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Everything posted by Jabbernewt

  1. From where do you pull your crafts? The Rep thread, people's company pages?
  2. Alright, here's the fixed version of the Muke: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oxa3ec6z0y6jzkg/Mun%20Nuke.craft?dl=0
  3. Alright, here you go! First Flights https://www.dropbox.com/s/39hfk00ys275sta/Dinky.craft?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/0tabip584g6ogwy/Twinky.craft?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/k3v4d2upajoj3b5/Orbiter.craft?dl=0 LKO crew vessel: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6dlwqhg1m32ac6t/LKO%20Crew%20Resupply.craft?dl=0 Muke: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oxa3ec6z0y6jzkg/Mun%20Nuke.craft?dl=0 (Fuel pod module) https://www.dropbox.com/s/bow95xdhps26bvz/Mun%20Nuke%20Fuel%20Pod.craft?dl=0 I should mention that the Muke needs a bit of fuel line work. I'll have the link updated sometime tomorrow.
  4. I've got two crafts, one for Mun landing, another for LKO crew transfer. Let's start with the Muke (mun nuke). The Muke, as the name suggests, is a nuclear craft. In standard configuration it has 410 liquid fuel units, 240 monoprop. units, and an RTG in the back. I've also created a set of external fuel tanks, one for either side of the vehicle. This adds 320 extra fuel units, 160 monoprop. units, and solar panels. The pods would have ion engines as well, but the Kracken eats the battery pack that the engines and fuel are connected to when I dock the pods onto the Muke. The Muke by itself will get you into Munar orbit, and that's about it. With the fuel pods, you can land on the Mun, and prolly make it back into orbit. I would've myself, but a bug messed up my orbit (straight into the surface of the Mun). That said, I was able to change my trajectory to enable orbit, and then landing. With the fuel used in the corrections I could've gotten back into orbit, but not much further than that. Second craft is just a plain LKO crew transfer. Flying is fun- the main booster stage has fuel tanks that fall away soyuz style, and there is a full abort system. Notes for flying are in the craft description. If these sound good, let me know, and I'll rustle up a download for you (and anyone else, for that matter).
  5. How do a series of "first flight" vessels and a small station sound?
  6. Is there a rule about posting too frequently? Hopefully not... Have some potential wallpapers! Enjoy u.u
  7. Li'l guy I made a while back. I don't have a ton of good photos, but the photos I have are certainly alright. Could make it to low Kerbin orbit if piloted correctly, with fuel left for correcting rendezvous errors and deorbiting. That last photo is my favorite, something about the angle and, of course, the washed out filter. I wanted to make the shuttle small, test an asymmetric design, and have the outer fuel tank form around the shuttle itself. The result wasn't perfect, I still could have worked out the fuel tanks on the sides, but it worked well enough. Enjoy!
  8. Banned for banning a brilliantly bodacious ban-bardier betwixt by bumbling buffoons brashly banning with besmirching behaviors... ...before breakfast.
  9. Banned for banning a bantering banner.
  10. Banned for blaspheming the Kraken.
  11. 'Lil work-pod Retro-ish cargo ship. Plenty of space, not a lot of fuel. My latest and greatest creation. Makes it all the way to low kerbin orbit!
  12. Ugh, i'm real sorry about the incredibly long wait. Life of all things is impeding my time in KSP (What is this "life" you speak of sir?).
  13. It's a mid-300 part ship, and I think I can get it up there. I just ran into some problems with the launch stage (I made the Wyvren in the SPH), but I've almost got it up!
  14. Absolutely! I'll be using my Wyvren to fight, just finished strutting it up in the spaceplane hangar. Lets say 100Km orbit if we can manage?
  15. Before we start, i need to make sure I know what i'm doing. 1.) The craft file will not only contain the vessel, but the current position in orbit as well. 2.) We can post videos too? 3.) We will be using heavier vessels because it is A 1v1
  16. Yes, you are, but i'm being lazy and not launching my vessels. I'll have one up soon, do you want to start?
  17. Hiya! So, funny story about orbit and rendezvous... I got my burn ring into orbit, and I got a ship that i've been working on (info coming to th e JI thread soon) and I decided to dock them together. Keep in mind this is my first rendezvous ever. So I somehow manage to get them together in the same orbit and the two are almost snug with each other. So I line them up and I prepare to dock... which takes forever because I have no RCS ports (yet the docking ring has monopropellant ). Anyways, I finally get the two to line up at the ports, and... The armor of the new vessel prevented docking to the ring... There's something to give you a sense about how new I am to the manuvering and "planning" concepts of KSP, hope you enjoyed!
  18. Good Idea, I guess we should have a vote on that, huh. How do we go about that though?
  19. I have some Photo editing experience, maybe I could help! What do you think the banner needs to have other then sepia filter, and 'staches?
  20. Hey, sorry it's taking a while, i've been focusing my efforts in KSP to getting my company page up and running with screenshots. Speaking of which... (Insert advertisement here) ..Go ahead and look up Jabbernewt Industries!
  21. Well, I'd like to do a 1v1 because it's my first fight, and I still need to get my vessels into orbit :3
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