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Everything posted by Shadowscyther

  1. Interesting crafts. I'll have to play around with them sometime.
  2. If you go into the craft file, you can edit which button fires the minigun. Btw, I might be missing what's in plain sight, but what is Kero a kerbalization of?
  3. Seeing the amount of VTOLs you've been releasing lately, is there any chance of a YAK-141 replica being made?
  4. What coordinates is this hole located at?
  5. Well, nothing special here. It's not VTOL, I'm pretty sure it can't go interplanetary, it spams intakes but hey, it looks cool and can achieve a 300~ km orbit.
  6. What happened to the old carrier lift? I'm trying to build an amphibious assault ship, and the side lift is a bit too big.
  7. Anyone have any good helicopter designs that are easy to fly and can be landed on InfiniteDice carriers? I can't seem to build one without it flipping over or nosediving into the carrier.
  8. I'm currently working on a ship for this, but is nobody else gonna be Hanland aligned?
  9. It may be posted somwhere I can't find, but .craft file for the K-117A?
  10. Just got two throttled up aircraft flying at the same time. Tada! Here's an album with better pictures: imgur.com/a/5u3Pp
  11. This might have been suggested before but, here it is anyways. Challenge: Build a VTOL aircraft capable of hovering, complete vertical take off, and able to be flown to the monolith, then land back on the runway.
  12. So, I have a theory for how to fly two planes in atmosphere at the same time. For it to theoretically work, they would both need docking ports and one would need to be carrying a rover with a parachute. If the plane with the rover was flying, then dropped the rover and deployed the parachute, and turned on ASAS, it would keep flying. If you then drove the rover to the other plane and docked it, you be in control of the plane. Then you could fly it up and be flying with the other plane. Anyone know if this would actually work? I haven't gotten to test it in-game yet.
  13. I made some VTOLs and attempted ODST style drop pods(The kerbals were in seats and got flung out when the parachutes deployed.)
  14. Any eta of when you'll have the .craft file for download?
  15. I've stopped playing FPS games completely. I'm now afraid to turn on my Xbox, as it'll probably crash from 99+ unread messages in inbox.
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