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NASI Director

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Everything posted by NASI Director

  1. From the associates at Rusty Hangar Aircraft Emporium, the fine builders, engineers, and myself bring you the Skua YC-1! The best aircraft you can buy for surplus prices! The Skua features a fast intercept fighter/scientific atmospheric jet that moves at a top speed of 180m/s. The Skua can easily be equipped with weapons by simply removing the two tail pieces from the front of the craft. Its low profile also ensures that whatever endeavours you pursue, they will always be secret and confidential!* Now, let's look at some pictures, shall we? .craft on request The hangar/rover thing that was over the Skua is not for sale. Yet. * NADI, or its affiliates are not responsible for any loss of money, lives, or top governmental secrets. NADI reserves the right to record any and all actions and radio traffic. We reserve the right to release any of the aforementioned to the highest bidder.
  2. A normal forums member can't delete a post, however they can request a delete from a mod.
  3. ADOS - Attention Defic- Oh, shiny!
  4. 27.) What is the difference between inertia and momentum? 28.) Who in the world still says "tomahtoe" or "pohtahtoe?"
  5. 26.) Why can't a jet engine work with oxidizers? Can you use a rocket engine without oxidizers in an atmosphere like our own?
  6. I don't know if it's been noticed yet, but the Apollo lander was something more like 14 tonnes.
  7. Dear Diary, it seems that even the faulty physics and aerodynamics in KSP have faltered tonight. How he managed to do this is beyond my capabilities and beyond those of who went before me. This is too much. I need a scotch.
  8. How in the word do you get enough power for that monstrosity?
  9. You should remake the Agena target vehicle too. That'd be awesome.
  10. Mulbin, I must beg for your tutorial on how you created such magnificent fairings! My fairings are nothing more than a decoupler and a couple sheets of metal. I really want to know how you got the fairings all the way around the Sputnik, using no metal plates. Also, you should change your title, you're not a Junior Rocket Scientist, you're a Master Rocket Builder!
  11. The Kerbals are an advanced species of adamantium, hard-to-obtain-nium, and super-dense-ium. They are green so they can live in the command pod for years and produce oxygen from the CO2 they emit. I made a post about it a while back. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/34547-Apoctalyptic-KSP-Large-Picture
  12. About a month or so ago, I started a Tekkit game, and had quite a bit of fun in it. I made ,including but not limited to, a large factory, a smeltery(?), an office building, my rail lines and a house. But then I thought about Mystcraft. That's the beginning of the end. I didn't want to do Mystcraft in survival mode, and use up my abundant resources, so I moved far away and played with it for a bit. Mind you, earlier I deleted my waypoints because I thought I wasn't going to go anywhere else. Needless to say, I was quite confused about the writing desk, lectern, and the book stand. Then I started spamming right click on the books. I was immediately teleported to a new age. I nearly died from a broken heart that my world was gone. After one or two Google searches later I discovered a command to teleport me to the Overworld. I immediately took advantage of it. My tears of joy quickly turned to tears of dread and I soon learned that I spawned most likely a couple 1000 blocks away. Although my work is lost, I feel no anger, as is also felt when one loses his/her diamonds to a creeper. I feel much more peaceful, as if a huge load has been taken off my shoulders. I feel as if I had been given a new start, another chance to start anew. I feel no regret, nor anger, nor remorse. I feel better now. Sehr, sehr, gut.
  13. However half of the things I asked that have not been answered are not google-able.
  14. 25.) Why is it that in KSP, when you orbit higher, you go slower but in real life when you swing something around a pendulum the end goes faster the farther it is away from you? Is that an example of the great KSP physics I hear about?
  15. However I'd much rather not have to fix my space station or boost its orbit up in the middle of Duna intercept burn.
  16. That's what they want you to think...
  17. 24.) How much dV does it take to get into a 70x70km orbit around the Mun? How much to land from that altitude?
  18. I'm not entirely saying I will apply per say, but if my future job doesn't work out, it's a nice little option.
  19. 1.) I know the equation to find dV, but how would I calculate the ISP and dV of multiple engines? 2.) How can I find the volume of a sphere? 3.) How much dV does it take to orbit the real Moon? 4.) How much dV does it take to intercept and circularize around the Moon? 5.) Why is it called the Moon? Why isn't it called Luna or something? 6.) How can find the strength of a lightweight material such as aluminum (is there an equation for it)? 7.) How long does it take radio signals to get to Mars? To the Moon? 8.) Is a mile 2.2 kilometers or is it 1.2? 9.) It kilometer pronounced "Keelow meeter" or "Kehlohmehter?" 10.) Why is English even here? Didn't derive from Anglish or the Anglo-Saxon language? 11.) How slow would a safe landing be? 12.) How much dV did the Saturn V rocket have? With payload? Without? 13.) Why do I ask so many questions? 14.) Why do we accept the Uncertainty Principle as law? 15.) How do we create electricity to make our muscles move? 16.) Why do we accept the laws of Thermodynamics and Newton's Laws to be the number one law? 17.) Why doesn't America fund their space program more? 18.) Why doesn't America fund their science programs more? 19.) Why is KSP so addicting? 20.) What do the devs of KSP look like? Who are they? 21.) Why do I like instrumental versions of songs better than the actual with-lyrics version of them? 22.) Why does Germany have such a bad reputation? 23.) Mein Deutsch bin sehr schlecht? I may remember more later on and I'll post them in the comments.
  20. I had just a small question: If I were to apply for a job at Squad, would be a requirement to learn Spanish, or should I be fine with just English and German? If I were to work on Kerbal Space Program at Squad, would it still be a requirement to learn Spanish? Also, how much does a starter dev/rookie/QA tester make (in US dollars) and where is Squad based out of?
  21. With the recent launching of the LADEE probe, I saw it necessary to create my own rendition of it. I present to you, the MADEE! The Munar Atmospheric and Dust Environment Explorer! With it, comes the Minotaur V launcher that was actually used in the real LADEE launch. We here at NASI decided it fit to make this before someone like Mulbin or Sgt_Flyer or Giggleplex comes along and makes one that shows us all up! While it's not exactly the launch protocol or exactly the LADEE, our five-year-old designers decided it fit to equip it with over 4000 units of electric charge. While the pictures show Mechjeb, it will not be included in the .craft file. Right now, Pictures! *Warranty void if exposed to vacuum, Space Kraken, atmosphere, regolith, the ground, or Danny2462. Warranty void if fed after midnight.
  22. Probably just your timezone. Where do you live? Kruger 60?
  23. They should upload the streams for later viewers on YouTube for those of us with all day homework. I hate homework.
  24. Does Jeb need a caption? Also, can someone link me to the exact post with the clouds in the Universe Replacer pack, there's like 50+ pages on that thing.
  25. Agreed with Cupcake. Also, stealing is such a harsh word on these forums. I prefer the term reverse-engineering.
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