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Everything posted by pingopete

  1. Ah right, ok I think I know how to fix that one, thanks
  2. Ok so running through the mods to see which was causing the issue and pretty quick found it to be RSS. Here's an output log, I saw some stuff in there about nav utilities http://www.mediafire.com/file/78bsoagb4ek5mgx/output_log.txt NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at NavUtilLib.Utils.CalcDistance (Double lat1, Double lon1, Double altMSL1, Double lat2, Double lon2, Double altMSL2, System.String bodyName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at NavUtilLib.Utils.CalcDistanceToBeacon (.Vessel thisVessel, NavUtilLib.Runway currentRwy) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at NavUtilLib.GlobalVariables.FlightData.updateNavigationData () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at NavUtilLib.NavUtilLibApp.DrawGauge (UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at NavUtilLib.NavUtilLibApp.OnWindow (Int32 WindowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3. Nice! and thanks for the info I can however run 2.8.0 on KSP 1.2.2 and HSI works with that setup but all my other mods are broken / awaiting update to KSP 1.3. I was hoping there might be a workaround that'd been made for the current version I'm running, MM2.7.6? OK I'm being a complete idiot, not checking first without mods. It does work with 1.2.2 my bad just gotta figure out which mod is causing the issues. Sorry
  4. Hey, sorry to bother, but this doesn't seem to work in KSP 1.2.2 using NavUtilities 0.6.1 with the new dll from dropbox provided but I still get the broken UI window. Has anyone been able to get this working using this dll in KSP 122? EDIT: Never mind must be a problem on my end, it seems to work just without certain mods running. Think it's that I'm using MM 2.7.6 not 2.8.0 Could someone point me in the direction of the modified .dll that was made for ksp 1.2.2 / MM 2.7.6? I've tried the last 3 different .dlls in this thread but none seem to work?
  5. Been away from ksp, rve, scatterer for a while, but coming back to see some of these extinction colour pics is stunning! amazing work!
  6. It's from infinite dice's old boat parts pack, not in his current release, it's purely for looks it doesn't actually function
  7. possibly, could again be some interference with scatterer or other lighting mods if it only happens to some people, the glow around object seems to simply be where the darkening isnt happening, really weird.. almost gives an HDR effect haha
  8. Yeah but it's not just the nimitz, it's all objects, I'm running an outdated RVE with the current scatterer so might be that. Edit: there is a weird lighting bug that happens when I activate any function on the ship though, everything goes darker, and objects have a weird glow around them?
  9. Managed to get an automated carrier landing using kOS
  10. Oh damn, I swear it hadn't been officially updated.. Thanks man! EDIT2: On another note are there any plans to add a catapult or arresting system? Sorry if this has been asked before
  11. Checked the scale of this carrier in RSS and it is surprisingly 333 meters; the real length! Having so much fun landing on a moving pitching deck with my fa18's just a shame about the occasional physics freakouts and how the ship often doesn't want to move at all. I installed an extra-planetary launch pad runway in the hull which actually works for spawning jets as there's no available link to the vessel mover mod for 1.1.3 EDIT: If anyone has the link to that recompile for 1.1.3 I'd be very grateful
  12. That skybox I did was literally a 6 face cubemap export from space engine from somewhere near sol I thought the plane of the galaxy looked a bit off tbh haha
  13. You asked for help so I offered some ideas, but no I don't have the issue you speak of so I wouldn't know exactly. cpu/gpu either way the latest shading effects added to eve volumetrics can drop about 10-20 frames depending on the billboard density. And fabled eve menu? What's wrong with it? Yeah I can confirm now, kopernicus texture detail definitely doesn't work for SS, and I still can't get it to work at all in rss. I too hope rbray works on the terrain again, like everything that guy makes, it's better than any other alternative, especially how it allows in game tweaking which speeds up the modding process 10 fold (not having to restart to see any change). But I think he's been quite busy in irl for some time now
  14. Yeah volumetrics are currently fairly cpu intensive but shouldn't have that much of an impact, it's pretty easy to remove the volumetrics using the Alt+0 menu
  15. what do you mean exactly? just the basic texture lines in the RVE.cfg as suggested a few pages back and then your config setup modified for RVE, neither worked :/
  16. Gave your config a go in RVE but no matter what I can't get it to make any change in RSS sadly :/ I see from your mod that you use the mid/close RVE ground texture, but in the mod album I can see the far texture working from ScaledSpace? Was this from when you were using EVE terrain or is it possible to get these textures working from ScaledSpace using kopernicus?
  17. Hey rbray, were you planning to continue working with the terrain texture system? Also Noticed that the cloud mask noise feature seems to be no longer present, maybe I'm doing something wrong though? Cheers
  18. Still working on it, don't think the kopernicus terrain detail applies to SS unfortunately (another awesome features of EVE's terrain system - that isn't currently working). As for sharper edges no, not even with EVE's system sadly although I wondered if the cloud edge noise system that was temporarily added in EVE could be applied to the edges of land to make the blown up RSS scaled space terrain less blurred.. One way to over come this would be to make the PQS land persist to higher altitudes but you tend to get quite a bit of Z fighting doing this, especially on RSS. And it's not annoying at all, if you have the time I'd gladly welcome your efforts or any ideas you may have!
  19. Alright thanks, I'll give this a go, didn't realize mid and low only refereed to the steepness of the topography and not POV distance Still better than nothing, so thanks again!
  20. That'd be great! I'm also tryna figure out how to modify terrain textures using kopernicus as does proot in KSPRC as it has a ton of different options and has up to 3 texture layers with normals. But no luck getting it to work.. @Body[Kerbin] { //!cbNameLater = DEL @ScaledVersion { %sphericalModel = True // it's already true, but in case RSS changes... } @PQS { { saturation = 1 contrast = 1.5 powerNear = 0.7 powerFar = 0.65 groundTexStart = 0 groundTexEnd = 1000 steepPower = 0.75 steepTexStart = 1000 steepTexEnd = 100000 steepTex = RVE/Terrain/EarthSteep steepBumpMap = steepNearTiling = 800 steepTiling = 140 lowTex = RVE/Terrain/lunarsoil lowBumpMap = RVE/Terrain/lunarsoil_NRM lowNearTiling = 800 lowMultiFactor = 8 lowBumpNearTiling = 800 lowBumpFarTiling = 8 midTex = RVE/Terrain/EarthMedium midBumpMap = RVE/Terrain/lunarsoil_NRM midNearTiling = 1000 midMultiFactor = 10 midBumpNearTiling = 1000 midBumpFarTiling = 10 highTex = RVE/Terrain/EarthHigh highBumpMap = RVE/Terrain/EarthHighNRM highNearTiling = 1000 highMultiFactor = 10 highBumpNearTiling = 1000 highBumpFarTiling = 10 lowStart = 0 lowEnd = 0.2 highStart = 0.2 highEnd = 0.8 globalDensity = 0 shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main - Extras } } @Atmosphere { @AtmosphereFromGround { %innerRadius = 6357290 // 0.99 %outerRadius = 6496000 // 1.025 %waveLength = 0.65, 0.6, 0.53, 1.0 //invWaveLength = 0.75, 0.82, 0.89, 0.55 %ESun = 0 %Kr = 0.0007 %Km = 0.0006 } } } }
  21. Ah yeah, you may have noticed that issue with Saturn from the pics, is there an easy way to disable this in the configs? .. for the time being at least, cos I feel the improvement scatterer gives is greater than the oblate effect tbh. Also yeah I think that may be the best bet
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