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Everything posted by Kerbonautical

  1. Wow those are some really cool looking parts! I never got the chance to mess around with any Bobcat parts unfortunately as by the time I discovered them there were some compatibility issues, namely getting in or out of a rover. But I REALLY can't wait for the revival looking at those new H.O.M.E 2 parts. I want that solar array on every single ship!
  2. Ahh ok. I might just go into the files and wipe out the MFD then. Pity, it makes for some incredibly awesome looking ships.
  3. Which one is the MFD? (away from my pc) last time I used the mod I was using the crash couch and noticed a much better framerate but other cockpits seem to cause me reasonable slow down too. Maybe I'm going to crazy with the chairs perhaps? Or is it literally just the MFD that causes issues?
  4. I agree, I guess what I mean to say is the more you get into KSP the more you realize everything you want is already out there for the taking. Well practically everything anyway, which lessens the excitement of these updates a bit compared to the early days when just discovering the game (although I was relatively late myself) but I wouldn't look to them as purely an excuse to not have it in the game, I'd just rather see it on the shelf while they work on other things, particularly science. Aerodynamics we can get a mod for, but if there's a mod that makes science an actual task within the game rather than a menial add on to collect a resource I still haven't found it. (if there is I would love to know about it though! ) It's not that I think other features should be shelved all together, just that a particular existing feature is extremely hard to get interested in for me personally and I think it could really push the game to the next level by expanding upon it.
  5. That's one hell of a design. Seems to have basically a bit of everything on it. Definitely missing this mod now! I don't actually know why I can't get similar results out of it to be honest. I used the lowered refresh rates and still hit a brick wall pretty early on. I'm probably going to be having another shot soon though, seeing that ship is making me want something similar in my armada, or at least get my base back at Minmus.
  6. I'm probably in the minority but none of these features are things that actually interest me. Personally I just look forward to any new parts that get added, although nuclear fuel would be further down the list for me personally. Basically biomes and such don't interest me. I mean sure they add a little bit, but not much. With biomes basically all it means is I can land somewhere and get a slightly different science report. That doesn't interest me at all. What I would like is something to actually do down there. I don't consider right clicking on a few things and collecting science for all of 50 seconds a worth while reward for the journey. I want land to explore, cave systems with hidden secrets. Or at least science that actually requires some level of actual effort rather strap it on and right click it. I find aerodynamics hard to be bothered about too since you can either fly stock or get FAR. It's not like there isn't a substitute to replace it out there.That's one of the things that recently irks me, is that all of the latest features seem to be comings in mods before stock. We already have a mod now for contracts, and that's practically the main basis of the next update, but I know it's the nature of the beast that mods may well be the first to fill a gap obviously too though. If I had to pick a feature though that I would like to be expanded for a future update it would be science that requires us to actually do something to earn it, Or IVA's which allowed us to move around and perform a variety of experiments in space. Don't get me wrong, whatever Squad add I will appreciate whether they are of real interest to me or not, but what I want from KSP will probably only ever come from mods, expansion packs or perhaps just close to release. I just miss the .1x updates which added features that opened up whole new opportunities, whereas the updates we are receiving now will take the tools we already have and add restrictions to how we use them. Obviously this it to be expected as development edges closer to completion though.
  7. As FenrirWolf said it's under texture replacer. The actual folder will be clearly labelled as Squad. That's the only bits you want to remove and there's nothing else in the folder that the mod relies on so you can just take that whole folder out
  8. I like that idea, you could start to set up a paper trail ridden with easter eggs throughout the system. Now that's a mod I could have a lot of fun with
  9. Oh ok, that makes sense. Yeah I just set up the relay and figured it wasn't working because there was a part I was missing. For some reason actually sticking a rocket on the launch pad anyway and seeing what happens never came to mind :/ oh well, time to try out some of these new engines!
  10. So, after a bit of playing around with this mod and tweaking designs I finally figured out how to produce megajoules. So of course I decided to set up a power station in orbit with a relay network. Only thing is I can't figure out how that works. My power station has the large extendable relay in transmit mode and has lots of electricity without it decreasing at all, my waste heat is also not climibing. I then have 3 similar satelites minus the reactor/generator setup all set to relay mode but nothing is connected to each other. I've tried facing them toward each other and signal stays at 0 even though the stations is transmitting at 100%. What's going on here? Is RemoteTech a dependancy?
  11. So I was designing something when I realised that I don't actually have the parts to do what I was planning. All the cargo bays from B9 are of course designed mostly for planes and don't really contain an ideal cargo bay for rockets. Is there a mod out there that would fill this little void in my arsenal? Searches haven't been turning up any results. Ideally I'm looking for cargo bays up to 3.75 metres
  12. Oh ok, no clamps so it was probably wedged in the launch pad. Never stumbled across that before. The IVA thing makes sense too, I will have to reinstall and try again, I just saw the missing textures and had the engine get stuck so figured it wasn't working fully since everything else was from KW and fired up, probably because it was on top and wasn't stuck. Edit: You were right, I had it wedged onto the launch pad, working fine now!
  13. So for some reason none of the parts seem to be working correctly for me. 3.75m capsule has an IVA but no textures and the 5m rocket engine will start up but doesn't actually do anything despite having a TWR of 2.30. Any ideas what could be going on here?
  14. I found with planes its good to have a high TWR. I made a lot of mistakes trying to stick close to what I would use for a launcher 1.6-1.7 but found that by adding a bit more 2.6-2.7 I made it much easier to fly. I can lift extremely heavy planes this way and they actually reach orbit with more Delta V leftover than they would with less TWR since you can have a sharper ascent and then maximize speed while in the thin atmosphere much earlier.
