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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Anyone? I tried to build MechJeb so that I could debug this myself, but I'm having problems with that also. I followed instructions described in https://github.com/MuMech/MechJeb2/wiki/Compiling-MechJeb-2 and I get it to compile without errors, but the produced library is only 700kt as opposed to the over megabyte size of the original, so something is obviously missing. Could somebody please give detailed instructions on how to set up a development environment for MechJeb?
  2. I'm having problems with MechJeb's blacklist feature. I tried to blacklist all autopilots as is described in http://wiki.mechjeb.com/index.php?title=Manual/Blacklisting_modules ,but now it does not load any modules. The side panel is just empty. Could someone please check this and confirm.
  3. A suggestion: It would be cool if the Flight engineer could show some orbit predictions when re-entering atmosphere. Just showing an estimated apoapsis would lessen the amount of guess work when aerobraking. Also, if it predicts impact, it could show the location, so it could be used also when landing.
  4. I do not have a craft file at hand, but I do have some pointers. First you should get rid of all unnecessary weight. Like, does the extra crew module have some meaningful purpose? Also, six nuke engines on a moderate size ship is probably overkill. Try something like four or three. You speaking of getting it back to orbit. Does that mean that you have landed the whole ship to Duna? If so, you should design separate landing and planet transfer stages. That way you don't need to lift so much and you will save fuel.
  5. Nice! Somebody should implement this as a plugin
  6. Thanks you for the answers. I was able to get to 60x60 orbit around Duna with less than 1500 dV. Still not optimal, but much better than before.
  7. That is normal. It shows that way in the system monitor, because OS is switching cores on the fly. All cores will get some tasks, none of the will get 100% utilized.
  8. Hi, I manage to do interplanetary transfers quite reliably with close to optimal dV (according to http://ksp.olex.biz/), but the problem is that when I get to the destination planet's SOI, I'am very far away and then I need to burn much fuel to get to orbit. For example, when I get to Duna's SOI I'm usually somewhere between 30 and 40 million kilometers away and then I need to burn over 1k dV to to the atmosphere to perform aerobraking. I'm guessing that I should do some corrections before I get into SOI, but at which point? Also, it seems that maneuver planner does not work correctly when successive revolutions trajectories are close together but not exactly the same, so it makes it difficult to plan any corrections before entering the SOI. Any tips?
  9. Ok. Are there any parts, other than the command modules, that increase this "magic torque"? Or is the only solution just to add RCS (or switch the probe to a command pod)?
  10. Hi, It seems that a space craft has much poorer maneuverability if its command module is a probe compared to if it is a command pod. Why is this and how can I get more maneuverability to probe guided crafts? Background: I have built a probe guided lander carrier that packs punch to do interplanetary transfers carrying a lander, which has a command pod, at the same time. When a lander is docked to the carrier, maneuverability is fine. But when I detach the two crafts from each other, the lander retains the good maneuverability and the carrier loses it.
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