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Everything posted by Vrana

  1. A fully modded install of KSP can take close to 5mins to start. Yes, i really, really do not want to have to restart it to change the frequency of a beep.
  2. HAL. I guess its kinda assumed most of people interested in space flight watched Space Odyssey. If you didnt, i can highly recommend it.
  3. Quite surprised not to see FAR and DRE in that list if difficulty is your goal.
  4. You may want to take another look at it. Texture Replacer has been updated, it now features funcionality very smilar to Active Memory Reduction mod(compress every texture in /gamedata). In fact ActiveMemRed has been merged into TextureReplacer.
  5. Of course. Wasnt planning on using it without. Just clearing my name.
  6. Not ture. No matter how much RAM you have KSP will never use more then, uh, around 3.5GB i think. Only thing in your case would be... If you get close to this ceiling value by installing MANY mods (definetly more then just B9) make sure you arent running many background programs. Also worth mentioning is that B9 hasnt yet officialy been updated to KSP .23 so unless you feel like going through the last 10 or so pages and figuring out how to fix it yourself you should wait for an official update.
  7. I can do better then just a log i think.... I tired recreating the problem again to get a cleaner log. It seems i originally paid attention to but forgot to mention that i removed the plugin toolbar mod on first test (no "000 Toolbar" folder in gamedata). If plugin toolbar is present the mod seem to work fine. Without it the above issue occurs. In any case... log with missing parts and no toolbar plugin.
  8. Since i got called out here i took a peak at the problem. I have been able to replicate it in sandbox mode (didnt even try carrer). Steps: -Use clean install KSP .23 -Add MSIR .8b -In sandbox VAB make some ship (3man pod and some 2.5 fuel tank is what i used) -Attach all tele pistons to ship -Put ship on launch pad -Exit game -Remove MSIR .8b -Add MSIR .11 -Game reports all tele pistons missing from ship on launch pad. I cant see why this happens tough.
  9. As not very cheaty failsafe i suggest orienting dish(es) to nearest craft in same SOI. Maybe even cycling them.. but only in same SOI. But in my opinion this is not needed at all. Any opprotunity for an unexpected rescue mission is a game enhancing feature in my eyes. Maybe add the option to toggle it like signal delay?
  10. Edit your persistance.sfs and look for this part: SCENARIO { name = ResearchAndDevelopment scene = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 sci = 3032 Tech { id = start state = Available part = 0625.Heatshield ..... ...in the line "sci = 3032" change the number to whatever you want. If i rember correctly this is your total science points.
  11. True, but the recognition already works on every mod i can think of and if it doesnt its a trivial matter of renaming the unrecognized part since FAR detects fairing/cargo according to part name.
  12. Yes. Not only proc fairings but also various cargo holds (like B9 and Nothke service compartment). Anything under a fairing or inside a cargo hold does not produce drag at all.
  13. I showed this before with albums even but you and the rest of the naysaying minortiy outright ignored it. Lets try again.... YOU CAN LAUNCH INASNE ROCKETS WITHOUT FAIRINGS WITH FAR INSTALLED. You are afraid of something that does not exist (at least in current FAR). Just takes more dV and possibly a better understanding of how to lift it. But in no shape or form are you losing game options by installing FAR(other then outright exploits like infigliding if that is still psosible in stock).
  14. Never used it. I would assume its very useful as a testing tool for mod devs. Other uses... Well its a single player game but you know... Cheating and all that.
  15. He doesnt even need to do that. The componenets he showed will fly under current FAR. Only change is he will probably need more dV then in stock since he will likely need to delay the gravity turn to maintain stability. Look at my post above to see just what kind of contraptions can be lifted under FAR.
  16. You are scared of FAR for no reason(at least as FAR is now). It not THAT hard or realistic but it is a huge improvment over what we have in stock. I launched this under FAR And this... And this... I did this before i modded the game but i can guarantee i can launch all componenets with FAR nowdays. Sure its harder then under stock. And takes MORE dV then stock model but lets face it after a certain point the stock game becomes much too easy. I could go on but you get the picutre.
  17. In my almost 34 years on this planet i have never, not once, seen people agree on this.
  18. What i would really love to see is some flight/craft history. Kinda like this.... Say I launch an Atlas rocket. Game names it Atlas I. Game records time of launch, crew, SOIs visited/experminets ran/landings, time of recovery if any, causlties if any. Game stores this information in "space museum" and i can review it at any time by visiting the museum. Dont need to see the whole flight path (tough it would be nice) just some info so recovered flights dont disapper from history. Add a small building for the museum. Just like it was done in BARIS.
  19. Nevermind docked ships, you cant transfer crew without EVA even if you have something like two pods next to each other on a snigle craft. Well, not without mods anyway.
  20. Stock aerodynamics "model"... dragValue1+dragVaule2+....repeat for EVERY part....=combinedDrag Velocity=Velocity-combinedDrag. Yeah... not good enoguh.
  21. Couldnt disagree more. Current aerodynamics has nothing to do with even the basic principles of it. Its a placeholder model for alpha development of other features. It would be a sad disgrace if game was released with the current aerodynamic model. EDIT: Actually this is a very concerning topic to me. Aerodynamics improvments should have become top priority the moment they decided to include airplanes in the game. The longer they put it off and the more features and parts they put in before they work out aerodynamics the more rebalancing will be required once they do put it in. I do not even want to consider the possibilty of aerodynamics staying as is.
  22. Nope. In reality they burn "inside out" so they should not be effecting the CoM. Not sure if this is what happens in KSP tough.
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