  15. I don't see how it could even be intentional? The code running in the background basically falls into a self set trap where it attempts to divide by zero and hits a brick wall when it returns with something that isn't a number. Since the strings (correct? I'm no programmer) are expecting to receive a number this leaves them unable to do their job properly and the result is the Kraken. The reason it's happening is fairly straight forward but tracking it down is not necessarily. Squad are clearly very talented devs, as are a lot of the mod community here. If it was straight forward Squad would have found it. If Squad left it in intentionally some from the community would have probably stumbled across it and fixed it. It's not been fixed because currently it can't be until they figure out how. The idea that a dev would leave a bug in a game intentionally (Goat Simulator not included) strikes me as ridiculous. If you were selling a product, would you intentionally break it before shipping it out? There's just no business logic and Squad have done enough in the past to have proven they have good business sense, even if this is their first outing in video games, it's far from their first outing as a business. I'm sure if they even tried to pull something like that Harvester would get grilled by the boss for shipping something intentionally broken. So no, I just don't see it as possible, and honestly it sounds like you're trying to create reasons for yourself not to buy it. Don't want it? Don't buy it, but don't accuse the devs of going out of their way to make bugs in the game when in reality they're working their asses off to squash the bugs while adding content and optimizing. That's a big challenge alone since it's not remotely similar to standard video game development processes which would typically allow you to focus on less at a time and leave optimization until the end. They're doing their best!
  16. I think they're related. In HSH obviously we're using a lot of animated parts and currently it seems Advanced Animator causes slow down at the end of animation cycles. Add this in with however many doors etc will be used on a ship with HSH and the bug stacks very fast. Cheers for the link! Backed it up ready for another test when I'm next adding/removing mods
  17. Reducing the refresh rate? I saw it mentioned but didn't really know what it actually meant. I'm tempted to give it another shot but the Advanced Animator bug causing slow down in the VAB decided to hang around even after uninstalling the mods. I already miss this mod but I may have to wait it out until the bug is gone in AA
  18. Can anyone point me to a good tutorial for this mod? I've downloaded it a few times but never got to experimenting with it because, well, I have no idea what half of the stuff actually is, let alone what I would need to make it operate properly. Though I'm looking for a new mod to complement a new career, I would like to think this would be a great addition. Also can resources be generated while not focusing on the ship or does it have the same complication with this as Kethane?
  19. Another odd bug here, I installed this a few days to try out Hollow Structures and Hulls, which is awesome, and hit the VAB lag that's been mentioned. A couple crashes later I decided to remove both HSH and the dependancies, this included. However the crashes persisted and I spent a couple days trying to pinpoint why, I never actually uncovered exactly why it was crashing, however the VAB lag that came with Advanced Animator had decided to stick around and overstay it's welcome. Double checked there was nothing left of the mod and there wasn't. I couldn't figure out why the VAB lag had been left behind, but the only way I could get rid of it was to completely delete KSP and all mods so I could start from a fresh install
  20. By the way I was just looking through the texture cache in active texture management to clean out a few mods I uninstalled and I noticed that all the suits from the texture replacer part of the mod are showing up but nothing else, like the galaxy map, planet textures and clouds etc, from a clean install too. Should I be seeing them registered in the texture cache? if so is there any way to force it? Like, could I manually copy the files into the texture cache?
  21. Storm clouds? Oooooh that's something I was thinking of the other day. If you could implement storm clouds how much of a stretch would it be to squeeze in lightning visible from low orbit? Also would the performance be similar to current KSPRC clouds? Speaking of which I was actually gonna ask, what part of the compilation gives Kerbin that wonderful blue tone? I was experimenting with a couple of mods on my laptop last night and decided to try a clean install of KSPRC too and then slowly whittle down things one by one to see if I could find a nice balance for it. In doing so at one point I tried swapping standard EVE clouds in instead (and removing them all together) and somehow managed to kill a lot of the blue tone too. I'm not actually looking to remove them on my main pc or anything, just kinda curious how I killed the blue by taking off the clouds. I should have some pictures to add too if I ever get enough Science to leave the planet
  22. That's what that flickering was? huh, then it would explain the relatively high RAM usage by the mod too. Damn I guess I may have to just keep this one on the shelf for a while then Still an extremely cool mod though and I'll be keeping a close eye on it from now on, I'd love to be able to fit it in with my main save file.
  23. It turned out to be the RasterPropMonitor version in the end, kind of a strange result from that but I can see how it would leave the internal as missing when compared to the definition it's looking for. I do have another bug occurring at the moment though, the small centrifugium (rotating habitat) can start rotating but there seems to be no way to turn it back off. It makes a good Kerbal slingshot but it's impossible to get back in once you get out.
  24. Created the MSC(Minmus Space Centre) Which also has habitat modules for Jeb and other VIP's And a lovely lounge for all the Kerbals to take a break from their enclosed spaces and stretch their legs However some of the pilots who have caused rather large incidents in the past required punishing so have been imprisoned near the MSC (complete with watch tower) And there will be no escapees as the only way in or out is through the IR piston controlled roof!
  25. Kronos - Because it's freaking huge. It's a heavy lifter that was designed to lift a payload of god knows what weight, but the payload was 12 metres length by 12 metres width with no empty space to fill those enormous proportions and a crew of 10. The smallest size part is the same as the largest, 3.75 metres.
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