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Everything posted by dbmorpher

  1. RCS thrusters are a massless part so basically this challenge is: how any emissions can your cpu handle?
  2. On the whole "unbalanced career mode" dilemma perhaps the mod creator could implement a similar dynamic of that which procedural fairings does. In PF certain sizes are locked until completion of a node on the tech tree where a "part" must be bought that unlocks a different scaling size (such as 3.75m). I think if this was added to the mod it would increase its career playablility and also have players unlock techs they normally wouldn't like "metamaterials".
  3. It took me like an hour to find out that spacebar started your rocket
  4. Cool parts! Are they balanced to have the same mass and production capability of the default EPL parts?
  5. Make sure you remember to take all that tasty science with you! Wouldn't want to waste a good number of funds.
  6. smeerp- a kauti, mainly used in conjunction with feeirt, has far reaching polnitzi in various remneto when the amcolupa has fully wuquloc gannaremera in the cyolino calnimi. See zreech
  7. I think if life support or radiation is ever implemented there could be a medic class that decreases negative effects on the crew such as minimizing radiation damage or making snacks last longer.
  8. What if the whole universe is just a simulation? What if every kerbal was just a randomly generated piece of code!?! That world explain the crazy physcs and the lack of cities and everything!!! It's almost like the world is limited by the computer it's run on!!!!!!
  9. Or maybe Bullseye? Sort of like the RAPIER is a take off of a SABRE it's real life equivalent
  10. On the second contract I'm supposed to retrieve a cone. Is that back at the pyramids? And do I need to install KIS or is it like a part I have to take with the grabber?
  11. It could be that the two modes are messing with MJ's calculations
  12. I've completed a few contracts already, however on the crater flyby mission I am in a suborbital path over the crater with all the tourists yet it still fails to complete. To have it count as suborbital do I have to be in space? EDIT:Yes, yes it does
  13. I tried updating all the craft files to 1.0.4 versions then oriented them correctly in the SPH however the problems from before still persisted.
  14. Could you update the version number on KerbalStuff? Right now it still reads as if it's for 1.0 when the forum post says it's 1.0.2 compatible.
  15. This would go in the modded support section, not the challenges section.
  16. Most people won't download a craft unless there is a picture. You can use an image hosting website like imgur to post them on the forum with a link.
  17. Cool design! do you know if they'd work in FAR?
  18. Nice, you're using LOTR weapon names for you vehicles. May I suggest Aeglos next as a possible refueling vessel?
  19. I'm trying to make a replica of the Avro Vulcan and I'm having some trouble Whenever I try to do a banked turn the plane yaws in the opposite direction and I lose control Most of the fuel tanks are empty Any thoughts on how I could make the vehicle more stable? Tips on maneuverability would be appreciated also
  20. I really ought to do something productive But playing KSP is so seductive I'll do my project another day It's much more fun to play
  21. Here have some Tang Can I get a flying car?
  22. I cover the wasteland with concrete My parking lot
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