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Everything posted by seanth

  1. OK. You have the most recent version. I'll use your seed (pi to 9 digits, yes?) to try and make your galaxy and see what is going on. Just to be clear, you have seen Ker_bol_'s SOI become 9647km? Because that is very, very small. Was this something you saw in the galaxy.cfg, or did you find this out some other way?
  2. @Bej Kerman: Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I was out of town for a holiday party. When you made a galaxy, there should be a file named something like "Galaxygen_Info-<name of your galaxy>.txt" Could you paste the text of that file in either a direct message, or here on the forum? That will tell me what version of TBG you are using, and what your seed is so I can see what is going on. The change in Kerbol's SOI is odd. It makes me suspect you are using an older version of TBG, but I don't want to jump to conclusions. Sending me that text is the first place to start.
  3. Ok, so PQS "FlattenArea": If I understand correctly, it will flatten everything. There will be no mountains or anything projecting. So it won't really mimic a "frozen laythe" right? Imagine replacing the oceans of Laythe with ice. That's approximately what I'm after.
  4. You can definitely land on super dense "oceans" but the physics engine sort of freaks out sometimes. Right now I have Jeb on EVA and he bouncing around out of control like he's on a trampoline. Highest bounce I have seen is ~100m Not useful for what I was thinking, but maybe good for a lolerz world.
  5. Ohhh, that's interesting. There are so many PQS knobs to twiddle I hadn't seen that. I'll look for some documentation/examples
  6. As a part of the "To Boldly Go" mod, I'm working on procedural planets and part of the process is thinking through planets that fall within a star's habitable zone/beyond the frost zone. So imagine a planet somewhat like Minmus that has what appears to be frozen plains. If it wasn't procedural, one could custom make a planet/moon with flat, frozen plains. But procedurally, it's be nice if I could define an ocean...that just happens to be solid.
  7. A question about oceans: If make a planet with an ocean, but increase the density of the ocean up to something ridiculous (like 999999), will the ocean surface behave like a frozen ice world? A second question is: can oceans be added to template worlds that don't already have oceans, or do you need to start out with a template that already has an ocean?
  8. Everyone talks about the weather moons, but no one does anything about it. Including me. UNTIL NOW! Moon generation is back, and it should be relative "smart." Going off the assumption that the Earth:Luna system is an unusual situation--where the moon is so large relative to the Earth--I used the relationship between the radius of Earth and Luna to make a cutoff point in moon placement. Now, you can have situations where Laythe-like planets end up with Minmus-like moons. You can grab the latest To Boldly Go "a little more moonage" from https://github.com/kjoenth/To-Boldly-Go/releases/tag/ I also found a bug in white dwarf generation which _might_ have been causing some of the weird bugs people were reporting hat I couldn't easily troubleshoot. As always, let me know about any new problems now that moons are back.
  9. @ChampDiamondFoot did you manage to sort things out? In other news, I'm still working on improving planet placement and procedural habitable zones.
  10. Hmm. Could you please put the KSP.log file on dropbox so I can take a look? Also, did you try and use the galaxy file provided with v0.3.0.5e, or have you only tried making one?
  11. I'll see if I can help. When you made your galaxy, there should have been a file named something like "Galaxygen_Info-MyGalaxy.txt" that was also created. Could you post that so I can take a look?
  12. The version of KSP, in this case, is less important that the version of Kopernicus you are using. I have not explicitly tried TBG with versions of Kopernicus that works with KSP 1.2.2. Have you just tried it?
  13. You are using an older, broken version of TBG. Please download the latest version from https://github.com/kjoenth/To-Boldly-Go/releases
  14. When you make a galaxy, a text file called something like "Galaxygen_Info-MyGalaxyName.txt" is made. Paste that for me to look at and I'll see if anything jumps out at me
  15. Question about detecting objects: Does detection take the radius of the objects into account? For example, a planet would be detected before one of that planet's moons.
  16. Yes. Moon generation was disabled because of a game-breaking bug in the code. The (aka To Boldly Go:"a little less moonage") release disabled moon generation because of a mod-breaking bug reported by @Ecdragonz. I've been putting out other fires in the code, and will be re-implementing basic moon generation soon. Sorry for the inconvenience The (short) bug note is here for those interested: https://github.com/kjoenth/To-Boldly-Go/issues/14
  17. Right now, we don't. BUT, I recently worked out some code that lets me calculate the distance between any two stars based on their distance from the core and the angle between them. I'm embarrassed to say I reinvented the Law of Cosines, but I'm also comforted that things like that can be "rediscovered" starting from first principles. Go math! The intent was to calculate the apparent brightness of stars as seen from Kerbin to link in with the Research Bodies mod, but it can be used to make sure the SOIs of stars don't overlap. The naive way to code the check would end up being a n^n-1 problem, which is computationally yuck. I can see some ways of using angles from core to significantly simplify the calcs, though. That won't make it in soon, though. I _really_ want to get back to improving planet and moon generation.
  18. Jah. The conversion is 10.64, and we do it FUNCTION realKM2kerbinKM (realKM) realKM2kerbinKM = realKM / 10.64 END FUNCTION Trust me: the way the universe is made in TBG is procedural in that it follows internally consistent rules for the Kerbal universe. I'm not disagreeing with you: a tiny pocket universe would make it much easier to get from star to star, but it would require lots of custom tweaks to the physics to the Kerbal universe.
  19. This sounds like a good idea, but the implementation would be pretty hard. You'd have to make sure the SOIs of the various stars wouldn't overlap with one another. That's not a terribly hard problem to solve, but in my experience calculating overlapping spheres can be a computationally intensive exercise. Plus, a smaller galaxy would necessarily mean a much brighter sky as seen from Kerbin (see some of the early screenshots). I advised against providing parts in the past, but I have not read about anyone traveling from the Kerbol system to another star made by TBG using a stock mod. Now, @JadeOfMaarpreviously shared some mod links that could get players to other stars, but if I understand how they work correctly, you need a gate to exist in the target system before you can go there. That means slowboating to the destination first. I wonder, though, whether you could force certain astroids (magic boulders) to have ESLDBeacon modules on them so they act as "naturally" occurring "jump points".... I could post a special TGB package that includes the warp drive I have been messing with if people are interested in seeing how it works. It would just be for demonstration purposes and to get people experimenting with
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