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Everything posted by whaaw

  1. I'm trying to understand and change the fuel consumption on the "Whiplash" Jet Engine. basically what I want is double the power with half the Consumption. from my understanding, I have to multiply maxThrust times 2. and double the atmosphere curve from 0 4000 0 0 to 0 8000 0 0? somehow i have the feeling that the consumption is still high. So I wanted to ask how to make it correctly.
  2. Hello Kerbonauts, I started my 1.2 Career game a few days ago, and i also had a few strange contracts! I was thinking about a system to filter those contracts or change them without rewriting the hole contract code. I had the Idea the we should get a Veto for such contracts. that means based on our Reputation we should be able convince the engineers and scientist behind the contracts, that it would be better to make a suborbital flight with an SRB stage on earth instead of the moon. if i have good reputation the chance to get this through the imaginary contracts committee is higher than with low reputation.
  3. Hi, im setting up my 1.2 install, and after installing KIS i found some notifications in KSP.log i went to the Gamefolder and found the "missing" Ogg's, they are named correctly and at the right place...
  4. whaaw


    i mean a new forum is the right idea, but the person who took this software in 2015 shoud be fired. there are so many great Forum software out there. and this is the worst option ever from all of them Thats just my opinion and i can live with this. *flys away for just cause 3 and DCS NTTR realease soon
  5. still didnt know what happend here but jeb had a good time:
  6. hi, after the last update (gb447380) i got an error by clicking fast on the Update tab. ^^ Edit: its on all sorting rows System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Der Index lag außerhalb des Bereichs. Er darf nicht negativ und kleiner als die Auflistung sein. Parametername: index bei System.Collections.ArrayList.get_Item(Int32 index) bei System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowCollection.get_Item(Int32 index) bei CKAN.Main.ModList_CellMouseDoubleClick(Object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) bei System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.OnMouseDoubleClick(MouseEventArgs e) bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) bei System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.WndProc(Message& m) bei System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
  7. go down to gain enough speed to brake sound barrier? thats insane, we play kerbal add BOOSTERS
  8. yeah but when you compare Stock ksp and ksp with eve, Stock ksp looks like my grandma at 5am. And it was there just nobody implemented it for 1.0. better make changes to atmo so we cant get to eve anymore without 100t of heatshields. and call it necessary for playability.
  9. im glad im backed up 1.0, 1.0.2 seems to have problems too on my pc
  10. Yes! with this mod updated i'm only two mods away from starting 1.0 Career! THX!
  11. Hi Thx for updating this must to have mod. What do you think about a CKAN integration? regards
  12. how can i provide you the right informations? logs? i mean i cant really tell you still downloading the first mod^^ current link kerbal.curseforge.com so i think curse is the server? the curent rate is between 150-250 kbps EDIT: when i put the link in browser it downloads the file with full bandwidth PPS: Windows 8 64bit
  13. Hi, first thx for your work. Why can i download mods only with 200kps? is there a limit or somthing? I can download with direct link to the mod with 20Mb/s normally
  14. omg it was my first tough after i exploded midflight. thx for that EDIT: imagine the debug heat color would fade in slowly when parts start to heating up, so we can have a visual indicator on all parts with critical heat
  15. yeah im downloading nice haha before the heavy load EDIT and done!
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