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Everything posted by TranceaddicT

  1. I'm looking at the hierarchy now. With the exception of additions, nothing has changed since at least v4.0.
  2. My advice is what I do: (1) don't delete this one but create a new install (2) assuming CKAN, tick RO ... ONLY (3) apply changes (4) tick whatever recommends and suggests you want. (5) Apply and let CKAN do it's thing. (6) Launch. After that, you can add what you want two-by-two running each time until failure or you have what you want. If you run into a roadblock after this, follow the instructions in my sig.
  3. 78 entries total in my log. Only found amongst JNSQ entries during the model loading phase. It may not be JNSQ, but I've got nowhere else to start. Here's the relevant section ... I can post the entire log if needed, but this is the only point in the load process that this occurs.
  4. What is this about? [Physics.PhysX] QuickHullConvexHullLib::findSimplex: Simplex input points appers to be coplanar.
  5. They are compatible. Check your KSP settings to make sure you have occlusion enabled.
  6. Well, it is generally accepted that you shouldn't be installing mods mid-game. The will mess with your save. That said, you should be able to open the settings in the Space Center View and at the far right there is a "cheat menu" that has something that might work for you.
  7. I started this entire debate and was where you are on this specific issue. The question needing answer when employing :FINAL , particularly as a mod-creator, is "Is it's use a necessity or a desire?" In Kopernicus, it is a necessity. The desired result is to ensure all Solar Panels (via specific patching of a specific MODULE[ModuleDeployableSolarPanels]) is COMPLETELY controlled by Kopernicus ... AND NO OTHER. The only way to truly accomplish complete control as such, beyond introducing additional complexity to MM pass process, is to process a :FINAL pass on the specified module. (But, even this is subject to a mod alphanumerically after "Kop" ("Kopernikus" or "Kopernicus-like").)
  8. The OP is a good start. It all depends on what "realism" you are looking for. At 239 mod, I can confirm it is not.
  9. Yeah, THAT just went over the head of 99.8% of end-users.
  10. If there is one thing that ticks me off more than anything here, it's this: people put in ZERO effort to find a solution for their situation.
  11. That's doing a LOT of heavily lifting. I know a thing or two about compression but, I can honestly say it's still blackbox theory even to me.
  12. They are different tanks. fuelTankSmallFlat is a volume = 100 tank fuelTank is a volume = 400 tank
  13. This reminds me of a station from a game I played on Steam. Can't remember the name but it involved playing the part of the onboard A.I. and assisting one of the station's disaster survivors.
  14. More simply, physics calcs are "missing" times when the wheels are actually on the ground. Actual friction is being incorrectly calc'd because of those missing instances. The result is your craft "slides" because of the "lower" friction (and in the direction of YOUR rig's RNG bias.)
  15. If it has MODULE[ModuleDeployableAntenna] in it ... most likely.
  16. FYI, for @Jiraiyah and those using ... The config files: MM_SUIT_COLOR_PATCH (lines 21 & 48) & MM_Portriat_Stats_PATCH (line 1) should be modified to add a 'S" to the :NEED conditionals. These should be :NEEDS.
  17. Providing more than just "I did everything right. It won't work" would be a good start. How to get Support:
  18. For some reason, I find it eminently satisfing to know this is in JNSQ. I'm even more excited to play it for my first time and look forward to seeing them.
  19. Do you have AQSS? It'll do it. Put your ship on the pad wait 10 minutes and proof "quicksave complete"
  20. Upload it. I'll do some reorganizing for excrementss-n-giggles when I need a break from overhauling RO's KSPedia. (Mind-numbing ADHD tasks can be a good thing too.)
  21. Ahahahaha that's the spirit! Enjoy your time, dude, y'all mod-makers deserve everything second.
  22. Have you run a diff on the two craft? That'll tell you what's unique to that craft.
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