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Posts posted by classyjakey

  1. C:/cpluscompiler.exe /administrator compile virus.cfile

    -Added 1 bonus virus, able to do a task without using up CPU, but 50+ cpu tasks will have a high chance of failing.-

    Also, you can only do it once a week.

  2. I made one of the posts in the facepunch threads untill i got banned for some reason but here is my contribution.


    The villagers are scared by the strange language written into the rock from the sky and have decided to worship it to avoid greater trouble from the sky.

    They have also learnt how to milk cows

  3. Can we stop using that black hole picture?

    Apart from the fact that throwing a black hole againts something is kinda stupid, I thought we already agreed that that particular picture is inaccurate



    From as far as I understand it: hawking radiation. The thing that ultimatly leads to the death of a black hole

    i've only used it twice.

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