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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. @Zitronen: Wanted to say Great work with the plugin. I have two requests: Can the vessel name be added to the packet as well as Current SOI?
  2. Fractal, Quick question, is there a way to make amny of the parts use stock equivalent fuels for simplicity?
  3. OP Can you add pictures of the texture changes. I.E. before and after.
  4. Bam, I got it working with an interplanetary stage. updated the OP album. I edited a version of the aerospike that i think works more like the main engine integrated into the tail section of the craft.
  5. i Rebuilt it and it flies. still dont know what to do about the cradle or hyperspace ring.
  6. So, for a while i have been tring to get this design to work correctly. It does take off, either by just using the jet engines and flying off the end of the runway or by using the aerospikes to give it a boost. However, that is not good enough. will someone give me a few idea on improving this craft. Also, I wanted to create a type of cradle that gives this craft interplanetary capability, similar to the jedi starfighter. These craft files need the following mods: Aviation lights B-9 Kommit Nucleonics Dragon Mk2 https://docs.google.com/file/d/0ByjRnaT-6KJJQUZQSUZLb3FNb1k/edit Cradle Mk2 https://docs.google.com/file/d/0ByjRnaT-6KJJMGhELXRyNjlvRU0/edit These Craft Files only use Stock + B9 Dragon MK2 B9-Only https://docs.google.com/file/d/0ByjRnaT-6KJJd0NtZmZrQjZWcW8/edit Cradle Mk2 B9-Only https://docs.google.com/file/d/0ByjRnaT-6KJJdmEzVV96LWJpc0k/edit
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