idea what I'm doing wrong? Rider is version 2020.1.4 so maybe something changed recently?
  19. Released version 0.2.1 Changes Pressing enter in the text entry window now types a newline. Fixes Renamed font assetbundle. The old extension was causing the game to try to load it twice on Windows due to legacy compatability features. Fixed text rendering on DirectX resulting in black boxes by using ARGB32 instead of RG16 for the render texture in DirectX.
  20. I found the problem and will push a fix tomorrow. Turns out its caused by a windows compatibility feature older than I am
  21. Released version 0.2.0 New Parts: CDL-3 Surface Base Decal: A set of conformal decals based on the symbols from the movie Moon (2009) designed by Gavin Rothery CDL-T Custom Text Decal: A customizable text decal with a variety of fonts Changes: New ModuleConformalText module for customizable text Text, font, and style can all be customized, as well as text fill and outline colors and widths Same projection and opacity options as other conformal decals New StandardText decal shader supporting the text module Unified all decal shaders into a single "StandardDecal" shader with variants supporting any combination of bump, specular and emissive maps, plus SDF alphas. Old shaders are remapped to Standard shader plus keywords automatically. New SDF-based antialiasing for when decals extend to their borders, e.g. on opaque flags. New "KEYWORD" material modifier, allowing for shader features to be enabled and disabled. Material modifiers can now be removed in variants by setting remove = true inside them. Fixes: Fixed WIDTH and HEIGHT scale modes being flipped Removed some debug log statements Dependencies: Updated ModuleManager to version 4.1.4
  22. LFO = Liquid fuel and oxygen CMG = control moment gyroscope im actually not sure what the parentheses and question marks do, its probably some pseudo-regex syntax (wildcard to the right, wildcard single character, wildcard to the left, maybe?). I think all the restock tag strings are just copied from stock equivalents with some extra stuff added onto the end
  23. Yes, textures in the game are always loaded as either DXT1 or DXT5, so PNG files are not actually saving any memory space and are just adding to the loading time
  24. Use DXT5, I have a script here: https://gist.github.com/drewcassidy/1f3d583f7ef6086e5fb2baf87525c56a (Requires imagemagick and nvcompress).
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