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Posts posted by BahamutoD

  1. I eagerly tried this out, but when I got to the first gate, it broke in half, tipped over and smacked into my plane. Is this the "glitch gates" you were talking about? Is there any way around this on my end?

    On a side note, I get a huge FPS drop (down to 5-10 fps) while looking towards the horizon, which you are forced to do for this race... Looking straight up or down I can get 30-60 fps. Any info on this would be helpful too. Until then... I'll stick with space!

  2. The arm worked better than expected. I expected massive wobbles and glitches since that tends to happen when you stack robotic parts in games like these, but it held up quite well, even with the violent nature of the electromagnet (it wobbled on connection but didn't break). It completed my Space Shuttle build! The only problem was that it clipped through the bottom of the cargo bay when I landed pretty hard and exploded into the ground. Not sure if theres any way around that other than quantum struts..

  3. My crafts are usually too sketchy to trust to the Mechanical Jebediah, but it is suuper useful for dV information, radar altitude, suicide burn countdowns etc. Other than dV which can be calculated, alot of difficult maneuvers and calculations that you wouldn't have time to plug into a calculator (who would wanna do that for a game anyway) are filled with guess work and reloading quicksaves. As for autopilot, it makes bathroom breaks more productive. :)

  4. I agree with OP. Now that I've been playing for a while and know what parts do from experimenting/watching youtube videos, its not a problem but I remember starting out having no idea what parts do or avoiding certain parts because of their description. Maybe under the joke description an actual brief explanation would have been helpful.

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