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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Yes, and with lots of cargo, however, it is heavily modded: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/33908-B9-Kondor-Mk-II
  2. Kondor Mk-II - Super heavy SSTO The Kondor MK-II can lift exactly 100 tons(that's the most I've tried) to LKO with about 1400 DV to spare. Uses KW Rocketry, Mechjeb, B9, Pwings, Tri-Hexagonal struts, and FAR Album:http://imgur.com/a/KgO3y#0
  3. The challenge is to get the largest payload to LKO in a spaceplane. The score is the mass of the payload. Rules: 1.Payload must be able to be separated. 2.All mods allowed, unless they are designed to blatantly cheat: no hyperedit,ect. Everything else is fine. 3.List all mods used in the creation of your plane 4.You must use FAR 5.Include pictures(on ground and in orbit) and a name for your plane 6.Landing pictures are not necessary. Leader Boards: 1.Rhino1998-Kondor MK-II 100 2. 3. 4. 5. My Attempt: Full Album:http://imgur.com/a/KgO3y#0 The Kondor MK-II can lift exactly 100 tons(that's the most I've tried) to LKO with about 1400 DV to spare. Uses KW Rocketry, Mechjeb, B9, Pwings, Tri-Hexagonal struts, and FAR
  4. In .20? The Kondor MKII Full album: http://imgur.com/a/KgO3y The payload is 100 tons, and is brought up with about 1400 extra DV The Spaceplane itself is about 170 tons without the payload.
  5. I fixed the pictures and tested 100 tons to LKO. There was no trouble getting 100 tons to LKO, but it took about 20 minutes
  6. The Kondor project started when TheWinterOwl said that he would be impressed if one could make a 60 ton to LKO SSTO Spaceplane. I then proceeded really overbuild the plane: Full album: http://imgur.com/a/KgO3y It can easily transport 100 tons into LKO with about 1400 DV to spare. If 20 spare tons of fuel are brought up with a 80 ton payload, the Kondor should be able to easily bring the payload to Duna and return empty. Built using B9 Aerospace, KWRocketry, Pwings, and Mechjeb
  7. The Kondor project started when TheWinterOwl said that he would be impressed if one could make a 60 ton to LKO SSTO Spaceplane. I then proceeded really overbuild the plane: Full album: http://imgur.com/a/KgO3y It can easily transport 100 tons into LKO with about 1400 DV to spare. If 20 spare tons of fuel are brought up with a 80 ton payload, the Kondor should be able to easily bring the payload to Duna and return empty. Built using B9 Aerospace, KWRocketry, Pwings, and Mechjeb
  8. So far, so good. Except I was wondering how the Game Database helped with memory usage exactly. I still cant load all the hundreds of parts I want to load on my 8 gigs of RAM. I still run out of RAM when attempting to do so
  9. Climberfx, I posted that before it was made stock parts only, it originally did not specify that, hence my post
  10. I would suggest that you add more specific rules,as currently this fills all the criteria and is capable of infinite range: Picture removed for lack of reason for continuing existance Though the necessary screenshots are not provided, as this is not a challenge entry because I do not feel like flying this infinitely.
  11. I was building an orbital construction ship with Romfarer's Lazer system, the orbital construction mod, and KAS when I ran into an unexpected problem: My ship did not have enough Delta-V to reach Munar orbit. With its spare parts tank empty, it had over 2000 Delta-V, however, with its 150 ton spare parts tank, it only had 500 DV. Being a well equipped kethane mining base, I have plenty of spare parts to jury rig something with the lazer system's kerbal building abilities, but for the life of me, I cannot seem to get enough DV to reach orbit. It only needs about 400 DV more, because once in orbit I can construct a full fuel tank and siphon from that. The full base The ship in need with the assembly rover nearby As you can see, I already tried to attach a tank to the top, but it did not provide sufficient DV so I removed it. So, I come to you, community, can you figure out a way I can rescue this mission. Preferably without requiring additional launches. Any help is appreciated greatly.
  12. Made one as well: Read as Rhino Aerospace.
  13. Nebley and Neblie Kerman and Chadlong on the same crew Both Ned brothers with .6 brave, though Nedley was .6 dumb too Chad-long was .08 brave and .74 dumb
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