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Everything posted by cineboxandrew

  1. It doesn’t work like that, the Pythagorean theorem works on linear directions in cartesian space, not angles in spherical space. If you start at the equator and go 90° east and 90° north, you’re 90° from your starting point, not 127° Degrees of altitude? What does that even mean? Why are you multiplying the altitude by pi? This whole set of code will work fine for small angles (see the small angle approximation) but completely fall apart with larger distance in any axis but r, but of course you only tested it in the r axis... if you want the real formula for distance between points in a spherical coordinate system, look at this stack exchange post
  2. Honestly not sure where to begin with how wrong this math is
  3. Does it happen with KJR but no Restock?
  4. No fix for the game running at absurd resolutions on retina screens?
  5. I just double checked in blender and the restock HECS2 collider is identical to the stock one. The nose cone collider was also identical but the collider was rotated 15° which I'm going to open a ticket for
  6. What collider changes are you having issues with? the colliders should all be the same as stock
  7. what do you mean "not compatible with the regular docking ports", they replace the regular docking ports models so what are you trying to dock them to? for the second point: they are 1.25m in diameter, which is actually slightly wider than the stock ones
  8. Ah, that mod is probably not handling skinned meshes correctly, the same problem KIS and FAR had
  9. What do you mean by “inline hangars”? Is this another mod?
  10. back port to 1.6.1 should be possible (did you try it? it might work already). There shouldnt be much performance impact from this plugin, less so than even using a transparent shader
  11. Released version 1.1.1, which just fixes the code using the Restock namespace. no effect in-game but might confuse anyone wanting to tap into the code of this plugin for whatever reason
  12. make sure you give the cloned part a new name, multiple parts with the same internal name tend to cause weird things to happen
  13. As well as its own plugin which could be broken by an update, but so far the most recent updates have been pretty forgiving to plugins besides the most heavyweight ones
  14. Released version 1.1.0 This update adds support for using multiple depth masks with the same name, as well as hopefully better supporting multiple depth mask modules on the same part
  15. Hey, if you wanted to give the RCS a real interior instead of just a black cover this might be useful:
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