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Everything posted by Ignath

  1. JWST orbital insertion burn successful: https://blogs.nasa.gov/webb/
  2. That was an AMAZING shot of the landing side-by-side!
  3. Replace spaceport with factory and dragons with alien bugs and that sounds like my experience with Factorio!
  4. The DM2 Launch? Yes, Doug Hurley (the Astronaut closest to the camera during launch and on the left as they were sitting in the capsule) had corrective lenses (glasses) on at launch. It looks like he took them off by the time they got to the ISS though. Wonder if he popped in contacts after they woke up from their rest and prepared for docking.
  5. I'd say 0...just had confirmation that they lost the 1st stage.
  6. Must've scrubbed? Youtube link is now reading Live in 24 hours (January 28, 8:30 AM CST).
  7. Beautiful splashdown, news conference @ 11:30 Eastern time. Congrats SpaceX teams!
  8. Sure looked like if they didn't LTS that booster that it may have been able to make it...
  9. Amazing footage of that landing...finally one without losing signal!
  10. The twitter thread linked goes into more detail on what the twitter user believes is going to happen. As a quick TL;DR though, she thinks they'll be taking it from the construction area on the green path on the bottom (State Rd. 528; there is currently evidence of this in the twitter thread. Power companies currently working on burying overhead power lines so they won't be an obstruction; could be coincidence or not...) and then offloading it onto a barge at Port Canaveral. From there it'll be placed on a barge and floated North (the purple path) on the barge to the turn basin at the launch complex (which has within the last year received refurbishment/maintenance to handle a "renewed need"). From there, it'll be removed from the barge in the turn basin and rolled the rest of the way to LC39-A using the light blue/cyan path that connects to the turn basin in the north and LC39-A.
  11. Yep, they have a big Sea Turtle rescue center down on S. Padre Island: http://www.seaturtleinc.org/ I was lucky enough to get to visit about a year ago around Christmas time.
  12. I would imagine that SpaceX will be required to restore the areas they damage or destroy back to their original state or better. Usually wetlands are pretty heavily protected, especially in ecologically important areas like S. Padre (one of the largest sea turtle spawning locations in the world).
  13. Potential good news on the Crew Dragon anomaly:
  14. Don't think this has been posted here yet, it's a giant GIF of the Center Core "landing": https://giant.gfycat.com/AcceptablePlayfulDinosaur.webm
  15. The shot of it coming out of the fog was amazing! As well as dropping back into the fog, awesome!
  16. Looks like inSight may have heard it's first Marsquake:
  17. Unconfirmed reports from a "Reliable friend at the cape" from this thread: said complete/near-complete loss of vehicle.
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