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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. This is great. From a human perspective, you'd think blue would satisfy a greater deficiency. But that's not as orky. the SAS should still be blue, though.SAS modules would be good blue, though. Red's not the only color with significance, you know. Although it might be the only one that still confers mechanical benefit? I don't play 40k. I know blue granted an invulnerable save for a while. The normal ork design would be an arrow, pointed in the desired direction of travel.
  2. Jeb should get shades in his actual in-game image.
  3. I don't know about that, I don't think there's any plan to add interstellar stuff or the abduction and transplant of animals and plants. It's more like the very beginning of spore space stage, except it's a functional thing with choices rather than Spore's purely aesthetic editor, and it has the promise of gameplay, rather than whatever Spore was.
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