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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. One needs to remember that the reason sci-fi generation ships always go wrong, is because there wouldn't be much of a story otherwise. The story "eh, everything was fine. People played videogames a lot", just isn't very much of a story.
  2. Utilizing the power of Logic I would assume the rod would release about the same amount of energy it took it to get it to orbit. So about a pad explosion of a rocket's worth of fuel. This is a lot more boom than a rocket fired out of an airplane. This is a lot less than a nuke.
  3. Vaebn


    Has Halley by any chance predicted the orbit of one of those?
  4. Vaebn


    Radiation? Cmon, let the Vaebn make a riddle again
  5. Vaebn


    The answer was: Olber's Paradox ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olbers'_paradox ) And/or in terms of long answers, a universe where it holds true. Not this place, but another --- Hint that it's something hypothetical. Infinite and grander --- The size of it. Told you it's pretty literal My stars light up the sky --- Actual descriptions of the sky conditions But no life has ever seen them --- Hint that the conditions aren't good for life. Why? I said that the "parallel universe" answers were super close, however this is actually about a very specific case of them. It was actually a relevant cosmological thought experiment, long before any sort of quantum theory (so nothing to do with that), or inflation theory (so nothing to do with randomly generated physical constants). The reason I didn't feel comfortable with the "parallel universe" answers is because: a) it's not actually "parallel" to anything. Someone can make an infinite amount of alternative universe just by having a "a little bit stronger gravity", or "a little bit weaker nuclear forces". However, none of them have been such an important point of reference, to even have their conditions summed up by a name. In fact, it somewhat depends on the physical laws not being too different, having only to do with size. Anyway, Starwhip can go next ^^
  6. Vaebn


    Kay, I'll give the answer tomorrow, if you don't find the answer by then :c
  7. Vaebn


    Hint 2, with cherry and cream on top: Not this place, but another Infinite and grander My stars light up the sky But no life has ever seen them Why?
  8. Vaebn


    Hint 1: It's more literal than you think
  9. Vaebn


    N.n.n.n.n.n.n.nope. As I said, this is super close. However it is both a specific concept and with a specific name. When I what it is, y'all are going to look back into my riddle's phrasing and say "oooh... duh" Nope.
  10. Vaebn


    Nope Super close, but believe it or not, you can actually get more specific. Nope
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