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Everything posted by Waz

  1. It's certainly possible. But it's not something I would implement without an artist first producing some content demonstrating it's usefulness.
  2. I've updated the firstpost to recommend against -force-d3d11, in case someone discovers this again. I've not used that option (or GL) since KSP switched to Unity 5 and 64-bit therefore became the recommended build for modded games.
  3. That advice pre-dates KSP's switch to Unity 5.
  4. Are you certain you need to use either?
  5. Are you seeing this with just EVE installed, or with EVE and Scatterer installed, because you seem to have said both?
  6. No need for that. I've rarely seen the problem, so what I'm needing is more information about when it happens - does it *always* happen for you, or only sometimes - if the latter, is it when you've done certain things, etc.? And when it does happen, is it over the whole planet, or only part? If part, which part, relative to the orbit of the planet? Just the prograde and retrograde sides (sunrise and sunset sides)?
  7. It's a bug in EVE. I've not been able to work out a procedure that always makes it happen though, so I've put off trying to work out what's going wrong. It seems that one copy is slightly offset from the other, which could mean it is on a slightly larger sphere, or it could be on a slightly offset sphere (in which case on two sides of the planet it would be more extreme than on the ring between those two sides). Any specific info you discover would be useful.
  8. _DistFadeVert also controls fade out if you're getting "popping" then it is too high. The vertical limit is an optimization applied in addition to the other fading mechanisms. Having volume clouds visible from 100km is totally impossible, performance wise - the area would have to be massive - 100 times the size of the default. No, you do not have a computer capable of this.
  9. Sorry, I haven't bothered getting the DLC yet (contains nothing I want), so I can't look into this currently.
  10. EVE cannot handle any shadowing on transparent objects - it never has been able to. It's not really fixable since there is no simple way to detect which objects are semi-transparent. It does disable shadows on all "TransparentFX" layer objects, this at least prevents shadows forming on light particle effects, etc.
  11. If you provide EVE configs for the stock planets, can you be sure to provide that as a separate package so that players can mix-and-match however they want? EVE allows multiple overlapping configs for the one planet, but usually it looks pretty bad if you do that (too many clouds, inconsistent city lights).
  12. I've posted a new release, which should fix the clouds becoming "blocky" after a few years. It also changes how rim fading works slightly to fix some cases where they would disappear from below.
  13. Hmm.... maybe this is related to the Universal Time change. How far forward in time is your game when it fails? If you start a new game and don't see it, then forward a few decades, does it then happen?
  14. Ugh, that's bad advice. The average player doesn't install the right stuff without assistance. CKAN may be currently flaky, but it's at least a problem that can be solved once, not again for every user. The old configs are what you're supposed to use, as it says in the github documentation of the latest release. (my case in point)
  15. Everything is possible :-). My concern is whether it's a personal preference (and so a user setting, probably global maxspeed) or something that varies with content (and so content config, and yes, probably per-object not global).
  16. Is it a user setting, or a content config? Currently, EVE doesn't have any user settings, but users have asked for it - eg. because they want to turn stuff off for better performance either permanently or just while flying some behemoth to orbit, so I'm totally OK with adding them.
  17. I'm no artists, but that looks fine to me - it looks like what I'd imagine auroras would look if sped up. What do we really need to fix this - maybe a "max speed"?
  18. Has it ever? But then, a Ferrari runs just fine when painted white too...
  19. The BoulderCo ("Stock EVE") configs use 3x more particles for volumetric clouds on Kerbin (one extra level of subdivision). SVE's config is better tuned.
  20. It's a small change.... but there is no upgrade Patch. I'll wait.
  21. Currently a lot of the mods in the "Misc" category on Curse(Forge) are audio or visual mods - mods that change nothing except the user experience. These don't fit into any other category. Adding a "Audio and Visual" or some better-named category would help users answer their "how do I get screenshots like that??!" questions. Who is responsible for deciding the available categories? Also to that person: the "Recent Files" only shows the most recently uploaded, not the one for the most recent KSP version. In contrast, mods for Minecraft show one for each Minecraft version.
  22. Ah, that will be it. I didn't ship a .version file with the configs, so NetKAN must have a conservative one. Definitely it should be All, I don't intend to break Configs.
  23. Even through CKAN it should be insisting that you install a Config, unless the latest release has broken something they're doing, as it is the first time that I've distributed an update to the plugin without simultaneously releasing an update to the sample config (which has only changed once in the time I've been doing EVE updates, and is 10x the download size, so I felt it was time to stop making people think they need to update configs that haven't actually changed).
  24. Did you follow the instructions which say you need to install a Config as well as the 1.4 release?
  25. I'd be surprised if the shaders from the 1.4.0 one worked with KSP 1.3.1. That's the main thing that has changed, but they *might* be backwards compatible (unlikely, the 1.3 ones were not forward compatible).
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