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Everything posted by Cthulufaic

  1. I may just not of noticed but, WELCOME BACK FROM WHEREVER YOU WERE ASCENSIAM!
  2. Well a Superstring engine would work in theory, but we just have to prove string-theory, and make something that can interact with said strings.
  3. Bread Duck is also a fun game.
  4. It does, you just put the toast by the Flux Capacitor and wait 2 to 3 parsecs for the toast to be done.
  5. Indeed, science would become rather boring if everything fit exactly as it should within the standard model.
  6. What am I looking at?
  7. Do you mean m/s? Because 789 mi/h is kinda slow, most planes here can go over half a kilometer every second.
  8. By 'On the Net' do you mean in-browser? Because if not...
  9. Poop would really mess up the Ram/Scram/Kazam Jets if it got in the intake, we better clean it out!
  10. Some new models will be starting production soon, keep an eye out for one that fits your needs! --Engineer Cthulufaic
  11. If you look closely, you can see a leg in it\'s mouth
  12. Nice! I was wondering when someone was going to make some more Aircraft parts
  13. 8/10 for Star Trek Voyager (Original and Next Gen were better)
  14. Not familiar with any external control panels, but it might have been a Mech Warrior game, or an Armored Core game. Those are the only ones I can remember that have you pilot giant mechs.
  15. Mind = Blown. I seriously didn\'t know that Asimov wrote I, Robot
  16. Yes, those are Asimov\'s 3 laws of robotics. I-Robot used Asimov\'s laws, because they couldn\'t come up with anything else.
  17. Oh the Irony! ;P It would be so funny/crushingly dissapointing if that was really the case.
  18. The game is still really fun to play, but with the Text to Speech it can kinda get... annoying.
  19. The 'During Animation' pic makes it look like a giant robot space squid =P Awesome work! I can\'t wait to see where this is going.
  20. Make a steam airplane! It\'s gunna be !FUN!
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