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Everything posted by pxi

  1. IT - Inhome (Derp, Voyageur has the right one) Information Technology, a term that came about somewhere around the early 80's when the 8-bit computers were starting to make serious inroads into peoples homes. Nowadays it's an umbrella term for anything computer related. On topic, what I personally find worse than the ignorance of some of the users I've had to deal with is their sheer bloody-minded determination not to learn from their mistakes. With some people, everything 'just happens' as if the malware fairy just came calling (and logfiles etc aren't a thing). These are generally the people who ring you screaming for a fix like yesterday, but when you've done that, and try to give them simple hints how to not have the same problem again they all but stick their fingers in their ears and go "la-la-la can't hear you".
  2. I remember playing Doom on my 25MHz 386 - ran at a reasonable framerate once you shrunk the window enough that it only filled about 1/4 of the screen. On the other hand I was amazed at how smoothly I could run Frontier: Elite 2 with texture mapping and everything, because until I went to PC, I was completely accustomed to running it on the Amiga 500 at about 7fps. It never really occurred to me at the time that this was slow. As for minimum specs, I've seen publishers who mean 'The game will boot with these specs' and others who mean 'The game is actually playable at these specs'. It'd be nice to have some sort of formal standard for what 'minimum specs' actually means, but I don't see that happening tbh.
  3. "The human race will begin solving its problems on the day that it ceases taking itself so seriously." --Principia Discordia
  4. Depends on exactly what you want to do. What you're likely looking to do would probably be better described as server hosting. You could set up your own, configure your router/firewall appropriately and hope your ISP either doesn't have a policy prohibiting you from running a server or will ignore it until something goes wrong. However you're probably better looking into getting a third party to do the legwork for you, if for no other reason that keeping on top of security patches etc. is something best left to people who specialise in that sort of thing. Ultimately it all depends on exactly what kind of service(s) you want to host on your server. If you can clarify this someone here can probably point you in the right direction.
  5. Despite that being the most direct route to altered states of consciousness, other techniques such as meditation, dancing, prayer etc can also induce these sorts of effects. It might surprise you to know that the chemical released by your pineal gland whilst dreaming (and also at the point of death) is an astoundingly strong psychedelic, which is also found in a wide range of plants which are in fact legal. Your brain can do weird things when prodded in the right way.
  6. Wouldn't be related to the Dream Machine popularized by Brion Gyson, would it?
  7. As far as I can see, Subnautica still has support for DX9 - you can apparently force it to use DX9 by adding "-force-d3d9" to the executable string. Likely the executable is seeing no DX11support and switching to use DX9.
  8. pxi

    Nintendo Switch

    I can wait. I've more than enough stuff stockpiled to entertain me in the meantime, and the price for used Wii software is beyond cheap at the moment anyway, so that's keeping my wallet occupied in any case. No argument there. Nintendo's stuff in general is excellent. The third-party stuff maybe not so much, but I'm really only interested in the stuff that's exclusive to the console anyway.
  9. pxi

    Nintendo Switch

    Are we talking retail or the second-hand market, because I'm referring to the latter. If the former, then I do agree. I may not be looking in the right places, admittedly I've not really put much effort into it, but to give you an idea I've picked up 2 Wii consoles, 2 Wiimotes & Numchucks, and a classic controller from local CEX stores for a combined total of roughly €80 in the past 3 months. Cheapest I've seen a basic Wii U go for was in the region of €140. I'm quite confident I'll see cheaper than that in the next year or so.
  10. pxi

