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Everything posted by Javster

  1. Wow. That's a surprise. It seems like Squad is rushing to get KSP out of the door. I hope the rushed attitude won't reflect on the final game.
  2. If they were random, you could pass them off as realistic imperfections
  3. Javster


    So it looks like I'll get it, but I'll wait for a sale.
  4. I was less than a year old on my first plane flight. Obviously I don't remember!
  5. Javster


    The lamp? Not mine
  6. I AM IMMUNE (I think)
  7. Javster


    So I just finished Portal 2! Pretty good ending, although I personally prefer Still Alive as an ending song. Would you recommend me buying Half Life or its sequels? Would someone who liked Portal and Portal 2 also like Half Life? Edit: Here's a video of a GlaDOS lamp for your viewing pleasure:
  8. But what about DRM? How will you avoid losing money without checking if the player bought the game every 30 seconds?
  9. Hmm... Let's make a plane we talk about so we distract the public away from our secret awesome planes... What's really cool? Space! Let's make a spaceplane!
  10. Right click the parachute and click run test when the conditions are met. It shouldn't deploy.
  11. The game has all the features it needs. Now it needs to be playable by someone with no knowledge of the game, with as few bugs/"quirks" as possible
  12. They could probably do a Spanish one themselves, to test how things will work out.
  13. It's going to need a lot of bug fixing and optimisation. I hope they don't add new features for 6 months before the release so they can finalise the polish.
  14. Wait, does that mean people with radioactive pacemakers have to have radioactive hazard labels???
  15. I would, but my social life would suffer. Wait, I have no social life!
  16. 4K, just to rub it into console peasants' faces. Seriously though, study more.
  17. You can cheat money and rep into a career game with alt-F12, then hold alt for 5 seconds
  18. Make sure you get some good, original content. Tutorials for interesting craft or procedures might be a good way to start.
  19. A Minecraft youtuber I watched also played KSP, I watched a few videos and got the demo. I messed around in it for an hour or so and got the game a few days later.
  20. I like how it has OpenOffice and Chrome logos on the image when they're free software you can download onto (almost) any PC... Clearly designed for people who don't have that big a knowledge of computers, it lists things you can store on a 1TB hard drive.
  21. You do know you don't actually have to run the engine to test it right? You can literally right click the part, click "Run test" and that's it.
  22. Very good ideas, that should only take a config file tweak and make things more realistic
  23. If they can fix those things quickly then they should.
  24. I suggest the devs spend one month taking in suggestions, and implementing them. These suggestions should be for things which don't take long to implement but add a significant benefit to most players.
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