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Everything posted by meeware

  1. Apologies if this is referenced elsewhere, but is there a workaround or config hack for the issue of inflatable parts not having KIS inventories?
  2. Very much feeling the pain @TheLiquorexpressed above.I had my 3 part Eve Klipper all assembled and fuelled up in orbit. 1 pilot, 1 engineer, 2 scientists. It’s got a lander, a lab, accom unit, and centrifuge and has about 7k dV waiting to push it out in the window which closes in 10 days. And I realise that I need a second engineer to inflate the centrifuge. And my only spare engineer is on Minimus. Currently weighing up what the fastest way to get that extra eng into LKO to rendezvous and send the clipper on it’s way is. Probably a shuttle back (but that is contrary to policy of ‘always have enough ships and dV to get you home’ for the min base. I’m gonna have to bring them all home. And I only just flew them up there as replacement for the previous Min base crew who I rotated back to crew the Eve Klipper! Dammit I’m just gonna have to fly them all home, rendezvous, inflate the donut, land, send the Klipper on it’s way, then get everyone all suited and booted and back onto another min lander shuttle and fly them back up. Lose about 250 scien points from shutting down the min lab for a 20 days. Dammit this game gets more like a job every day! Love it.
  3. I completely agree that the way it works is perfectly sensible. I jut didn't interpret the dialogue in the VAB to mean that 'locked' meant it couldn't be unlocked in flight. It's one of those things that when you know what it means it seems obvious, but coming to it cold, a little pointer in the documentation can save some embarrassment. Personally I like to be able to open EVERYTHING because I run with Dangit, and it's always nice to be able to patch a leak. That's fine of course, because so long as I leave stuff unlocked I can do that.
  4. Ah ok, feared as much.... time for a roll back to earlier save (shame, it was such a lovely space station too). Did I miss something in the documentation?
  5. I've had a look but can't find it in the FAQ o othe notes - if I 'lock' a fairing in the VAB does that mean it cannot be opened at all in orbit?
  6. Do I need any 'helper' plugins to get the animation on the Science laboratory? Can't seem to get the antennae arms to deply, no matter what i do. Firespitter?
  7. Hmm, I too am now not getting that wonderfull deeeeeep space feeling. I upgraded to 1.0.5, reshuffled a few mods, and restarted a game, but now it all stops at Eeloo. Sad face. Here for the diagnostics are a couple of gamedata folder screenshots: https://flic.kr/p/BUDQ4o https://flic.kr/p/BUDS7b I'd quite understand if there was a mod conflict, or I might have mixed up a mod manager thing somehwere. If cfg files are needed please say - I do so miss pretty things with rings.
  8. Having a problem with a station in Ike orbit - i have grey water and waste tanks which are pretty full, a good power flow, and an active supercritical water oxidiser, but I'm not getting any organic slurry being produced. Am I missing an input?
  9. Got the nuke tug/ rescue ship up at last (it weighs about 150 tonnes and that's stretched my small set of propulsion mods) he she is on the launch pad (no the fairings aren't essential, but I liked the look) Once in orbit I refuelled her, sent up the KAS module, docked that, and when a staging glitch blew the one k command pod into a nasty orbit perfomed a 3km EVA to get Dozer back onboard (he's having korlicks in the hitchhiker pod). He she is then, finished and fueled and ready to go rescue the powerless tumbling kethane miner probe in orbit around the Mun So we drop into orbit, line up on the probe, and so far every time we've got within about 200m, the probe has mysteriously exploded into lots of fast small pieces. ho hum. Time to build a new miner probe I think.
  10. Tried that, it's not completely effective actually, amd e slight orbital difference pulled the targets way apart. Thanks thiugh, nice idea.
  11. I was thinking of grabbing it with the magnet, but wasn't sure of the best approach. I'm assuming I'll need to EVA over to the spinning beast, magnet on the back. I magnetise it, clamp onto the hull, and then go back with my EVA guy to collect the end of the line, which i then attach to the back of the magnet. That seems tricky, so perhaps there is a better way. Anyhow, once attached i was planning to restore power to the probe- i know i can transfer fuel, oxidiser and rcs propellant, but can i also restore electrical power over a KAS line? If so, job done. If not.... Using the KAS line to drag the spinning probe to a stop is a tall order- it weighs in the order of 50 tonnes, has a nerva engine at one end and a kethane refinery at the other (with a docking ring on a strut atop that). There must be a chance that the shock on the kas line of trying to haul that in could damage the line, the winch, or even the rescue ship (same basic design and mass, but with a crew module).
  12. Are there any top tips for docking with a dead (out of electric) probe that's spinning end over end about twice a minute in a semi polar Munar orbit? I folded away the solar panels before docking, but left a large kethane scanner running. T's a huge vessel with a nerva engine at the other end- centre of mass is such that the nozzle for the nerva would clatter into the docking ring of an approaching ship at reasonable approach speeds. I do have a KAS equipped lander rig ready to send (in LKO) but unsure of how it might be used. Lasso?
  13. Kethan going in well. Long night ahead, but I'm optimistic I'll have working mods by dawn!
  14. OK mech jeb is in, and configured EXACTLY as I want (the spaceport version should really be depracated) Next up, Kethane (usually behaves well)
  15. Hi, thanks- for a brilliant plugin the installation process and information is bamboozling! I'm pulling the file from here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/12384-PART-0-21-Anatid-Robotics-MuMech-MechJeb-Autopilot-v2-0-9 as the space port one is NOT the same, and has the wrong instructions. I'm also downloading a 'corrected' dll as advised here: http://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/1/864976115429817369/ Running a clean install now, and will test in VAB and at Launch.
  16. All these suffer from the poor discipline of parts naming in MODS. I see engines in structural and utility categories, struts in aerodynamics, fairings in utilities. It's a mess. I'd like to see rules for what gets named how, and a controlled vocabulary, and a field in the parts data that is has a limited range of elements that is added. This, and version compatibility, need to be improved for all mods if the game is to be reliable and usable in a mass market.
  17. I like Mr Scruffy's idea. EVAs to render docking ports fixed. You'd need an EVA to unstick them too.
  18. Oh, and Kethane- that works brilliantly. Just about he most reliable and stable add on i have seen. I tried crew manifest- a really useful inflight addon to allow kerbals to cross between docked ships rather than EVA, but i don't think it behaves.
  19. I'd *like* to use: Mechjeb KAS KSPX NovaPunch Damned Robotics Home Alarm clock But sadly i've never managed to build a stack of these that didnt break either the VAB or the HUD or the Staging controls. My warning: seek out known stable addons that are version compatable! Otherwise you've hours of reinstals ahead.
  20. Finally got my mini station into orbit (attempt 14? 15?) Have finally given up on the mainsail engine, and found nukes to hard to stage without clattering into everything else. Station has the habitation can and the cupola module, and EVAs put a kerbal in each (and also tore off one of my larger solar panels due to over enthusiastic manoeuvring).
  21. Aha, I see what the problem is now. Very helpful thanks. I've installed it via Steam, but had the demo in a straight install, so had two sets of KSP directories. Steam users beware- your folders are tucked away under: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\... or similar. Working a treat now, ta.
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