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  1. I've always thought of Kerbals as a playful, curious, and advanced race of beings. It just strikes me as odd that despite the emphasis Squad developers give on the various game mechanics like the upcoming Administration facility, Mission Control, and R & D facility, the acutal Kerbals that we fly with ( or torture with fear via explosions ) don't have as much focus or individual variety besides their names. I asked if Kerbals were androgynous to see if that would factor into the development of a variety of kerbals. Then again, we do have a sort of "Kerbal" generator already through the Kerbalizer service Squad offers. It would be interesting to see models loaded from that and inserted into the game.
  2. A train that can drift across four different railway tracks gets my business.
  3. This is perhaps a mix of suggestion and thought, but there have been discussions before on the physiology of Kerbals. Currently, Kerbals are modelled in a sort of "generic" cookie cutter manner. There's no "fat", "tall", or, as the focus of this question, "gendered" Kerbal to speak of. During the KerbalKon discussions last year, Tanuki-Chau asked the devs if there would ever be a "female" version of a Kerbal. If I remember correctly, it's something the devs sort of put off for consideration in the future, but that they thought it would be an interesting idea. Consider though, with no form of varied Kerbal currently present in the game: What if Kerbals were androgynous, like Gethenians from "The Left Hand of Darkness"? What effect on gameplay, or perhaps the lore of Kerbal Space Program could you see stemming from such an idea?
  4. I'd like to lend a helping hand with the programming. I know some C++ and I'm pretty sure I could adapt to the C# language relatively quickly...
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