    Nintendo Switch

    The new controllers do look like they've got some interesting tech in them, but the price is eye-watering. On the other hand, I am looking forward to the inevitable price-crash on second-hand Wii-U consoles.
  11. Software Inc - Taking a bit of a chance on this Early Access title, but pretty impressed with what it does so far. So far I've developed my own OS, and I'm busy developing software and games to run on top of it while slowly expanding my office space. Not the best UI at present, but otherwise seems like it's heading in a good direction. God Eater Resurrection - Pretty damn decent Monster Hunter clone, got it bundled with its sequel for €20 during the Christmas sale and sunk a ridiculous amount of time into it over the holiday. Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen - Been chipping away at this one here and there, it's pretty decent.
  12. This was posted on Aug 30 2016. How is it that a video exposing one of the greatest cover-ups ever stays online for so long, when far more mundane stuff is memory-holed from Youtube on the regular? Nope, don't buy it for one second, sorry.
  13. Reasonably sure Horizons is not needed for what is currently going on. Previous to this there have been alien 'barnacles', crash sites, and so on - which being planet-side things, do need the expansion to see them. The main benefit (imo) of Horizons is access to the engineers, which are quite useful (my exploraconda goes quite a bit further in a single jump now), but this generally won't be something you absolutely need day one. Should you get it? I'm a long-time follower of the Elite franchise, and I absolutely love how the game has turned out, but that also renders me somewhat biased. For many it's the Marmite of space sims.
  14. I have to say I agree. You've already tried at least one proxy which has subsequently been blocked. Your company has gone out of its way to ensure their PC's are locked down. You could be raising all sorts of red flags with whomever monitors your system. I don't always agree with the policies some companies put on how their equipment is used, but it is their equipment. People lose their jobs all the time over stupid stuff like this. If it were me, and it was simple web-browsing stuff, I'd look into the data plans I could get on a mobile phone and bypass using their infrastructure altogether.
  15. Heh fair point, but the ships have a rather striking eight-sided symmetry though... I'm willing to chalk up the differences to a bit of artistic licence and increased polygon counts, after all the Imperial Clipper looks a bit different to the FE2 Courier it canonically is. I still reckon it's Thargoids.
  16. Agreed, but do you know of another species famous for ripping unwary travellers from witchspace? Who fly octagonal ships? No pew-pew yet please Cmdrs. Considering past encounters with the Thargoids, a ship-scan is positively friendly behaviour.
  17. I was referring to green baron's link actually, in the post directly above my first post.
  18. Seems to work here. Website does seem a little slow loading in everything, but it seems to get there eventually. Nslookup tells me the site is at Doesn't seem to be using https:// though, even trying to force a connection through the address bar seems to return the unencrypted site. ...links to sabitas.es btw. Probably just a typo, but might be worth pointing out.
  19. I'm up for that. CMDR PXI VonStaat ingame.
  20. There's plenty of gameplay in the base game, certainly enough to get you started. Horizons does add some nice stuff like module customization but you won't immediately be left behind without it. Agreed on the ship skins btw, the only one I use is the black skin that was given away as a pre-order bonus with Horizons.
  21. pxi

    Mars Series

    So I watched episode 2... During the operation he's shown hooked up to some kind of drip, it's possible it's some kind of morphine solution or somesuch. So far, part of me has been wondering why mission control is so populated. They don't actually seem to have any active involvement at all, except for the occasional 'lets tell mission control we're doing x' bits from the Mars team, which seems almost a moot point considering they seem to be getting (when the satellites are aligned) constant audio from the mission. I was under the impression that the radiation issues on Mars relate to the thin atmosphere not being able to block incoming cosmic rays, not that the ground itself is radioactive.
  22. Well given that, as you point out in your previous posts, flag mods require little or no upkeep, I don't see this as a serious issue long term. Do these threads get as much traffic as the more major mods? I doubt it. Frankly, people trying to draw a line in the sand and define certain mods as 'good enough' is probably worse for the community than having to scroll down a list imho.
  23. You know, you could 'disgrace' people uploading craft files in much the same way - it's something literally anyone in the community could do, considering that a major component of KSP is creating vehicles. The point of a flag pack is not the difficulty in creating it - it's the fact that someone in the community took the time to do something, and by sharing the results of their labour they save any interested party time and effort in duplicated work. I could easily make my own flags, but I have many of the flag packs installed because they add a benefit to my experience with virtually no effort on my part. KSP's modding community is made of people doing all kinds of stuff big and small. There's mods I love, and some I'm not so fond of. I'd never describe any of them as lazy however, that just strikes me as being utterly disrespectful. EDIT: To be clear, I'm not intending to disparage the craft-uploading community, I'm referencing them simply for the purposes of making a point.
  24. So far I haven't seen anything I particularly want, and in general the discounts don't seem as good as previous sales. (This has been a running trend over the last 2-3 steam sales tbh.) Also there's the common problem of games I've already bought cheap and still haven't gotten around to. I may just sit this one out and wait to see what the Christmas sale brings.
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