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Everything posted by Umlüx

  1. sadly i too just refunded the game and it pains me as i have spent 3000 fun hours in ksp1 and love the game! but ksp2 is nowhere ready. thats not early access, that is a beta at best. and a beta asking for 50 bucks nonetheless!! i hope to come back when the game is in a more playable state...
  2. if KSP2 will be anywhere near the 2000 hours i invested in KSP1, i'd gladly pay 60 bucks for a good game.
  3. blocking KSPs access to the web with my firewall for now. if there is no official statement to this, i'll think twice ever buying a squad game again...
  4. sorry if this sounds somewhat arrogant.. but i can't really understand the problem here. in my humble opinion, a basic level of english should by mandatory in this day and age! especially in a first world country like germany. english is the agreed language for worldwide information exchange and everybody who neglects this will encounter problems sooner or later in life. yes, there are some difficult technical terms i this game. but thats nothing googe couldn't solve.and with every new vocabulary you learn something valuable for your future. btw.. i am not a native speaker myself, but at least i try
  5. imho there is one big upside to longer devcycles: with this much time, mods are getting better than ever before! what a time to be alive!
  6. MJ is one of the most essential tools for me. i'd already have quit KSP after 1000 hours if not for MJ.
  7. the KSP console port is done by Flying Tiger Development, blame them. they already delivered some bad ports in the past, so.... nothing new here
  8. i am a simple man. i see a cupcake craft, i press like.
  9. your phone would instantly fry in jupiters radiation belt
  10. better graphics more parts new and powerful physics engine starsystems and FTL travel realism level is fine as is imho.
  11. ...exiting the game because it's already 2am again.
  12. nice! but you should maybe rename it to "Flugstrudel" or "Fliegender Strudel", because "Fliegenstrudel" sounds more like a strudel for flys (the insects)
  13. whats jebs favourite song? here comes the BOOM (nelly) ahahaha.. hahaha.. hah.. a.. yes..
  14. a quadcore i5 is enough for KSP and it's better to aim for higher clockspeeds than more cores. maybe even go for an unlocked K model and try to overclock it to the max.
  15. yeah.. you are right, i should always play with a copy. i have several copies for older versions, but the current version is running from steam. thanks.
  16. i have some problems too. loading is stuck on part 'B9_Aerospace/Parts/Adapter_M1/Adapter_SM1/B9_Adapter_SM1' it doesn't matter if using 32bit or 64bit fresh installed KSP with only B9 (6.1.1. + HX 6.1.1). i've tried it with your bundled MM 2.6.24 and the newer MM 2.6.25 log: http://www.umluex.at/data/KSP.zip thank you! EDIT: disregard that, i just saw that it installed KSP 1.1??? don't know why.. (Steam version) i will try to reinstall and try again! EDIT2: after deleting everything and reinstalling the whole game (again.. what's wrong with steam these days...) it is working now!
  17. i have some lifters modeled after real life versions. but i also build custom ones for.... "special missions" later in the career, when you have a ton of money, i often construct insane launch contraptions to launch stations or interplanetary vessels in one go instead assembling them in orbit.
  18. when a new versionis released or essential mods break. but mostly out of boredom. so, for 1.1 i will take a different approach: modern space program! starting in modern days with a fully unlocked tech tree but normal starting funds and reputation. kinda like space x maybe?
  19. i am very interested, but as long as OPM works, i don't really need one. edit: oh... thread necro..
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